How to get date as my column not as row

  • I have data that looks like the following:







    But I need the results to look like:





    % to LY101.9%102.8%100.4%100.8%101.6%101.6%108.3%102.3%

    % to PN94.3%95.2%93.0%93.4%94.1%94.1%100.3%94.7%

    How can I get my data to be look like this. I need a combination of UnPivot and Pivot - but my dates vary and I don't want an IN statement with hardcoded dates. I need dynamic but not sure how to build this. Please help.

  • DDL of table and sample data in a format of INSERT statements would really help.

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  • I am sorry...

    I am using a stored procedure built by another developer to provide data in above post.

    IF @Department in ('1,5') --Grocery


    SELECT (m2.Sales_2012/1000) as Sales_2012

    ,(m4.Grocery/1000) as 'Plan'


    ,(m3.Sales_2013/1000) as Sales_2013

    ,(m3.Sales_2013/m2.Sales_2012)-1 as LY

    ,(m3.Sales_2013/m4.Grocery)-1 as PN

    FROM @Main_2012 m2

    inner join @Main_2013 m3 on m2.ID2012=m3.ID2013

    inner join [IT-Reporting].dbo.RptMerchandising m4 on = m2.ID2012

    I need to report on this data but I need to unpivot data fields and pivot the fiscal week field.

  • As Eugene said, we need some information to be able to help. We can't see your screen and we are not familiar with your project. We need to have something to work with in order to help.


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  • Hi,

    Hope this works for you:

    ---Creating Table

    Create table Ex



    Plann Float,

    fiscal_week_2013 Date,

    Sales_2013 Float,

    LY Float,

    PN Float


    --Inserting Data

    Insert Into Ex

    Select 232.2935700,286.8642,'2013-01-05',263.1448400,0.132811553931518638,-0.0826852665251378

    Union ALL

    Select 237.2016700,286.8642,'2013-01-12',258.2310900,0.088656289814485707,-0.0998144463016142

    Union ALL

    Select 232.0180700,286.8642,'2013-01-19',264.8221900,0.141386056698083903,-0.0768380765586006

    Union ALL

    Select 238.2087000,286.8642,'2013-01-26',266.3660400,0.118204498828128443,-0.0714562634427699

    Union ALL

    Select 253.8050500,297.0714,'2013-02-02',267.9389200,0.055687899039045913,-0.0980658655463566

    --Dynamic Query For your requirement

    Declare @sql Varchar(MAX)

    Select @sql = 'Select '

    Select @sql = @sql + '''2012'' As Sales, ' + STUFF((Select ',MAX(Case When fiscal_week_2013 = ''' + Cast(fiscal_week_2013 As Varchar) + ''' Then Sales_2012 Else '''' End) As [' + Cast(fiscal_week_2013 As Varchar) + ']'

    From (Select *, ROW_NUMBER() Over(Order By Cast(fiscal_week_2013 As Varchar)) As rn From Ex ) AS X FOR XML PATH('')),1,1,'') + ' fROM eX'

    Select @sql = @sql + ' Union ALL Select ''Plannn'', ' + STUFF((Select ',MAX(Case When fiscal_week_2013 = ''' + Cast(fiscal_week_2013 As Varchar) + ''' Then Plann Else '''' End) As [' + Cast(fiscal_week_2013 As Varchar) + ']'

    From (Select *, ROW_NUMBER() Over(Order By Cast(fiscal_week_2013 As Varchar)) As rn From Ex ) AS X FOR XML PATH('')),1,1,'') + ' From Ex'

    Select @sql = @sql + ' Union ALL Select ''2013'', ' + STUFF((Select ',MAX(Case When fiscal_week_2013 = ''' + Cast(fiscal_week_2013 As Varchar) + ''' Then Sales_2013 Else '''' End) As [' + Cast(fiscal_week_2013 As Varchar) + ']'

    From (Select *, ROW_NUMBER() Over(Order By Cast(fiscal_week_2013 As Varchar)) As rn From Ex ) AS X FOR XML PATH('')),1,1,'') + ' From Ex'

    Select @sql = @sql + ' Union ALL Select ''LY'', ' + STUFF((Select ',MAX(Case When fiscal_week_2013 = ''' + Cast(fiscal_week_2013 As Varchar) + ''' Then LY Else '''' End) As [' + Cast(fiscal_week_2013 As Varchar) + ']'

    From (Select *, ROW_NUMBER() Over(Order By Cast(fiscal_week_2013 As Varchar)) As rn From Ex ) AS X FOR XML PATH('')),1,1,'') + ' From Ex'

    Select @sql = @sql + ' Union ALL Select ''PN'', ' + STUFF((Select ',MAX(Case When fiscal_week_2013 = ''' + Cast(fiscal_week_2013 As Varchar) + ''' Then Cast(PN As Varchar) Else '''' End) As [' + Cast(fiscal_week_2013 As Varchar) + ']'

    From (Select *, ROW_NUMBER() Over(Order By Cast(fiscal_week_2013 As Varchar)) As rn From Ex ) AS X FOR XML PATH('')),1,1,'') + ' From Ex'

    Execute (@sql)

    I didnt include the % to LY and % to PN part...........hope you can that into the above query.

    Vinu Vijayan

    For better and faster solutions please check..."How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help" - Jeff Moden[/url] 😉

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