September 13, 2005 at 4:23 am
Hi Every one,
From few i am working that how can i get information about the system I/O summary,Memory usage,process,all locks,blocking locks,database I/O Summary,user I/O Summary,waits,top sql cache, and last backups.
in one QA window with one sql query
pls help
September 13, 2005 at 10:37 pm
Are you really serious that you want all this "in one QA window with one sql query" ??
Closest you're going to get if this is a definate requirement is DBCC PERFMON.
Colt 45 - the original point and click interface
September 13, 2005 at 11:11 pm
Hi Phill,
What u think i am playing with sql server or i am joking.
DBCC PERFOM did not give all the information.
September 14, 2005 at 12:05 am
"What u think i am playing with sql server or i am joking."
I don't know what to think, that's why I asked the question "Are you really serious that you want all this 'in one QA window with one sql query' ??"
"DBCC PERFOM did not give all the information."
Yes I know DBCC PERFMON won't give you all the information as I said, this is the "Closest you're going to get if this is a definate requirement"
Colt 45 - the original point and click interface
September 14, 2005 at 1:55 am
what do u mean about seriousness.
Do this is the way u ask a person who need help?
Ok see this i tried but i am not able to get few things
SELECT spid 'PID',
rtrim(status) 'Status', SUSER_SNAME(sid) 'User', rtrim(hostname) 'Host'
, rtrim(program_name) 'Program', memusage 'Mem Usage', cpu 'CPU Time',
physical_io 'I/O', blocked 'Blocked', 'Database'= CASE
cmd 'Command', last_batch 'Last Batch', login_time 'Login Time',
rtrim(nt_domain) 'NT Domain', rtrim(nt_username) 'NT User',
net_address 'Net Address', net_library 'Net Library' FROM master.dbo.sysprocesses
(nolock) ORDER BY 2
hope u find some thing diffrent from others
September 14, 2005 at 3:44 am
"what do u mean about seriousness.
Do this is the way u ask a person who need help?"
Given your history, under this and other usernames on this forum, yes this is how I ask you a question.
Now lets look at what you want "in one QA window with one sql query"
system I/O summary --> DBCC SQLPERF(IOSTATS)
process --> presuming you mean executing command here, from sp_who2
all locks --> sp_lock
blocking locks --> list of exclusive locks from sp_lock
database I/O Summary --> Loop through "SELECT * FROM ::fn_virtualfilestats ( <dbid>, <fileid> ) " for each database and file
user I/O Summary --> sp_who2
top sql cache --> DBCC CACHESTATS (I do recall a command that listed cache objects, but I can't recall what it is now)
last backups --> query sysbackuphistory
There are quite a few variations of DBCC SQLPERF that you might be able to utilise,
Check these pages for some useful info,
Now do you see why I asked if you were serious ??
Colt 45 - the original point and click interface
September 14, 2005 at 4:20 am
Hi Phill,
I think u did not understand what i asked for.
I know the about given information i can have all i asked for but u see what i asked for .one query means one query.
have executed my query i need help on that. Guide me to get what i want.
Thanx for ur reply.
September 14, 2005 at 4:25 am
Sorry, I help people reach their goals, I don't do their work for them.
If you can't take the information I've provided and re-build your query, I'm not going to do it for you.
Colt 45 - the original point and click interface
September 14, 2005 at 10:24 am
Great information Phil !!!
(and very professional handling of this 'individual')
RegardsRudy KomacsarSenior Database Administrator"Ave Caesar! - Morituri te salutamus."
September 14, 2005 at 8:25 pm
Thanx Phill,
I did not asked to work on that i just asked u how can i reach to my goal and where i am wrong.
September 15, 2005 at 1:56 am
Thanx for ur precious help?
I know what i need and this is what i needed.
I dont want u to work for me?
top sql cache --> DBCC CACHESTATS (I do recall a command that listed cache objects, but I can't recall what it is now)
Now lets look at what u cannot recall
--**************TOP SQL Cache***********************
select USER_NAME() select usertype,type,name from systypes where usertype>=257
DECLARE @db sysname CREATE TABLE ##syscacheobjects
( objtype nvarchar(17) NOT NULL,cachetype nvarchar(34) NOT NULL,objid int NOT NULL,dbid smallint NOT NULL,
userid smallint NOT NULL,usecounts int NOT NULL,sqlbytes int NOT NULL,pagesused int NULL,
sql nvarchar(3568) NULL, DBName sysname NULL,ObjectName sysname NULL, UserName sysname NULL
)BEGIN INSERT ##syscacheobjects (objtype, cachetype, objid, dbid, userid, usecounts, sqlbytes, pagesused,
sql, DBName ) SELECT TOP 100 objtype, cacheobjtype, objid, dbid, uid, usecounts, sqlbytes,
pagesused, sql, db_name(dbid) FROM master..syscacheobjects
ORDER BY 6 DESC END DECLARE DBCursor CURSOR FOR SELECT distinct DBName FROM ##syscacheobjects OPEN DBCursor
DECLARE @quotedDB nvarchar(130) FETCH NEXT FROM DBCursor INTO @db WHILE(@@fetch_status <> -1)
BEGIN SET @quotedDB = QUOTENAME(@db, '''')
EXEC('UPDATE ##syscacheobjects SET
ObjectName = name FROM [' + @db + ']..sysobjects where id = objid and DBName = ' + @quotedDB)
EXEC('UPDATE ##syscacheobjects SET UserName = name FROM [' + @db + ']..sysusers where userid = uid
and DBName = ' + @quotedDB) FETCH NEXT FROM DBCursor INTO @db END DEALLOCATE DBCursor
SELECT objtype, cachetype, objid, ObjectName, dbid, DBName, userid, UserName, usecounts,
sqlbytes, kb_used = pagesused * 8, sql FROM ##syscacheobjects ORDER BY 9 DESC
DROP TABLE ##syscacheobjects
September 15, 2005 at 1:56 am
Thanx for ur precious help?
I know what i need and this is what i needed.
I dont want u to work for me?
top sql cache --> DBCC CACHESTATS (I do recall a command that listed cache objects, but I can't recall what it is now)
Now lets look at what u cannot recall
--**************TOP SQL Cache***********************
select USER_NAME() select usertype,type,name from systypes where usertype>=257
DECLARE @db sysname CREATE TABLE ##syscacheobjects
( objtype nvarchar(17) NOT NULL,cachetype nvarchar(34) NOT NULL,objid int NOT NULL,dbid smallint NOT NULL,
userid smallint NOT NULL,usecounts int NOT NULL,sqlbytes int NOT NULL,pagesused int NULL,
sql nvarchar(3568) NULL, DBName sysname NULL,ObjectName sysname NULL, UserName sysname NULL
)BEGIN INSERT ##syscacheobjects (objtype, cachetype, objid, dbid, userid, usecounts, sqlbytes, pagesused,
sql, DBName ) SELECT TOP 100 objtype, cacheobjtype, objid, dbid, uid, usecounts, sqlbytes,
pagesused, sql, db_name(dbid) FROM master..syscacheobjects
ORDER BY 6 DESC END DECLARE DBCursor CURSOR FOR SELECT distinct DBName FROM ##syscacheobjects OPEN DBCursor
DECLARE @quotedDB nvarchar(130) FETCH NEXT FROM DBCursor INTO @db WHILE(@@fetch_status <> -1)
BEGIN SET @quotedDB = QUOTENAME(@db, '''')
EXEC('UPDATE ##syscacheobjects SET
ObjectName = name FROM [' + @db + ']..sysobjects where id = objid and DBName = ' + @quotedDB)
EXEC('UPDATE ##syscacheobjects SET UserName = name FROM [' + @db + ']..sysusers where userid = uid
and DBName = ' + @quotedDB) FETCH NEXT FROM DBCursor INTO @db END DEALLOCATE DBCursor
SELECT objtype, cachetype, objid, ObjectName, dbid, DBName, userid, UserName, usecounts,
sqlbytes, kb_used = pagesused * 8, sql FROM ##syscacheobjects ORDER BY 9 DESC
DROP TABLE ##syscacheobjects
September 15, 2005 at 2:51 am
Yes you can query the system tables, but I was talking about a single command.
It might have been in an earlier version of SQL Server. It showed the basic cache statistics and I think it was the top 20 objects in the cache.
Colt 45 - the original point and click interface
September 15, 2005 at 3:11 am
September 15, 2005 at 9:10 am
Just wondering .........
I ran the "TOP SQL CACHE" query listed above, and got results, but when & why would you run that ? I'm not familiar enough with that data to understand how it would be useful.
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