How to handle NULLs

  • Hi,

    I am slowly trying to get into the development side of the DBA world and I'm having a problem with a simple query.  I have a table that I need to return all rows that have a valid value in every column.  So, for example: vendor_code, vendor_name, vendor_address, vendor_city, vendor_state, vendor_zip.  I want to return all the vendors that have a value in these columns.  The problem is that some have NULL in vendor_address, or NULL in vendor_zip and so on.  So I keep getting rows with NULL values.  Here is what I tried:

    select vendor_code, vendor_name, vendor_addr_l1, vendor_addr_l2, vendor_addr_l3, vendor_addr_l4, vendor_addr_l5 from dbo.pocvnms

    where vendor_addr_l1 is not null

    and vendor_addr_l2 is not null

    and vendor_addr_l3 is not null

    and vendor_addr_l4 is not null

    and vendor_addr_l5 is not null

    and vendor_code like '10%'

    or vendor_code like '20%'

    Vendor_code         vendor_addr_l1           vendor_addr_l3 vendor_addr_l4


    What am I doing wrong?



    Bea Isabelle

  • You need to group the OR clause with parenthesis:


    and ( vendor_code like '10%' or vendor_code like '20%' )

    Otherwise it sees all the possible AND statements, but because the vendor_code like '20%' satisfies the search condition it can discard the previous intended AND statements.

  • Thank you Aaron!  That worked perfectly.


    Bea Isabelle

  • Also look at COALESCE.  You can use this to substitute a value for NULLs.  Practical example is reading a customer credit limit from a legacy system.  In some cases the credit limit has not yet been defined and the column is NULL.  This causes my computations to thow chunks.  I fix this in the SELECT like this:


    I get zero instead of NULL.  Check Books On-Line for more details.

    NOTE: COALESCE is a function and if you don't do the AS you will get "No Column Name".


    ATBCharles Kincaid

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