How to grab characters before and after a string

  • Hi,

    I need to take the characters from the left before the '/' string and insert into a column and the characters on the right after the '/' string into another column.

    This is how my sample data looks, its not all the same in the table :

    /*--[Room / Shelf]


    TC fridge/freezer



    U2-16/Poisons cabinet


    Select LEFT([Room / Shelf], 5)

    From ChemInventory

    Where [Room / Shelf] LIKE '%/%'

    I don't want to count the characters as I have different records in my table, how can I achieve this without using the syntax above?



  • Teee (8/15/2012)


    I need to take the characters from the left before the '/' string and insert into a column and the characters on the right after the '/' string into another column.

    This is how my sample data looks, its not all the same in the table :

    /*--[Room / Shelf]


    TC fridge/freezer



    U2-16/Poisons cabinet


    Select LEFT([Room / Shelf], 5)

    From ChemInventory

    Where [Room / Shelf] LIKE '%/%'

    I don't want to count the characters as I have different records in my table, how can I achieve this without using the syntax above?



    Leaving aside the fact that a column called 'Room / Shelf' is just plain nasty :-), you need something like this:

    select [Room / Shelf]

    ,left([Room / Shelf], charindex('/', [Room / Shelf]) - 1)

    ,right([Room / Shelf], len([Room / Shelf]) - charindex('/', [Room / Shelf]))

    From ChemInventory

    Where [Room / Shelf] LIKE '%/%'

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

  • Lol! Thanks Phil, its works perfectly πŸ™‚

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • SELECT LEFT(SearchCol, LEN(SearchCol)-CHARINDEX('/',SearchCol)-1) AS LeftMost, RIGHT(SearchCol, LEN(SearchCol)-CHARINDEX('/',SearchCol)+1) AS RightMost

    FROM MyTable WHERE CHARINDEX('/',SearchCol) > 0


    Thanks this works as well.

  • This is on the same lines but a little different in logic:

    Select LEFT([Flammables/solvents], (CHARINDEX('/', [Flammables/solvents]) - 1) ) As Flammables,

    RIGHT([Flammables/solvents], (CHARINDEX('/', Reverse([Flammables/solvents])) - 1) ) As Solvents

    From Ex

    Vinu Vijayan

    For better and faster solutions please check..."How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help" - Jeff Moden[/url] πŸ˜‰

  • Phil Parkin (8/15/2012)


    select [Room / Shelf]

    ,left([Room / Shelf], charindex('/', [Room / Shelf]) - 1)

    ,right([Room / Shelf], len([Room / Shelf]) - charindex('/', [Room / Shelf]))

    From ChemInventory

    Where [Room / Shelf] LIKE '%/%'

    Using right() and len() together is a bit dangerous. Consider what happens if an end user enters an additional space after one entry:

    declare @ChemInventory table (

    [Room / Shelf] varchar(200) not null


    insert @ChemInventory

    values ('Flammables/solvents');

    insert @ChemInventory

    values ('TC fridge/freezer');

    insert @ChemInventory

    values ('U2-16/Freezer');

    insert @ChemInventory

    values ('U2-16/Fridge');

    insert @ChemInventory

    values ('U2-16/Poisons cabinet');

    insert @ChemInventory

    values ('U2-16/12345 ');

    select [Room / Shelf]

    ,left([Room / Shelf], charindex('/', [Room / Shelf]) - 1)

    ,right([Room / Shelf], len([Room / Shelf]) - charindex('/', [Room / Shelf]))

    From @ChemInventory

    Where [Room / Shelf] LIKE '%/%'

    The output of the last line is now '2345 ', instead of the expected '12345 '. I think that trailing space won't be missed in most applications, so for many applications you're safe with the use of len(). If not use datalength() instead of len() -and watch out if the type is nvarchar, because then you need to divide the length by 2-. But you should not use right() and len() together.

    And another potential pitfall, that you luckily won't see in this example because of the "where [Room / Shelf] like '%/%'" is the fact that substring() (but right() does exactly the same thing), won't accept a negative (or null) length parameter. So if any of the rows doesn't have the "/" in it, the result will be an error message "Msg 536, Level 16, State 5, Line 22 Invalid length parameter passed to the SUBSTRING function.". If you're splitting up to 2 items it is easy, because you can instead of the calculated length of the 2nd part just specify the maximum length of the entire column: substring() will copy just the amount of available characters any way. If you need to split more "fields", you would need "case when then end"-constructs to avoid this nasty error. This is why it is often easier to first split the string into rows at the separator(s) using for example a string splitter function and then pivot the resulting rows back into columns using a cross tab. See my foot notes for links to the articles explaining these techniques.

    So here is an example that sets off both errors in the original code and then fixes them:

    declare @ChemInventory table (

    [Room / Shelf] varchar(200) not null


    insert @ChemInventory

    values ('Flammables/solvents');

    insert @ChemInventory

    values ('TC fridge/freezer');

    insert @ChemInventory

    values ('U2-16/Freezer');

    insert @ChemInventory

    values ('U2-16/Fridge');

    insert @ChemInventory

    values ('U2-16/Poisons cabinet');

    insert @ChemInventory

    values ('U2-16/12345 ');

    insert @ChemInventory

    values ('2');

    select [Room / Shelf]

    ,case when charindex('/', [Room / Shelf]) > 0 then left([Room / Shelf], charindex('/', [Room / Shelf]) - 1) else [Room / Shelf] end

    -- ,right([Room / Shelf], len([Room / Shelf]) - charindex('/', [Room / Shelf]))

    -- Don't need to calculate the exact length, because I only need the remainder of the string.

    ,case when charindex('/', [Room / Shelf]) > 0 then substring([Room / Shelf], charindex('/', [Room / Shelf]) + 1, 200) end

    From @ChemInventory

    --Where [Room / Shelf] LIKE '%/%'

    Posting Data Etiquette - Jeff Moden[/url]
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    If you don't have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over?

  • Returning NULL if the delimiter isn't found simplifies the code considerably:


    [Room / Shelf],

    [Room] = LEFT([Room / Shelf], x.pos-1),

    [Shelf] = SUBSTRING([Room / Shelf], x.pos+1,8000)

    FROM @ChemInventory


    SELECT NULLIF(CHARINDEX('/', [Room / Shelf]),0)

    ) x (pos)

    β€œWrite the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

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