How to identify the which table data value is displyed resultset by using the Union operator in sql server 2000

  • create table samm(noo int,namee varchar(20))

    insert into samm values(10,'R')

    insert into samm values(20,'S')

    insert into samm values(30,'T')

    create table sammM(noo int,namee varchar(20))

    insert into sammM values(40,'W')

    insert into sammM values(50,'X')

    insert into sammM values(10,'R')

    SELECT * FROM samm


    SELECT * FROM sammM

  • You need some identifier value to tell which records are from which table. It could be a column or a static value.

    Ex: SELECT *,'A' FROM samm


    SELECT *,'B' FROM sammM

    "Keep Trying"

  • Hi,

    Thanks for your reply..:)

    Mentioned Query will return duplicate value

    noo namee

    ----------- -------------------- ----

    10 R A

    10 R B

    20 S A

    30 T A

    40 W B

    50 X B

    But i dont want duplicate row here

    Please reply

  • rajendran.e (3/17/2009)


    Thanks for your reply..:)

    Mentioned Query will return duplicate value

    noo namee

    ----------- -------------------- ----

    10 R A

    10 R B

    20 S A

    30 T A

    40 W B

    50 X B

    But i dont want duplicate row here

    Please reply

    You would like to eliminate one of these two rows from the output:

    10 R A

    10 R B

    Which row, and what is the rule for deciding?

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

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  • Here is one way of doing so:

    select noo, namee, min(SourceName)

    from (

    select distinct noo, namee, 'a' as SourceName

    from samm


    select distinct noo, namee, 'b'

    from sammM) dt

    group by noo, namee

    I assumed that it doesn't matter which one of the duplicate row won't be returned by the query, so my query won't return the duplicate rows that came from the second select statement in the union. If there is another logic that should be used, please specify it.


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  • As Chris pointed out the rule needs to be mentioned to eliminate the row but still here goes.....

    select *,'A' from samm where noo <> all (select noo from #sammM)


    select *,'B' from sammM


    select *,'A' from #samm


    select *,'B' from #sammM where noo <> all (select noo from #samm)

    "Keep Trying"

  • There's another way to do this using the EXCEPT operator.

    SELECT *, 'A' FROM samm


    SELECT *, 'B' FROM sammM


    FROM samm

    The reason you have to use 'B' in the EXCEPT clause is to match all columns, including the extra column, from sammM to samm in order to exclude them.

    Todd Fifield

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