How to get correct Part Feature Number when Part Exist ?

  • I work on sql server 2017 I have table #partsfeature already exist as below


    create table #partsfeature
    PartId int,
    FeatureName varchar(300),
    FeatureValue varchar(300),
    PartFeatureNumber int
    insert into #partsfeature(PartId,FeatureName,FeatureValue,PartFeatureNumber)


    my issue Done For Part id 3900 it take wrong

    Part Feature Number 7 and Correct Must be 2

    Because Feature name and Feature Value Exist

    So it Must Take Same Part Feature Number Exist

    on Table #partsfeature as Part Feature Number 2 .

    correct will be as Below


    | PartID | FeatureName | FeatureValue | PartFeatureNumber
    | 3900 | grail | 51V | 2

    what i try

    what I try is

    insert into #partsfeature(PartId,FeatureName,FeatureValue,PartFeatureNumber)
    select PartId,FeatureName,FeatureValue,
    PartFeatureNumber = dense_rank() over (order by FeatureName,FeatureValue)
    + (select max(PartFeatureNumber) from #partsfeature)
    ) s (PartId,FeatureName,FeatureValue,PartFeatureNumber)


    Expected Result For Parts Inserted

    7791AC 59V 4
    8321Angit 50V 5
    5442compress 30v 6
    3900grail 51V 2
  • I've read this about five times now, yet still I do not understand what the problem is.

    Can you try explaining it again, please?

    In particular, this:

    my issue Done For Part id 3900 it take wrong Part Feature Number 7 and Correct Must be 2 Because Feature name and Feature Value Exist

    According to the sample data you provided, there are no duplicates on (FeatureName, FeatureValue), so I do not understand this comment.

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

  • for the Part 3900

    I have feature name grail and feature value 51V it exist on table before insert and take technology id 2

    so when insert same feature name with value it must take yechnology id  exist on table else apply dense rank

    i don't lookup for partid i looking for feature name and value both


  • ahmed_elbarbary.2010 wrote:

    for the Part 3900

    I have feature name grail and feature value 51V it exist on table before insert and take technology id 2

    so when insert same feature name with value it must take yechnology id  exist on table else apply dense rank

    i don't lookup for partid i looking for feature name and value both

    'TechnologyId' does not appear in your earlier posts. What is it?

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

  • my table as below


    create table #partsfeature
    PartId int,
    FeatureName varchar(300),
    FeatureValue varchar(300),
    PartFeatureNumber int
    insert into #partsfeature(PartId,FeatureName,FeatureValue,PartFeatureNumber)

    when make insert for data as below

    insert into #partsfeature(PartId,FeatureName,FeatureValue,PartFeatureNumber)
    select PartId,FeatureName,FeatureValue,
    PartFeatureNumber = dense_rank() over (order by FeatureName,FeatureValue)
    + (select max(PartFeatureNumber) from #partsfeature)
    ) s (PartId,FeatureName,FeatureValue,PartFeatureNumber)

    grail feature name and 51V feature value exist


  • OK, so your table contains (2421,'grail','51V',2) and you try to insert (3900,'grail','51V',NULL) and for some reason, this is an issue.

    After, inserting (3900,'grail','51V',NULL), what would you like the NULL to be replaced by? What is the logic?

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

  • after insert part id below


    Null will be 2 because grail feature name and value 51V exist before with technologyid 2

  • ahmed_elbarbary.2010 wrote:

    after insert part id below


    Null will be 2 because grail feature name and value 51V exist before with technologyid 2

    OK. And what would NULL become if they did not already exist?

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

  • if Feature name and Feature value not exist on table #partsfeature  then i will apply dense rank to take new number for technology id

    if Feature name and Feature value exist on table #partsfeature then it will take number that exist for feature name and feature value

  • Try this:

    INSERT #partsfeature
    SELECT s.PartId
    ,PartFeatureNumber = ISNULL(x.PartFeatureNumber,DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY s.FeatureName, s.FeatureValue) +
    SELECT MAX(PartFeatureNumber) FROM #partsfeature
    (3900, 'grail', '51V', NULL)
    ,(5442, 'compress', '33v', NULL)
    ,(7791, 'AC', '59V', NULL)
    ,(8321, 'Angit', '50V', NULL)
    ) s (PartId, FeatureName, FeatureValue, PartFeatureNumber)
    SELECT TOP (1) p.PartFeatureNumber
    FROM #partsfeature p
    WHERE p.FeatureName = s.FeatureName
    AND p.FeatureValue = s.FeatureValue
    ) x;

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

  • yes exactly


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