How to hide the Datasets folder

  • Hi,

    I have published a shared Dataset to my reportserver. It goes into the default folder called Datasets. To stop my users seeing this folder, I remove them from this folder's security settings.

    However, I have reports which reference this dataset. It appears that the report will give an error unless I add the user back into the Dataset folder's security settings.

    I don't want the users to see this Datasets folder. How do I hide it from them?

  • Hi,

    What I understood from your post is to make the data sources folder (deployed on a report server) invisible to users.

    You can perform the settings in report manager (as below) :-

    1. Click on Show Details Option

    2. Click Edit option against Data Sources / or any custom folder where you kept source information and want to hide

    3. Check the check box available for 'Hide in list view' option.

    4. This option makes the data source folder invisible to the users.

    Please let me know, if this helped you.



  • Hi,

    I don't have a Hide In List View option. There is a Hide In Tile View option, though.

    I'm using SQL Server 2008 R2.

  • Hi,

    Yes.. correct. Please use the same to make the dataset folder invisible.

    Sorry, didnt ask you the version earlier. 🙂



  • Hi,

    This doesn't work. When I select the Hide In Tile View option, the users can still see the Datasets folder.

  • Has anyone else got a solution to this problem?

  • EITCL (2/21/2011)

    Has anyone else got a solution to this problem?

    The steps below with hide the data sources from on Report Manager:

    1) Navigate to Report Manager: http://<servername>/Reports/

    2) Click on the "Home" link

    3) On the "content" tab click "show details" in the far right corner of the page

    4) "Show details" will list all folders on Report Manager

    5) Under the "edit" field click "properties" for the data sources folder

    6) Check the "hide in list view" and click "apply"

    MCTS: BI 2008, MCITP: BI 2008
    Stay Thirsty My Friends

  • MostInterestingMan, this is the same suggested method that Niraj-627298 posted above. This does not work for SQL 2008 R2, as I posted above.

    People, can you please, please, PLEASE read the entire thread before posting. I know you are trying to help, but reposting without reading doesn't help anyone.

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