How to get rid of white spaces in a blank cell in a SQL Table?

  • Hello -

    I need to get rid of white spaces in a blank cell in SQL table. I've used RTRIM & LTRIM functions but they are used in case of prefix or suffix of a cell value.

  • You can use both Rtrim and Ltrim at a time to get rid from both prefix and suffix.

    Select Ltrim(rtrim(column))

  • that works..thaks a ton.

  • depending where your white space is you could use replace for example if you have a string

    that looks like this 111 222 333 444 and you want it to look like this 111222333444

    you can use replace

    REPLACE ( string_expression , string_pattern , string_replacement )


    Select replace (expression,' ','')[


    ***The first step is always the hardest *******

  • this is happening in a null cell. A blank cell should show up as null but in this case the white space is represented as a value, which is skewing my resultant values.

  • Confused NUll is NULL but a space ' ' is a value so not sure where your coming from there however, if you want to eliminate collums that only have a blank space then you could do something like this

    where COLUMN like '%[a-z,0-9]%'

    ***The first step is always the hardest *******

  • let me try if that works. BTW...when I view the blank cell it should give me the NULL value instead it shows that there is a value in it, but apparently its a white space.

    I would try the function that you have mentioned.

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