how to get this year and last year totals in tow separate columns

  • I have two queries that give me the total sales amount for the current year, and the last year.

    SELECT SUM([Sales (LCY)])

    FROM [$Cust_ Ledger Entry] cle

    LEFT OUTER JOIN dw.dim.FiscalDate fd

    ON fd.CalendarDate = cle.[Posting Date]

    WHERE [Customer No_] = '10135'

    AND fd.CalendarYear = '2013'

    SELECT SUM([Sales (LCY)])

    FROM [$Cust_ Ledger Entry] cle

    LEFT OUTER JOIN dw.dim.FiscalDate fd

    ON fd.CalendarDate = cle.[Posting Date]

    WHERE [Customer No_] = '10135'

    AND fd.CalendarYear = '2014'

    I would like to learn how to be able to make this a single query and end up with two columns and their summed up totals. Like it shows on the attached image.

    This is my query without the columns I need:






    ,cle.CreditLimit AS 'CreditLimit'

    ,SUM(cle.Amount) AS 'Amount'

    ,(cle.CreditLimit - SUM(cle.Amount)) AS 'Credit Limit/ Total Sales Ratio'





    FROM Customer c

    LEFT OUTER JOIN [CustomerLedgerEntry] cle

    ON c.CustomerNumber = cle.CustomerNumber



    SELECT TOP 1 CustomerNumber, DocumentNumber, MAX(PostDate) AS PostingDate

    FROM CustomerLedgerEntry

    WHERE DocumentType = 2

    AND CustomerNumber = '10135'

    GROUP BY CustomerNumber, DocumentNumber

    ORDER BY MAX(PostDate) DESC, DocumentNumber DESC

    ) cle_b

    ON cle.CustomerNumber = cle_b.CustomerNumber

    WHERE c.CustomerNumber = '10135'











    Thank you very much for your help.

  • SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN fd.CalendarYear = '2013' THEN [Sales (LCY)]) 2013,

    SUM(CASE WHEN fd.CalendarYear = '2014' THEN [Sales (LCY)])2014

    FROM [$Cust_ Ledger Entry] cle

    LEFT OUTER JOIN dw.dim.FiscalDate fd

    ON fd.CalendarDate = cle.[Posting Date]

    WHERE [Customer No_] = '10135'

    AND fd.CalendarYear IN( '2013','2014')

    I am just an another naive wannabe DBA trying to learn SQL Server

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