How to get info from an xml stored in a table column into different column

  • '<Root>








    Have this xml stored in a column of a table and I need to take this data and store it in a different table it must be like this




    I need to do a bulk insert and don’t want to use a loop plz help

  • If I understand your question correctly, you are looking for something like:

    declare @xml xml

    set @xml = N'









    select LineItems.LineItem.value(



    ) as LineItemValue

    from @xml.nodes(


    ) LineItems (LineItem)

    Some more information on XQuery and XML-DML -

  • hello

    what i need to do is select this xml from the column in a table where it is stored and insert the values form that xml into another table

  • sorry about the post before this is what i need to do plz help

    i have a table that have info stored like this :

    ID lineXML

    3 <Root><LineItem><LineItemReference>30048</LineItemReference></LineItem><LineItem><LineItemReference>30049</LineItemReference></LineItem></Root>

    4 <Root><LineItem><LineItemReference>30048</LineItemReference></LineItem><LineItem><LineItemReference>30049</LineItemReference></LineItem></Root>

    i need to take this info and store it in a different table and it must be displayed like this:

    ID line

    3 30048

    3 30049

    4 30048

    4 30049

  • are your looking for something like -

    declare @XmlTest table

    ( ID int identity(1,1), LineXml xml)

    insert into @XmlTest (LineXml)





























    select ID,LineXml.value('(/Root/LineItem)[1]', 'int') as Line

    from @XmlTest


    select ID,LineXml.value('(/Root/LineItem)[2]', 'int') as Line

    from @XmlTest

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