How to list allcolumn names and their data types from a view?

  • I have a view which contains 100+ columns from 8 various tables. 

    I need to list all 100+ columns with their data types because I am looking for fields with ntext data types that will require a cast.

    I can view this list in SQL Query Analyzer by clicking on that view name and expanding the columns. 

    But since I have several views that will have to go through the same type of  screening, I'd like to find out if there is a script that will list columns with their datatypes given the viewname.


  • You could run this in Query Analyzer. That gives you the option of making a CSV or Excel or just viewing in the results pane.

    use database_name


    sp_help view_name


  • Thank you, Michelle.  That works fine.

  • you might also want to look at some of the built in views;INFORMATION_SCHEMA has a lot of nice data.

    in my database, all my views start with VW_; change your WHERE statement accordingly:

    SELECT  * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where table_name like 'VW_%'


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