How to get script length > 4000 using system table?

  • Hello all,

    I need to write a sql statement to retrieve the script of stored procedure/function/trigger, however, at least in SQL2000, if the obejct's text length > 4000, then it will be splitted to more than one records, I wonder how can I concatenate these records without using cursor or even temp table.

    My script is as following:

    select as [SPName], sc.colid as [ID], as [Parameter], as [DataType], sc.length as [Size], as [Caption], sp.value as [ParameterEP], sm.text as [Script] 

    from sysobjects so 

    left outer join syscolumns sc on = 

    left outer join systypes st on sc.xusertype = st.xusertype 

    left outer join syscomments sm on = 

    left outer join sysproperties sp on ( = and sp.smallid = sc.colid and sp.type = 4) 

    where = (select id from sysobjects where name ='dt_addtosourcecontrol')

    This script actually has different result for different objects, for the in-code object dt_addtosourcecontrol, I got four records which is not correct, when applying to my own stored procedure with length > 4000, it returns correct result.

    What's the problem? Do you have better solution? Thanks. I am expecting a solution that is not using Cursor or Temp table, ideally it's just a single SQL statement. This is limited by my application.

  • Why is it unacceptable for the app to do some work in sorting this out?

  • While I am sorting this out by doing something external work, I believe there should be a simple and better internal solution.


  • I agree that there should be a better solution, but untill Yukon I'm afraid you'll be stuck with this solution because the [n][var]char columns are limited to 8K width. There's just no simple way to accomodate this problem server side ATM... assuming that Yukon will be able to solve it.

  • Do it like sp_helptext does it.

    It uses a cursor.

    do a

    use master

    sp_helptext 'SP_HELPTEXT'

    and it will show you how sp_helptext concatenates the two+ rows.

  • I think you didn't notice my requirement: no cursor or temp table is allowed here.


  • And I think I'm indicating you cannot do it without using a cursor, temporary object or some other looping procedure.

    you cannot inline query some rows to concatenate, and others not.


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