How to get specific data from XML?

  • Hi All,

    I have XML file (attached with this topic). In this I have few rule names like CEMPID, CONTACTID, GROUPOPTYID etc..., If I want to get simpletext node value of ContactID rule. How do I write my query to pull this specific data from an XML?

    Thanks in advance

    Mahesh Mamidi

  • This will do

    Note that I have replaced XML tags with []


    SELECT @x = '




    [SQLRule rulename="CEMPID" ruletype="SQLText" comment="" DB="SIEBEL" enable="1"]

    [simpletext]select top(100) ROW_ID from S_CONTACT where EMP_FLG = ''Y'' [/simpletext]


    [SQLRule rulename="ContactID" ruletype="SQLText" comment="" DB="SIEBEL" enable="1"]

    [simpletext]select top 100 row_id as ''Contact ID'' from s_contact [/simpletext]


    [SQLRule rulename="GroupOptyID" ruletype="SQLText" comment="" DB="SIEBEL" enable="1"]

    [simpletext]Select top(30)ROW_ID from S_OPTY where X_OPTY_TYPE =

    ''Group''and BU_ID = ''1-8471-83'' and STATUS_CD = ''active''

    and created between ''2004-2-5'' and ''2005-9-10'' [/simpletext]





    FROM @x.nodes('SQLRuleSet/SQLRule[@rulename="ContactID"]/simpletext') a(x)



    select top 100 row_id as 'Contact ID' from s_conta



  • Thanks a lot. This query helps me.


    Mahesh Mamidi

  • I changed above query as shown below. It shows "The argument 1 of the XML data type method "nodes" must be a string literal." error. Can't I use string variable?

    DECLARE @x XML, @table varchar(50), @nodestr varchar(1000)

    SET @table = 'ContactID'

    SET @nodestr = 'SQLRuleSet/SQLRule[@rulename="' + @table + '"]/simpletext'

    SELECT @x = '




    [SQLRule rulename="CEMPID" ruletype="SQLText" comment="" DB="SIEBEL" enable="1"]

    [simpletext]select top(100) ROW_ID from S_CONTACT where EMP_FLG = ''Y'' [/simpletext]


    [SQLRule rulename="ContactID" ruletype="SQLText" comment="" DB="SIEBEL" enable="1"]

    [simpletext]select top 100 row_id as ''Contact ID'' from s_contact [/simpletext]


    [SQLRule rulename="GroupOptyID" ruletype="SQLText" comment="" DB="SIEBEL" enable="1"]

    [simpletext]Select top(30)ROW_ID from S_OPTY where X_OPTY_TYPE =

    ''Group''and BU_ID = ''1-8471-83'' and STATUS_CD = ''active''

    and created between ''2004-2-5'' and ''2005-9-10'' [/simpletext]





    FROM @x.nodes(@nodestr) a(x)


    Mahesh Mamidi

  • You cannot use replace the node with a variable. Instead, you can achieve the same results using the following query:

    the following example shows how to use variables in an XPATH expression.

    DECLARE @table VARCHAR(20)

    SET @table = 'ContactID'



    FROM @x.nodes('SQLRuleSet/SQLRule[@rulename=sql:variable("@table")]/simpletext') a(x)



    select top 100 row_id as 'Contact ID' from s_conta


    I would recommend reading the XQuery tutorials at I have included several examples that show how to work with variables in XQuery/XPath.


  • Hi Jacob,

    Thanks a lot, you have compiled very good information on XML in the Blog link.

    Hary Pank

    Thanks a lot,

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