How to get flat files from FTP location onto SQL Server

  • Can anyone please let me know how i can automate the process of getting the flat files from FTP location (MainFrame) onto SQL Server Windows machine and load it into sqlserver tables? Currently i am doing it manually by drag and drop method but i would like to automate this process. There will be some 15-20 files in the FTP location and the files will be updated everyday. The file names are same everytime and in the same location

    Any help on this is really appreciated.

    Thanks for your Help!!!

  • You may use xp_cmdshell to execute the command line parameters for the FTP command. Also you may try using SSIS

    Pradeep Adiga
    Twitter: @pradeepadiga

  • Currently i am doing it manually by drag and drop method

    Sounds like you already have a load method and you just need to get the files, I would use SSIS FTP task to pull each file in turn and drop into your load folder.If the source is secure FTP then the in box FTP component will not work but there are scripts available or use Cozy Roc SFTP component (it's good)

  • I havent used FTP Task till now. Can you please let me know how i can do this with the FTP Task?

  • Have you used SSIS?

  • Yes but not much. I worked most on DTS. I didnt use FTP task till now in SSIS. If you can brief me how to use FTP TASK for my automated process that would be great.

  • Try this article

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