How to get PartId from table #trades that have wrong Code ON Code Value To when

  • How to get PartId from table #trades that have wrong Code ON Code Value To when code type from and code value from Exist ?

    How to get PartId from table #trades that have wrong Code ON Code Value To when code type from and code value from Exist ?

    I work on SQL server 2012 I have issue I can't get Part Id and code type that have different on Code

    on table #trades and table map code value to for same code type

    depend on table #map ?

    so firstly get part Id and code type from and code value from must exist on table #trades

    then check same partid and code value to and code type to and get code value different when Code type to

    on table map equal code type exist on table #trades

    if code value to not same as table trades code then display it

    as Example steps

    1- I get from table map code type from 9090 and Code Value from 13456


    2- then i will go to table #trade code search for code type 9090 and code value 13456

    so i found partid and code type from 9090 and code value from 13456 for partid 1390 exist

    3- then check mapped code type to and map code value to

    if this part have same code type to and different on code value to

    then display it so part id 1390 must display

    because code type from 9090 and code value from 13456 exist

    and code type to 7070 exist but code value to on map table that has value 13000 not equal 19000

    create table #trades
    TradeCodesId int identity(1,1),
    PartId int,
    CodeTypeId int,
    Code int,
    PartLevel int
    insert into #trades(PartId,CodeTypeId,Code,PartLevel)

    create table #map
    MapId int,
    CodeTypeFrom int,
    CodeTypeTo int,
    CodeValueFrom int,
    CodeValueTo int
    insert into #map(MapId,CodeTypeFrom,CodeTypeTo,CodeValueFrom,CodeValueTo)

    Expected result

    TradeCodesId PartId CodeTypeId Code PartLevel
    6 1390 7070 19000 0
    8 1800 7075 28000 0
    10 1850 7075 74000 0


    expected result

  • Thanks for posting your issue and hopefully someone will answer soon.

    This is an automated bump to increase visibility of your question.

  • select t2.*
    from #map m
    join #trades t1 on m.CodeValueFrom=t1.Code
    and m.CodeTypeFrom=t1.CodeTypeId
    join #trades t2 on t1.PartId=t2.PartId
    and m.CodeTypeTo=t2.CodeTypeId
    where m.CodeValueTo<>t2.Code;

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