How to get current CPU/memory usage

  • I have several SQL Server instances. I want to know, at any given time, the CPU time and system memory used by each instance. How can I get this info ?

  • Are you talking about getting the live, or historical values?

    Live performance data can be seen in Windows System Monitor in Administrative Tools.

    For historical data, you would need to capture that information first using Performance Logs, or you could try the new SQL Health and History tool from Microsoft.


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • Live performance data can be seen in Windows System Monitor in Administrative Tools.

    To add to that, this information can also be collected directly from the master.dbo.sysperfinfo table.

  • I thought it was just the SQL Server performance counters that were stored in sysperfinfo


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • Oops, apparantly I didn't read the question properly..

  • Here's a query that will show the CPU utilisation, if that helps (adjust for your hardware):

    /* This query will measure SQL server CPU utilization over a brief timespan. */

    declare @timespan char(9)

    set @timespan = '000:00:05'

    declare @numberOfCPUs int

    set @numberOfCPUs = 4

    declare @ticksPerMS decimal

    set @ticksPerMS = @@timeticks / 1000

    declare @startcpu decimal

    declare @startidle decimal

    declare @starttime datetime

    declare @endcpu decimal

    declare @endidle decimal

    declare @endtime datetime

    set @startcpu = @@cpu_busy

    set @startidle = @@idle

    set @starttime = getdate()

    waitfor delay @timespan

    set @endcpu = @@cpu_busy

    set @endidle = @@idle

    set @endtime = getdate()

    select (@endcpu - @startcpu) * @ticksPerMS as SQL_busy_proc_ms

    , cast(


    (@endcpu - @startcpu) * @ticksPerMS/@numberOfCPUs / datediff( ms, @starttime, @endtime) * 100 , 0

    ) as int )

    as SQL_CPU_Percent

    , (@endidle - @startidle) * @ticksPerMS as SQL_idle_proc_ms

    , cast(


    (@endidle - @startidle) * @ticksPerMS/@numberOfCPUs / datediff( ms, @starttime, @endtime) * 100 , 0

    ) as int )

    as SQL_Idle_Percent

    , datediff( ms, @starttime, @endtime) * @numberOfCPUs as elapsed_proc_ms

    ,@endtime as [At]

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