How to have no error message ?

  • Hi

    In my SP, when there is an error, I want to apply a special treatment (to report in a log file the wrong record). Here is part of my code :

    INSERT INTO SYSADM.ar0 (concur,dat1,libelle1,ref,categorie,nrid,rid,rmod,dmod)


    IF @@Error <> 0


        SET @msg = @CREDAT+'#'+@ITMDESI+'#'+@ITMREF+'#'+@TSICOD0

        exec sysadm.f_write_file @msg,@file


    When I execute the SP on my test database, there is an error but no error message. It is what I want : the wrong record is just written in the log file. When I execute the same SP with the same datas on my 'production' database , there is also an error. But my problem is that SQL Server reports the error message :

    Server: Msg 242, Level 16, State 3, Procedure sp_importation_temp, Line 345

    The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value. The statement has been terminated.

    I don't want that because the job which executes the SP appears in red...


  • There might be a difference in the database options set on the test database and the production database which are suppressing the error messages on the test check if this is so - run DBCC USEROPTIONS on both the databases and check if there is a difference in the Value for 'arithabort' and 'ansi_warnings'...

    If you want to allow your SP to continue regardless of  arithmetic-overflow/divide-by-zero/truncation errors then set the SET ANSI_WARNINGS and SET ARITHABORT settings to OFF at the beginning of the stored proc...(I think this might also suppress the values of @@Error and you wouldn't be able to log the row with the this option returns NULL when a divide-by-zero/arithmetic overflow occurs so if the column this value is to be inserted in does not allow NULL then there'll be an error)




  • Thanks for your help

    When I set the SET ANSI_WARNINGS and SET ARITHABORT settings to OFF, it happens what you say.

    What is strange is that the 2 database have the same values for 'arithabort' and 'ansi_warnings'... ('SET')

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