How to get these queries into a view?

  • Hello, I have some data I'm trying to summarize and I'd like to have this in a queryable view instead of getting the data in a two step process... how do I get all this logic into one query to be placed into a view?  I am not super versed in doing nested queries and combining logic.  

    --First Query:
    select issue_number, line_number, type_code, case when alt_type_code in ('NONE','') then '00' else alt_type_code end as alt_type_code, case when ratio is not null and block_type = 'CMI' then (ratio * data_value_1) else data_value_1 end as data_value_1,
    case when ratio is not null and block_type = 'CMI' then (ratio * data_value_2) else data_value_2 end as data_value_2
    into #temp_data
    from table_name
    --Second Query:
    select issue_num, type_code, alt_type_code, sum(data_value_1) as data_value_1_sum, sum(data_value_2) as data_value_2_sum
    from #temp_data
    group by issue_num, type_code, alt_type_code

    I basically need to group and sum the data but I have to do this odd multiplication based on another field in the data first ... and I tried doing it in one query but it wouldn't sum properly and it wouldn't group the values right.  

  • You do not need a temp table.

    This should work

    CREATE VIEW dbo.YourViewName

        SELECT issue_number,
                WHEN alt_type_code IN (
                    THEN '00'
                ELSE alt_type_code
                END AS alt_type_code,
                WHEN ratio IS NOT NULL
                    AND block_type = 'CMI'
                    THEN (ratio * data_value_1)
                ELSE data_value_1
                END) AS data_value_1_sum,
                WHEN ratio IS NOT NULL
                    AND block_type = 'CMI'
                    THEN (ratio * data_value_2)
                ELSE data_value_2
                END) AS data_value_2_Sum

        FROM table_name
        GROUP BY issue_num,
                WHEN alt_type_code IN (
                    THEN '00'
                ELSE alt_type_code

    Michael L John
    If you assassinate a DBA, would you pull a trigger?
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  • Here's a reduced version of your query. It should be equivalent, but test it as I might have made a mistake due to the lack of sample data.

    SELECT issue_number,
      CASE WHEN alt_type_code in ('NONE','')
       THEN '00'
       ELSE alt_type_code END AS alt_type_code,
      SUM( alt.ratio * data_value_1) AS data_value_1,
      SUM( alt.ratio * data_value_2) AS data_value_2
    FROM table_name
    CROSS APPLY (SELECT CASE WHEN ratio IS NOT NULL AND block_type = 'CMI' THEN ratio ELSE 1 END AS ratio) alt
    GROUP BY issue_number,
      CASE WHEN alt_type_code in ('NONE','')
       THEN '00'
       ELSE alt_type_code END;

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • Thank you thank you!  I believe that solves my problem!!  Much appreciated.

  • Do you understand why it worked? And why Luis's code worked and mine didn't?

    Michael L John
    If you assassinate a DBA, would you pull a trigger?
    To properly post on a forum:

  • I think this would work.

    SELECT SUBQ.issue_number, SUBQ.type_code, SUBQ.alt_type_code,
    SUM(SUBQ.data_value_1) AS data_value_1_sum,
    SUM(SUBQ.data_value_2) AS data_value_2_sum
    FROM (SELECT issue_number, line_number, type_code,
    CASEWHEN alt_type_code IN ('NONE', '')
    THEN '00'
    END AS alt_type_code,
    CASEWHEN ratio IS NOT NULL AND block_type = 'CMI'
    THEN (ratio * data_value_1)
    END AS data_value_1,
    CASEWHEN ratio IS NOT NULL AND block_type = 'CMI'
    THEN (ratio * data_value_2)
    END AS data_value_2
    FROM table_name) AS SUBQ
    GROUP BY SUBQ.issue_number, SUBQ.type_code, SUBQ.alt_type_code

    Many ways around the barn.

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  • Michael L John - Tuesday, June 20, 2017 11:23 AM

    Do you understand why it worked? And why Luis's code worked and mine didn't?

    Yes, I had tried to do it similarly to how you did it at one point and it didn't group the records properly cause I was trying to do two different groupings at once.

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