How to identify the ID of row which has been modified?

  • Hi all,

    I have table Demo:




    Name char(50),

    BeModified int DEFAULT(0)


    Whenever [Name] is updated, [BeModified] will be set to 1.

    I think I should create an TRIGGER AFTER UPDATE


    ON Demo


    UPDATE Demo

    Set BeModified = 1 WHERE ID = "???"

    My problem is I do not know how to identify the ID of row which has been modified.

    Have you got any suggestion for me?

    Thank you so much!

  • In a trigger you would use the "inserted" virtual table.

    update demo

    set bemodified = 1

    from inserted i

    where =

    Be aware that triggers fire once for ALL rows updated in a statement, so this would update multiple rows with bemodified if multiple rows were changed. also be aware that you're setting to a scalar value. Typically you would use a date, so you can determine what was updated last.

  • It is exactly what I need. Thanks for your helping!

  • Why do it with a trigger? Why not do it in the T-SQL that updates NAME? So your code doing the NAME update would be:

    Update demo

    Set name = 'new name',

    bemodified = bemodified + 1

    I'm assuming that you want it to increment whenever name is modified.

  • Because I am doing something like an audit action.

  • I understand that you are trying to audit, but updating the bemodified column when you do the update on the name is in essence doing the exact same thing as the trigger, but without the overhead of the trigger and 2 updates against the same table. I understand that a trigger can protect you against ad hoc updates from outside the application, but I had to ask the question.

    Also realize that doing:

    Update demo

    set name = name

    Will fire the trigger and cause the bemodified column to be changed as well. So you may want to verify that the name is actually changed when you do the update by modifying Steve's code to something like this:

    update demo

    set bemodified = 1

    from inserted i

    where = and <>

  • Great point, Jack. You can also use the UPDATE() function in the trigger to check things.

  • @jack-2: My English is not so well, so I am sorry if I may not be able to understand all you talked.

    I have understood it as following:

    TABLE DEMO(ID, Name, BeModified)

    BeModified = 1: It has been modified.

    BeModified =0 : It hasn't been modified.

    Using AFTER TRIGGER helps you so set BeModified = 1 when the correspondent row was updated. You, then, view this result of BeModified for the first time. Next, you want to set BeModified = 0, because you expect that after that if there is something updating your database, BeModified will be once again set to be 1. The problem is you can't set BeModified = 0 because this is also an update action.

    If this is exactly what you asked. I have my solution. I think it should distinguish between wether it is my own update action or not. If it is mine, BeModified =0, vice versa, BeModified =1. So I use a new field [SetNull] as a control. SetNull = 1: it is my update action, setnull = 0: update action is not mine.

    This will meet trouble if someone doestn't modify other fields but [setnull]. I am just a beginner in SQL, so this is just for reference & for fun, not the best way 😀



    DROP Column BeModified



    ADD BeModified int not null default(0)



    ADD SetNull int not null default(1), LastModefiedDay datetime default(getdate())



    ON dbo.Demo

    AFTER update


    -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from

    -- interfering with SELECT statements.


    UPDATE Demo

    SET Demot.BeModified = 1, LastModifiedDay=getdate(), Demo.SetNull=0

    from deleted j

    WHERE Demot.ID = (select j.ID where j.SetNull=1)

    UPDATE Demo

    SET Demo.BeModified = 0

    from inserted i, deleted j

    WHERE Demo.ID = (select j.ID where j.SetNull=0)


    Demo.ID = (select i.ID where i.SetNull=1)


  • If all you are concerned about is if the name column has been modified I'd recommend just using a last modified date. That will tell you when the column was last changed.

  • 😀 .... what I concern is how many rows were updated.

    Anyway, thanks for your interest!

  • maiphuong2703 (12/15/2009)

    @Jack: My English is not so well, so I am sorry if I may not be able to understand all you talked.

    I have understood it as following:

    TABLE DEMO(ID, Name, BeModified)

    BeModified = 1: It has been modified.

    BeModified =0 : It hasn't been modified.

    Using AFTER TRIGGER helps you so set BeModified = 1 when the correspondent row was updated. You, then, view this result of BeModified for the first time. Next, you want to set BeModified = 0, because you expect that after that if there is something updating your database, BeModified will be once again set to be 1. The problem is you can't set BeModified = 0 because this is also an update action.

    If this is exactly what you asked. I have my solution. I think it should distinguish between wether it is my own update action or not. If it is mine, BeModified =0, vice versa, BeModified =1. So I use a new field [SetNull] as a control. SetNull = 1: it is my update action, setnull = 0: update action is not mine.

    This will meet trouble if someone doestn't modify other fields but [setnull]. I am just a beginner in SQL, so this is just for reference & for fun, not the best way 😀



    DROP Column BeModified



    ADD BeModified int not null default(0)



    ADD SetNull int not null default(1), LastModefiedDay datetime default(getdate())



    ON dbo.Demo

    AFTER update


    -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from

    -- interfering with SELECT statements.


    UPDATE Demo

    SET Demot.BeModified = 1, LastModifiedDay=getdate(), Demo.SetNull=0

    from deleted j

    WHERE Demot.ID = (select j.ID where j.SetNull=1)

    UPDATE Demo

    SET Demo.BeModified = 0

    from inserted i, deleted j

    WHERE Demo.ID = (select j.ID where j.SetNull=0)


    Demo.ID = (select i.ID where i.SetNull=1)


    I think what you really want in your trigger is something like this:

    UPDATE Demo

    SET Demo.BeModified = 0

    WHERE Demo.BeModified = 1

    AND Demo.ID NOT IN



    FROM deleted


    UPDATE Demo

    SET Demo.BeModified =


    Demo.Name <> j.Name THEN 1

    ELSE 0


    , LastModifiedDay=getdate()

    FROM deleted j

    WHERE Demo.ID = j.ID

    AND Demo.Name <> j.Name

    Your setnull should not be necessary because, even if you allow recursion in triggers, the values set by the trigger would not be modified by the second firing. Also, I do not believe that your WHERE clauses are going to select the rows you think they will -- I don't beleve that's even legal SQL.

    Of course, all of this presumes that your updates are done at some regular interval or due to some recognizable event and you want the "BeModified" flag to indicate whether it was modified by the last pass. Without something like that, since BeModified gets set or reset each time someone updates the table, it will have little meaning to any arbitrary reader because for a given record it may have been set and reset many times before they read it and its value at that time is just a random snapshot.

    -- Les

  • Even with this, I'd argue you won't know.

    If I update row 12 now and you update row 16 in a minute, we'll only see the last update (row 16). If I'm not aware of that update, or I've said it's the last update, people will get confused quickly.

    If you're doing this, why not use a date? It doesn't really take much more space and it will be more helpful.

  • That's why I was presuming the edits occurred at a regular interval or some other recognzable event. If updates are only done by a single process every day at Midnight, say, then anyone reading the table later in the day can see what records were changed last night. But if updates are being done at unknown times by unknown processes, BeModified has no particularly useful information.

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