How to increse in select statement

  • I am having sql 2000. I have one insert query like below

    insert into tbl1

    select f1,f2 from tbl2

    Here first field of tbl1 is created as primary key. But first field of tbl2 has the duplicate values. How can i select unique value from tbl2 for inserting into tbl1.

  • ??

    --INSERT INTO tbl1

    SELECT f1, f2

    FROM tbl2

    GROUP BY f1, f2

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  • There's a deeper problem here than group by.

    If you have duplicate data in the insert it means that the query is not correct or you already have bad data in the tables. That's where I'd start looking rather than just doing a distinct.

  • Actually tbl2 may have duplicate row. But while selecting itself i want to avoid the duplicate data. It's like below

    create table tbl(f int)

    insert into tbl value(1)

    insert into tbl value(1)

    insert into tbl value(2)

    insert into tbl value(3)

    while using select statement (select f from tbl) it has to give the result as below





    not like below





  • Identity columns could do the trick, if not that then row_number()

  • yes i agree we can do it by identity column. But i can not change the column constraint(i.e can not alter the column or add constraint) in production.

    tbl2 is nothing but tmp table in my scenario and tbl1 is original. tbl1 is having primary key, but tbl2 is not having the contrains. tbl2 will get clean before running the task. while running the task it will populate some data on tbl2 finally tbl2 data will be moved to tbl1. So in this case i may get duplicate record in tbl2 but the insert query as below should not give the pk violation error

    insert into tbl1

    select f from tbl2

    Can you please tell me possibilities or how to approach with this problem?

    thanks for giving idea's.....

  • One more thing is i am using sql 2000 not 2005. row_number() function will be available in 2005 only.

    am i correct?

  • SELECT DISTINCT *, IDENTITY(INT, 1, 1) rowid INTO #tmp2

  • you mean to say once i populate data on #tmp2 table by using your query ,then i will have to move #tmp2 to tbl2(My tmp table). After that i can use my insert query, which is used to move the data from tbl2 to tbl1 ???????

  • I was just showing you the identity function.

    The idea is that once you have the "correct" data so just assign the identity with it (using the select into). At that point you can use insert into base from #tmp2.

    It's hard to post a fully tested solution without having the table definitions, queries, required output and sample data.

  • Hi,

    One more doubt. Is it possible to use user defined variable as a seed in identity function. Becuase i have three insert query in my procedure. I am using identity function to generate the id for primary key column in orginal table as below

    create proc sample


    declare @cnt int


    set @cnt=1

    select identity(int,@cnt,1) as rowid,* #tmp_1 from tbl_tmp_1

    insert tbl_org

    select identity(int,@cnt,1) as rowid,* #tmp_1

    select identity(int,@cnt,1) as rowid,* #tmp_2 from tbl_tmp_2

    insert tbl_org

    select identity(int,@cnt,1) as rowid,* #tmp_2

    select identity(int,@cnt,1) as rowid,* #tmp_2 from tbl_tmp_2

    insert tbl_org

    select identity(int,@cnt,1) as rowid,* #tmp_2


    Here i can use 1 instead of @cnt variable. But the second query will give the same 1, then it will give pk violation(Because tbl_org first column is primary key)

    is it possible to use variable as a seed in identity function??????

  • you could do SET @cnt = @cnt + @@rowcount.

    Or you could do

    SELECT * IDENTITY() from (

    select * 1

    union all

    select * 2

    union all

    select * 3) dtAll

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