How to get MDAC Version on a remote sql server using opendatasource

  • try to get the MDAC version from registry from a remote sql server, but get an incorrect syntax error near '@conn' when running the code below. Any ideas how to fix this or another way to do this, any input would be greatly appreciated.

    declare @servername nvarchar(100)

    declare @password nvarchar(100)

    declare @conn nvarchar(1000)

    set @servername = 'servername\instance'

    set @password = 'password'

    set @conn = 'Data Source='+@servername+';User ID=sa;Password='+@password

    --select @conn

    declare @returnvalue int

    declare @path nvarchar(4000)

    exec @returnvalue = OPENDATASOURCE(



    ).master.dbo.xp_instance_regread N'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE',N'Software\Microsoft\DataAccess',N'FullInstallVer', @path output, 'no_output'

    select @path

  • first .. why?

    Think you'll find access to the registry has been tightened by default on sql 2005 ( in fact I know it has ) to stop this type of query. If I remember correctly you need to enable this in surface config, but I'd probably advise against it.

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]The GrumpyOldDBA[/font]

  • what if I am trying to remote connect to a SQL server 2000 with sp3a / sp4. Would that work for both also?

  •  The extended procs still have access on 2000, it's on 2005 the security has been tightened on, as I say you can alter the permissions in surface config.

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]The GrumpyOldDBA[/font]

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