how to insert deafult values dynamically for null fields

  • hi

    I want a sql query for a stored procedure that take 2 input paramters (image,and varbinary) and tests each of them to be null or not,

    in case of being null I want to insert Default value for the column in DB table.

    here's the problem ,I'll explain them in points in brief:

    1-I'm working on a dynamic sql query generator that check table schema at runtime, (so I don't know how many columns in advance in the selected table or their types,or thier default values ,only at Runtime this inormation is fectched)

    2-then sql queries are produced in SQL script file (.sql)

    3-when called generated code ,not all fields are null ,some may be and some may not be.

    I have tried some scripts but the produced code has some problem in varbinary and Image types , how to put the generated queryr into text file (.sql)

    I hope I made a clear description of problem


  • Something like this?

    Script all data of a table[/url]


  • thanks alot

    I shall study that and test it,any way my current code is


    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_Table_1_Insert_WithDefaultValues]

    @c_varBin varbinary (50) = null ,

    @c_varBin_max image = null ,

    @c_smallInt smallint = null ,

    @CXml text = null ,

    @CImage image = null ,

    @CMoney float = null ,

    @c_tinyInt tinyint = null ,

    @CVarchar varchar (50) = null ,

    @CVarcharMax text = null ,

    @c_nvarChar varchar (50) = null ,

    @CNvarcharMax text = null ,

    @c_dateTime datetime = null ,

    @errorcode int OUTPUT



    -- INSERT a new row in the table

    INSERT INTO [dbo].[Table_1]( [c_varBin],[c_varBin_max],[c_smallInt],[c_xml],[c_image],[c_money],[c_tinyInt],[c_varchar],[c_varchar_max],[c_nvarChar],[c_nvarchar_max],[c_dateTime] )

    VALUES ( isnull(convert(varchar(max),@c_varBin),'Default') ,isnull(convert(varchar(max),@c_varBin_max),'Default') ,isnull(convert(varchar(max),@c_smallInt),'Default') ,isnull(convert(varchar(max),@CXml),'Default') ,isnull(convert(image,@CImage),'DEFAULT') ,isnull(convert(varchar(max),@CMoney),'Default') ,isnull(convert(varchar(max),@c_tinyInt),'Default') ,isnull(convert(varchar(max),@CVarchar),'Default') ,isnull(convert(varchar(max),@CVarcharMax),'Default') ,isnull(convert(varchar(max),@c_nvarChar),'Default') ,isnull(convert(varchar(max),@CNvarcharMax),'Default') ,isnull(convert(varchar(max),@c_dateTime),'Default') ) ;

    -- Get the Error Code for the statment just executed

    SET @errorcode = @@ERROR



    the lines of image ,and varbinary insertion make a problem

  • Have a look to my script. You have to insert them like this:

    INSERT INTO AnyTable (VarBinaryColumn)

    SELECT 0x12345


  • hi

    I'll add extra script to get default value for each column first if the equivalent passed parameter is null ,something like that:


    create table #temp


    column_name sysname,

    column_def nvarchar(4000)


    insert into #temp SELECT column_name,column_default


    where table_Name ='table_1'

    declare @t nvarchar(4000)

    set @t=(select column_def from #temp where column_name='')

    select @t -- just for visualization

    if @v-2 =null --@v here is the passed parameter for stored procedure


    set @v-2 = convert ( ,@t)


    select @v-2 -- just for visualization

    drop table #temp


    it works for most cases (even in image) ,but when is varbinary I notice some strange thing

    when @t is 0x0343 ,@v has different value 0x28 !!!!

    why is this mismatch in converted value in varbinary?


  • You cannot use CONVERT to convert VARBINARY into a hexadecimal string.

    Either use this function I also published here (as mentioned in the other script 😉 ):

    Or, for better performance, use the tally table version I posted here:

    If you don't know what a tally table is search this site. You will find an article by Jeff Moden.


  • thanks

    but I don't want to convert Varbinary To String ,I want to convert nVarchar to varbinary (the inverse conversion) 🙂

  • So try this:



    SELECT @Txt = '0102030405'

    SELECT @Bin = 0x0


    @Bin = @Bin + CONVERT(BINARY(1), CONVERT(TINYINT, SUBSTRING(@Txt, (N * 2) - 1, 2)))

    FROM Tally t

    WHERE N <= LEN(@Txt) / 2

    SELECT @Bin


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