how to get text from hashed text value by sql server 2017 ?

  • How to extract data from hashbyte text after hash or encrypted on SQL

    how to extract data from hashbyte text after hash or encrypted on sql server 2017 ?

    I work on sql server 2017 i have field nvarchar(max) store values hashbytes

    suppose i have text as username:sayed password:321

    and i hash it by using hashbyte

    so after hashing by using hashbyte

    i need to extract data from it

    meaning i need to get data of user as

    username:sayed password:321

    so how to extract data from field hashed by using hashbyte sql server 2017


    How to get data password:321

    i hash my text as below

    select HASHBYTES('SHA2_512','username:sayed password:321')

    how to get text


    username:sayed password:321

    from hashed below




  • Hashing is a one-way process ... you can't get back to the original value if you know only its hashed value.

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  • If you are trying to, perhaps compare the hashed value to the user input, what you should be doing is rehashing the value (in the application) and then comparing it to the hashed value; if the hashed values are the same, then you know that the input values were the same too.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • Also, an nvarchar(max) is the wrong choice of data type. HASHBYTES returns a varbinary with a length of up to 8000.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • When trying to use hashed passwords, you don't unhash what you have stored.  As others said, hashing is basically a one-way-trip and that's a good thing.

    When the user creates their password, it MUST be hashed using one of the better logarithms for hashing to help it survive brute force attackas and "Rainbow Table" attacks.  When they user wants to login again, they provide their password like they did the first time.  That password gets hashed and then you compare the hashes.

    Of course, I'm not including all the other stuff like a proper "salt", etc, etc.  I'll remind folks that most people that try to come up with their own security have the risk of becoming unemployable in a rapid fashion. 😀

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