how to get the Domain group name based on the login name

  • When a Domain Group is added it gives access to all its group members.

    gut how to find Domain Group to whcih the Loged in user belongs to ?

  • From a stackoverflow article, OPENQUERY is used to query the active directory

    select *

    from OpenQuery(ADSI,

    'SELECT objectCategory, cn, sn, mail, name, department

    FROM ''LDAP://Mydomain/CN=users,DC=wl-domain,DC=com''

    WHERE MemberOf=''cn=_____GROUPNAME_____,CN=users,DC=Mydomain,DC=com''

    ORDER BY cn'


    Replace your domain names and it should work.

    Be sure to test before running in production.

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  • and another way, via an extended stored proc:

    EXEC master..xp_logininfo

    @acctname = 'mydomain\lowell',

    @option = 'all' -- Show all paths a user gets his auth from


    EXEC master..xp_logininfo

    @acctname = 'mydomain\authenticatedusers',

    @option = 'members' -- show group members


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