How to have an Excel destination have dynamic column names?

  • Is there a way to have a query that generates dynamic columns exported to an excel spreadsheet? The problem that I've run into is that in the Data Flow, you have to have the source and destination columns pre-defined... is there a way around this?

    I've read about having a script that essentially generates a SSIS package on the fly... this is way too much complicated.

    What I've got:

    1. Build dynamic filename for Excel Spreadsheet.

    2. Check for existance of the spreadsheet file; delete it if present.

    3. Execute SQL task (connected to a SQL Server) runs a query with dynamic column names (based on the year being executed for). The results are stored in a permanent table.

    4. Execute SQL task (connected to an Excel Connection) runs a create table statement to create the spreadsheet and necessary tabs within it.

    5. Data Flow task:

    a. OLE DB Source with a dynamically generated select statement to get the data from the dynamically generated table.

    b. Data conversion - to convert the char columns to nchar (if I can get this dynamic thing working, I'll change the previous select to use the convert function to nchar there, and eliminate this step in the package).

    c. Excel Destination to the spreadsheet.

    When I run this package, it errors out in the Data Flow task - the excel destination won't validate, due to differences between design time and run time. However, you have to set this up at design time. I also anticipate issues with the data source being different from design time and run time.

    One thing that I had tried, and it works on every server except the one I need it to work on... using OpenDataSource to select * from the dynamically created table, and into the spreadsheet (and ad hoc querying is enabled...).

    So, is there a way to have a dynamically created source be exported to an Excel spreadsheet with dynamically created column names?


    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

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  • Dynamic name can be done either via script or via a Variable set as "Evaluate as Expression".

    Using the File Connection (not the Flat File Connection), you can dynamically create the file from scratch and populate it that way.

    I'd give more details, but I'm about to walk into back-to-back meetings. You can google these items and find articles, check Books Online, etc. I'll check this topic later when I have a chance.

    Brandie Tarvin, MCITP Database AdministratorLiveJournal Blog:[/url]On LinkedIn!, Google+, and Twitter.Freelance Writer: ShadowrunLatchkeys: Nevermore, Latchkeys: The Bootleg War, and Latchkeys: Roscoes in the Night are now available on Nook and Kindle.

  • Brandie, if I'm understand you correctly, you are saying to dynamically set the file name.

    This part is fine... what I need is that columns associated with both the source SQL table, and the destination Excel spreadsheet have some dynamic names associated with it. These cannot be set by an expression.

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

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  • There's an option in SSIS to delay validation of the data sources till they are called. I've used that to avoid the error about design-time vs run-time.

    Property of The Thread

    "Nobody knows the age of the human race, but everyone agrees it's old enough to know better." - Anon

  • WayneS (10/27/2010)

    Brandie, if I'm understand you correctly, you are saying to dynamically set the file name.

    Nope. That's a different, separate thing. You can dynamically create the file, and all its columns, by using a File Connection.

    It's been a while since I've done it. I'll play with it when I get time so I can tell you how to do it.

    EDIT: Wayne, is it only column names you're having issues with? Or are you also trying to dynamically set different data types?

    Brandie Tarvin, MCITP Database AdministratorLiveJournal Blog:[/url]On LinkedIn!, Google+, and Twitter.Freelance Writer: ShadowrunLatchkeys: Nevermore, Latchkeys: The Bootleg War, and Latchkeys: Roscoes in the Night are now available on Nook and Kindle.

  • WayneS (10/27/2010)

    3. Execute SQL task (connected to a SQL Server) runs a query with dynamic column names (based on the year being executed for). The results are stored in a permanent table.

    Real quick question, Wayne. Is this like a Rolling 12/13 months kind of column naming?

    If not, could you give more details on what you're doing for the dynamic column names?

    Brandie Tarvin, MCITP Database AdministratorLiveJournal Blog:[/url]On LinkedIn!, Google+, and Twitter.Freelance Writer: ShadowrunLatchkeys: Nevermore, Latchkeys: The Bootleg War, and Latchkeys: Roscoes in the Night are now available on Nook and Kindle.

  • Last post until I get more info from you on how you're dynamically generating your column names (code sample?) from the database.

    Looks like there was an article on SSC for this before.[/url]

    Does this help?

    Brandie Tarvin, MCITP Database AdministratorLiveJournal Blog:[/url]On LinkedIn!, Google+, and Twitter.Freelance Writer: ShadowrunLatchkeys: Nevermore, Latchkeys: The Bootleg War, and Latchkeys: Roscoes in the Night are now available on Nook and Kindle.

  • If the number and type of columns doesn't change, but you want the column headers to change, you might also be able to include "column headers" as a row of varchar fields in your query, using a Union operator.

    select 'Region' as Col1, 'March2009' as Col2, 'April2009' as Col3

    union all

    select MyRegionColumn, MarSales, AprSales

    from MyPivotOperator;

    Something like that. Then just don't include column headers in the export definition. Voila, "fake" column headers that Excel will treat exactly the same way.

    Property of The Thread

    "Nobody knows the age of the human race, but everyone agrees it's old enough to know better." - Anon

  • Brandie Tarvin (10/28/2010)

    WayneS (10/27/2010)

    Brandie, if I'm understand you correctly, you are saying to dynamically set the file name.

    Nope. That's a different, separate thing. You can dynamically create the file, and all its columns, by using a File Connection.

    It's been a while since I've done it. I'll play with it when I get time so I can tell you how to do it.

    EDIT: Wayne, is it only column names you're having issues with? Or are you also trying to dynamically set different data types?

    It's only the column names - the data types are the same.

    Real quick question, Wayne. Is this like a Rolling 12/13 months kind of column naming?

    If not, could you give more details on what you're doing for the dynamic column names?

    The procedure is doing a forecast of expenses for the specified (school) year, plus the next 4. So, if year 2009 is specified, I'll have columns like Y09_Cnt, Y09_Paid, Y10_Cnt, Y10_Paid... Y13_Cnt, Y13_Paid

    If run for year 2010, they will be Y10_Cnt, Y10_Paid, Y11_Cnt, Y11_Paid...Y14_Cnt, Y14_Paid

    The data types will be the same, just the name of the column at that position will be different.

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

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  • Brandie Tarvin (10/28/2010)

    Last post until I get more info from you on how you're dynamically generating your column names (code sample?) from the database.

    Looks like there was an article on SSC for this before.[/url]

    Does this help?

    I had looked at this - I've even used it in the past. However, it is about making multiple tabs in spreadsheet of the same format, with the same (unchanging) column names, so it's not doing what I'm trying to do.

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

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  • In that case, either a Union with "fake" column names, or exporting the column names once, then the data for them and appending it, will work just fine.

    Property of The Thread

    "Nobody knows the age of the human race, but everyone agrees it's old enough to know better." - Anon

  • Are you using PIVOT or COALESCE in your code to generate the column names?

    I ask because the closest thing I've got to what you're doing sets a variable using COALESCE and then spits out the column names in a PIVOT. If I can use that as the basis for any solution I give you, it'd cut down my work load and enable me to give you a solution relevant to what you're doing.

    Brandie Tarvin, MCITP Database AdministratorLiveJournal Blog:[/url]On LinkedIn!, Google+, and Twitter.Freelance Writer: ShadowrunLatchkeys: Nevermore, Latchkeys: The Bootleg War, and Latchkeys: Roscoes in the Night are now available on Nook and Kindle.

  • Brandie Tarvin (10/28/2010)

    Are you using PIVOT or COALESCE in your code to generate the column names?

    I ask because the closest thing I've got to what you're doing sets a variable using COALESCE and then spits out the column names in a PIVOT. If I can use that as the basis for any solution I give you, it'd cut down my work load and enable me to give you a solution relevant to what you're doing.

    I can look at the code in a few hours when I get to work. (It's inherited code.) As I recall, it's doing more of a dynamic cross-tab. I'll post code later.

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

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  • The code that creates the dynamic tables is run through an Execute SQL Task, connected to the SQL db:


    @SY varchar(10)



    declare @SY_0 varchar(10)

    declare @SY_1 varchar(10)

    declare @SY_2 varchar(10)

    declare @SY_3 varchar(10)

    declare @SY_4 varchar(10)

    set @SY_0 = right(@SY,2) + 1

    set @SY_1 = @SY_0 + 1

    set @SY_2 = @SY_0 + 2

    set @SY_3 = @SY_0 + 3

    set @SY_4 = @SY_0 + 4

    declare @sql_2 varchar(max);

    set @sql_2 =







    0 as MS' + @SY_0 + '_CNTS,

    0 as MS' + @SY_0 + '_Books,

    0 as MS' + @SY_0 + '_Estimated,

    sum(case when so.obligation_cd in (''VAL'',''ADD'',''ADJ'') and c.comm_dt BETWEEN msy0.fiscal_yr_start_dt AND msy0.fiscal_yr_end_dt

    then isnull(so.tuition_qy,0)+isnull(so.fee_qy,0) end) as MS' + @SY_0 + '_Paid,

    0 as MS' + @SY_1 + '_CNTS,

    0 as MS' + @SY_1 + '_Books,

    0 as MS' + @SY_1 + '_Estimated,

    sum(case when so.obligation_cd in (''VAL'',''ADD'',''ADJ'') and c.comm_dt BETWEEN msy1.fiscal_yr_start_dt AND msy1.fiscal_yr_end_dt

    then isnull(so.tuition_qy,0)+isnull(so.fee_qy,0) end) as MS' + @SY_1 + '_Paid,

    0 as MS' + @SY_2 + '_CNTS,

    0 as MS' + @SY_2 + '_Books,

    0 as MS' + @SY_2 + '_Estimated,

    sum(case when so.obligation_cd in (''VAL'',''ADD'',''ADJ'') and c.comm_dt BETWEEN msy2.fiscal_yr_start_dt AND msy2.fiscal_yr_end_dt

    then isnull(so.tuition_qy,0)+isnull(so.fee_qy,0) end) as MS' + @SY_2 + '_Paid,

    0 as MS' + @SY_3 + '_CNTS,

    0 as MS' + @SY_3 + '_Books,

    0 as MS' + @SY_3 + '_Estimated,

    sum(case when so.obligation_cd in (''VAL'',''ADD'',''ADJ'') and c.comm_dt BETWEEN msy3.fiscal_yr_start_dt AND msy3.fiscal_yr_end_dt

    then isnull(so.tuition_qy,0)+isnull(so.fee_qy,0) end) as MS' + @SY_3 + '_Paid,

    0 as MS' + @SY_4 + '_CNTS,

    0 as MS' + @SY_4 + '_Books,

    0 as MS' + @SY_4 + '_Estimated,

    sum(case when so.obligation_cd in (''VAL'',''ADD'',''ADJ'') and c.comm_dt >= msy4.fiscal_yr_start_dt then

    isnull(so.tuition_qy,0)+isnull(so.fee_qy,0) end) as MS' + @SY_4 + '_Plus_Paid,

    count(distinct so.student_id) as Total_Contracted,

    sum(case when so.obligation_cd in (''VAL'',''ADD'',''ADJ'') then isnull(so.tuition_qy,0)+isnull(so.fee_qy,0) end) as Estimations_Paid

    into dbo.SCLR_Contracted_Cmd_Total

    from west_ccims_prod.dbo.sdmt_student ss

    inner join west_ccims_prod.dbo.cadet c on c.cadet_id = ss.cadet_id

    inner join d on d.dir_sch_cd = ss.rotc_sch_cd

    inner join west_ccims_prod.dbo.sdmt_scholarship sch on sch.student_id = ss.student_id

    left outer join west_ccims_prod.dbo.scht_obligations so on so.student_id = ss.student_id

    left outer join west_ccims_prod.dbo.Mission_Set_Yrs msy0 ON msy0.mission_cd = 0

    left outer join west_ccims_prod.dbo.Mission_Set_Yrs msy1 ON msy1.mission_cd = 1

    left outer join west_ccims_prod.dbo.Mission_Set_Yrs msy2 ON msy2.mission_cd = 2

    left outer join west_ccims_prod.dbo.Mission_Set_Yrs msy3 ON msy3.mission_cd = 3

    left outer join west_ccims_prod.dbo.Mission_Set_Yrs msy4 ON msy4.mission_cd = 4

    left outer join west_ccims_prod.dbo.DRCT_Missioning dm0 ON dm0.dir_sch_cd = d.dir_sch_cd AND dm0.mission_set_yr_dt =


    left outer join west_ccims_prod.dbo.DRCT_Missioning dm1 ON dm1.dir_sch_cd = d.dir_sch_cd AND dm1.mission_set_yr_dt =


    left outer join west_ccims_prod.dbo.DRCT_Missioning dm2 ON dm2.dir_sch_cd = d.dir_sch_cd AND dm2.mission_set_yr_dt =


    left outer join west_ccims_prod.dbo.DRCT_Missioning dm3 ON dm3.dir_sch_cd = d.dir_sch_cd AND dm3.mission_set_yr_dt =


    left outer join west_ccims_prod.dbo.DRCT_Missioning dm4 ON dm4.dir_sch_cd = d.dir_sch_cd AND dm4.mission_set_yr_dt =


    where so.student_id is not null

    and sch.sclr_award_cd in (''2'',''3'',''4'',''G'')

    and so.school_yr_dt = ''' + @SY + '''

    group by d.region_cd, d.brigade_cd, d.dir_sch_cd, d.sch_nm

    order by d.region_cd, d.brigade_cd, d.dir_sch_cd, d.sch_nm


    The code that creates the Excel spreadsheet is run through an Execute SQL Task, connected to an Excel Connection. The code is build through a variable, through it's expression, which is defined as:


    CREATE TABLE `SCLR_Contracted_Cmd_Total` (

    `region_cd` VarChar (1) ,

    `brigade_cd` VarChar (1) ,

    `dir_sch_cd` VarChar (6) ,

    `sch_nm` VarChar (30) ,

    `MS" + MS0 + "_CNTS` Long ,

    `MS" + MS0 + "_Books` Currency ,

    `MS" + MS0 + "_Estimated` Currency ,

    `MS" + MS0 + "_Paid` Currency ,

    `MS" + MS1 + "_CNTS` Long ,

    `MS" + MS1 + "_Books` Currency ,

    `MS" + MS1 + "_Estimated` Currency ,

    `MS" + MS1 + "_Paid` Currency ,

    `MS" + MS2 + "_CNTS` Long ,

    `MS" + MS2 + "_Books` Currency ,

    `MS" + MS2 + "_Estimated` Currency ,

    `MS" + MS2 + "_Paid` Currency ,

    `MS" + MS3 + "_CNTS` Long ,

    `MS" + MS3 + "_Books` Currency ,

    `MS" + MS3 + "_Estimated` Currency ,

    `MS" + MS3 + "_Paid` Currency ,

    `MS" + MS4 + "_CNTS` Long ,

    `MS" + MS4 + "_Books` Currency ,

    `MS" + MS4 + "_Estimated` Currency ,

    `MS" + MS4 + "_Plus_Paid` Currency ,

    `Total_Contracted` Long ,

    `Estimations_Paid` Currency ,

    `Estimations_Unpaid` Currency ,

    `Total` Currency



    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

    If you can't explain to another person how the code that you're copying from the internet works, then DON'T USE IT on a production system! After all, you will be the one supporting it!
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  • Wayne,

    When I removed the double-quotes at the beginning and end of your create table statement, I was able to create the Excel spreadsheet with no problems. However, it gave me column names like MS" + MS0 + "_CNTS.

    What are the MS0 - MS4? Are they variables in your package?

    Brandie Tarvin, MCITP Database AdministratorLiveJournal Blog:[/url]On LinkedIn!, Google+, and Twitter.Freelance Writer: ShadowrunLatchkeys: Nevermore, Latchkeys: The Bootleg War, and Latchkeys: Roscoes in the Night are now available on Nook and Kindle.

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