How to insert Thai language

  • Hi,

    I need to insert Thai fonts thru insert SQL statement from query analyzer or thru ASP coding. If i insert, i see only junk characters (like ?????). If I copy and paste in to table from Enterprise manager i am able to see the Thai text clearly. Why this happens? any idea? How to solve this problem. anybody pls reply asap.

    Thanks in advance

  • Thai is one of the right to left languages as Arabic so you need to define the column or table or database with Thai collation and Nvarchar/Nchar/Ntext data type.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • Hi,

    I have written some pages in and i use adodb to enter into a MSSQL 2000 database.

    I made a form and i can enter thai characters in it.

    I use to following to enable thai characters

    Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load

    Response.Charset = "tis-620"

    End Sub

    Now I enter thai into a textfield (??? is my text and the form field is named xlate) and i do a request.form and I get ??? back and i write it on the screen. Happy so far.

    Now I use the following to update into the database:

    objConn.Execute("Update tl_translate Set tl_th = '" & Request.Form("xlate") & "' Where tl_id = " & Request("tl_id"))

    I get a ? in the database and when i write the database value on the screen (webpage) i get a ? too.

    I made the field in the database a nvarchar and use Thai_CI_AS collation.....

    If someone can tell me where i go wrong..I will give him/here a cookie 🙂

  • This seems to work....

    objConn.Execute("Update tl_translate Set tl_th = N'" & Request.Form("xlate") & "' Where tl_id = " & Request("tl_id"))

    I'll eat the cookie myself 🙂

  • It is a critical thing to insert thai language. It has similarity as arabic language.

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  • What I find funny/wierd/stupid....

    There are two ways to make thai characters available on a webpage:

    1) Set the charset (code behind)

    Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load

    Response.Charset = "tis-620"

    End Sub

    2) In the meta tag (html)

    meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-874">

    This should do the same, AFAIK, but it seems it dont. When i do 1) and make a form and submit that form, the characters get messed up. When I do 2) all works well.

    So you really need to do 2) and then use the right collation and insert statement to insert into you database. I think that it is funny/wierd/stupid that there is difference between 1) and 2)

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