How to Insert array data through storeproceduare

  • Hi ,

    I am trying to getting and  insert data through array using store procedure. how can I do it. I had tried hard but getting error :

    EXEC GetSOR_Abstract @SOR_subactivityid =401,@SOR_activityid =301,@SOR_Block_id=0,@SOR_year_id=1,

    @tempdata = [






    "message": "[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server][SQL Server]The identifier that starts with '{\"item_id\":\"101\",\"subitem_id\":\"290\",\"no\":\"1\",\"lngt\":\"3\",\"wid\":\"2\",\"hd\":\"2\",\"qty\":\"12.00\"},{\"item_id\":\"103\",\"subitem_id\":\"201\",\"n' is too long. Maximum length is 128.",



  • The stored proc GetSOR_Abstract is specific to your environment, so we can't help in detail.

    But it looks like @tempdata is defined with a maximum length of 128 within the definition of the stored proc.

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  • If you want more detailed answers, post the full set of code, and probably some of the structure as well.

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  • are you trying to use table valued parameters ?


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  • You need single quotes around the data that you're passing for @tempdata.  I've added them in Red... one before the starting bracket and one after the ending bracket.  Otherwise, your data is being treated basically as a column name.

    EXEC GetSOR_Abstract @SOR_subactivityid =401,@SOR_activityid =301,@SOR_Block_id=0,@SOR_year_id=1,

    @tempdata = '[






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  • Thanks Jeff Moden,

    Its working fine.



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