how to hide first tick mark

  • hi

    i have report which has bar chart.

    my first tick mark display no label,but it does show bar on top of it.

    i want to get rid of first tick mark and want to show data from second tick mark which has label.

    what is the property for that?

  • riya_dave (5/13/2012)


    i have report which has bar chart.

    my first tick mark display no label,but it does show bar on top of it.

    i want to get rid of first tick mark and want to show data from second tick mark which has label.

    what is the property for that?

    A bar is showing for a reason. You probably have a NULL as the x-axis category, therefore showing the bar but no label. Work out whether this bar should be showing if not use the dataset query to remove the NULL or if this bar needs a name use isnull() to change the NULL into a proper label.


  • thx

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