How to import an xml file into a sql 2000 database

  • Hello

    I have to import 4 xml files into an existing sql 2000 database. Can someone help me on how to do this? Do I need to install any additional components to my existing sql 2000 installation?

    any help would be greatly appreciated!


  • How do you want to store the data in SQL server? Do you just need to place the whole xml document into a text or varchar column or do you want to shred the document into relational data?

    In the first case a bulk insert should work, in the second case have a look at the OPENXML function.

    [font="Verdana"]Markus Bohse[/font]

  • Hello,

    I am importing this into existing sql tables into individual fields. I have been reading that I need to install something called sqlxml? Does this sound familiar?


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