how to load specific column with multiple files in ssis

  • Hi I have one doubt in ssis

    how to load only id and name columns with multipul files into sql server using ssis package.

    here each files different structure but required columns are available in all files

    and columns order are different between each files.

    Source Files Folder is : D:\SourceFolder

    Files are like below :

    File1 Name : Emp_20190102

    Emp_20190102 File data :



    File2 Name : Emp_20190102_1

    Emp_20190102_1 File data :



    File3 Name : Emp_20190102_2

    Emp_20190102_2 FIle Data



    File4 Name : Emp20190102

    Emp20190102 FIle Data:



    Here I want load only id and name column information in the sql server table

    and sql table structure :

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Emp](

    [id] [int] NULL,

    [name] [varchar](50) NULL


    based on above 4 files I want load data in emp table

    id |Name

    1 |h

    11 |ac

    3 |y

    10 |un

    I tried like below

    tep1 : created 2 variable for foldername and filename

    filelocation : D:\SourceFolder

    FileName : Emp_20190102_1.txt

    then drag and drop foreachloop container and select typeofenumerator : foreach fileenumerator

    and variable mapping : filename variable

    and inside drag and drop flat file source and configure source file

    after that crated dynamic connection for flatfile connection

    then drag and drop oledb destination and congigure it

    after execute the package resutl getting incorrect


    here we should use only one dataflow task to load all files

    can you please tell me how to implete package to achive this task in ssis

  • I'm really struggling to read what your asking here, as there is code not inside code markup in the middle of statements; making a somewhat unreadable mess I'm afraid.

    You say you have a doubt about SSIS; what specifically do you think it is SSIS can't do here? I see you said something about that the definition of the file changes? If so, yes that'll be a problem. SSIS needs your files to be well defined. If the definition of your data keeps changing, SSIS won't be able to read it reliably; at least not with basic Source component.

    If it's just the order of the columns (and the names are consistent), you'll likely need to use a Script Component to find the order of the columns and then appropriately read those values into the correct column in the buffer.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

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