How to know if row was updated or deleted?

  • I wish to use timestamp field for this task

    create table table1 (id int identity(1,1), skey varchar(30) not null primary key clustered, rowid rowversion)

    insert table1 (skey)

    select 'aaa'

    insert table1 (skey)

    select 'aa'

    insert table1 (skey)

    select 'ccc'

    insert table1 (skey)

    select 'ddd'

    insert table1 (skey)

    select 'eee'

    insert table1 (skey)

    select 'fff'

    In case when I have only one rowversion field within database, Have I sure, the rowversion field grows ascedingly? by +1 step?

    the next query will return 1 if there was no updates

    select count(*)-sum(case when is not null then 1 else 0 end) from table1 a left join table1 b on a.rowid=b.rowid+1 and

    and >1 if there was... but I supposed, that rowversion growth was +1 Is it true?

  • Rowversion is a sysnonym for timestamp datatype.

    This timestamp-column is (automaticaly) altered every time the row is updated.

    What can it do ? Just indicate if the row has been changed since your last query when you perform the next query using that timestamp-column as a predicate !

    We use triggers to keep track of rowactions.

    create trigger mytable_tri

    for insert


    insert into logging_mytable

    select 'I', --keyvalues-- ,whodoneitinfo from inserted

    create trigger mytable_tru

    for update


    insert into logging_mytable

    select 'U', --keyvalues-- ,whodoneitinfo from inserted  --Keyvalues are not to be changed !!

    create trigger mytable_tru

    for delete


    insert into logging_mytable

    select 'D', --keyvalues-- ,whodoneitinfo from deleted

    Check out CREATE TRIGGER in books online


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  • Using trigger is very simple decision.

    I want to use somewhat hard to understand by hackers.

    tracking timestamp field I think is non standard step.

    by other hand - it is very simple to code.

    timestamp tracking is one of many other bricks in my project 

    I developed an ADE + MSDE2000a. And want to protect it from illegal use

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