October 8, 2008 at 2:13 pm
Hello. This might something I am not familiar with in 2005. I have to restore a database in a test environment using a production backup. No big deal there. But the users in test are almost 100% different than production.
In 2000, I just scripted the users including the roles they belong and after restore I just moved them back with the proper roles.
In 2005, I cannot figure out how can I script them out. If I script the users in the database I get CREATE USER statements, but no roles or grants come back. Any suggestion? I think I am missing something I am not familiar with in 2005 in order to get them. Thank you for your help.
October 8, 2008 at 2:21 pm
Did u tried to generate scripts with the wizard making the options for object level permission to true?
October 8, 2008 at 3:30 pm
Yes. If I script the objects I get the permissions for each object. The issue I am experiencing is when I script the users to get like
sp_addrolemember scripting
October 9, 2008 at 11:28 am
There is no straight way thru SSMS. I think you gotta have a custom script. I will do a research and reply you back if i get it.
October 9, 2008 at 12:14 pm
Here's a script you could try. I don't remember where I got it or I would credit the original author.
DECLARE @DatabaseUserName [sysname]
SET @DatabaseUserName = 'user_name_goes_here'
@errStatement [varchar](8000),
@msgStatement [varchar](8000),
@DatabaseUserID [smallint],
@ServerUserName [sysname],
@RoleName [varchar](8000),
@ObjectID [int],
@ObjectName [varchar](261)
@DatabaseUserID = [sysusers].[uid],
@ServerUserName = [master].[dbo].[syslogins].[loginname]
FROM [dbo].[sysusers]
INNER JOIN [master].[dbo].[syslogins]
ON [sysusers].[sid] = [master].[dbo].[syslogins].[sid]
WHERE [sysusers].[name] = @DatabaseUserName
IF @DatabaseUserID IS NULL
SET @errStatement = 'User ' + @DatabaseUserName + ' does not exist in ' + DB_NAME() + CHAR(13) +
'Please provide the name of a current user in ' + DB_NAME() + ' you wish to script.'
RAISERROR(@errStatement, 16, 1)
SET @msgStatement = '--Security creation script for user ' + @ServerUserName + CHAR(13) +
'--Created At: ' + CONVERT(varchar, GETDATE(), 112) + REPLACE(CONVERT(varchar, GETDATE(), 108), ':', '') + CHAR(13) +
'--Created By: ' + SUSER_NAME() + CHAR(13) +
'--Add User To Database' + CHAR(13) +
'USE [' + DB_NAME() + ']' + CHAR(13) +
'EXEC [sp_grantdbaccess]' + CHAR(13) +
CHAR(9) + '@loginame = ''' + @ServerUserName + ''',' + CHAR(13) +
CHAR(9) + '@name_in_db = ''' + @DatabaseUserName + '''' + CHAR(13) +
'GO' + CHAR(13) +
'--Add User To Roles'
PRINT @msgStatement
DECLARE _sysusers
FROM [dbo].[sysusers]
[uid] IN
FROM [dbo].[sysmembers]
WHERE [memberuid] = @DatabaseUserID
OPEN _sysusers
FROM _sysusers
INTO @RoleName
SET @msgStatement = 'EXEC [sp_addrolemember]' + CHAR(13) +
CHAR(9) + '@rolename = ''' + @RoleName + ''',' + CHAR(13) +
CHAR(9) + '@membername = ''' + @DatabaseUserName + ''''
PRINT @msgStatement
FROM _sysusers
INTO @RoleName
SET @msgStatement = 'GO' + CHAR(13) +
'--Set Object Specific Permissions'
PRINT @msgStatement
DECLARE _sysobjects
'[' + USER_NAME([sysobjects].[uid]) + '].[' + [sysobjects].[name] + ']'
FROM [dbo].[sysprotects]
INNER JOIN [dbo].[sysobjects]
ON [sysprotects].[id] = [sysobjects].[id]
WHERE [sysprotects].[uid] = @DatabaseUserID
OPEN _sysobjects
FROM _sysobjects
SET @msgStatement = ''
IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM [dbo].[sysprotects] WHERE [id] = @ObjectID AND [uid] = @DatabaseUserID AND [action] = 193 AND [protecttype] = 205)
SET @msgStatement = @msgStatement + 'SELECT,'
IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM [dbo].[sysprotects] WHERE [id] = @ObjectID AND [uid] = @DatabaseUserID AND [action] = 195 AND [protecttype] = 205)
SET @msgStatement = @msgStatement + 'INSERT,'
IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM [dbo].[sysprotects] WHERE [id] = @ObjectID AND [uid] = @DatabaseUserID AND [action] = 197 AND [protecttype] = 205)
SET @msgStatement = @msgStatement + 'UPDATE,'
IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM [dbo].[sysprotects] WHERE [id] = @ObjectID AND [uid] = @DatabaseUserID AND [action] = 196 AND [protecttype] = 205)
SET @msgStatement = @msgStatement + 'DELETE,'
IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM [dbo].[sysprotects] WHERE [id] = @ObjectID AND [uid] = @DatabaseUserID AND [action] = 224 AND [protecttype] = 205)
SET @msgStatement = @msgStatement + 'EXECUTE,'
IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM [dbo].[sysprotects] WHERE [id] = @ObjectID AND [uid] = @DatabaseUserID AND [action] = 26 AND [protecttype] = 205)
SET @msgStatement = @msgStatement + 'REFERENCES,'
IF LEN(@msgStatement) > 0
IF RIGHT(@msgStatement, 1) = ','
SET @msgStatement = LEFT(@msgStatement, LEN(@msgStatement) - 1)
SET @msgStatement = 'GRANT' + CHAR(13) +
CHAR(9) + @msgStatement + CHAR(13) +
CHAR(9) + 'ON ' + @ObjectName + CHAR(13) +
CHAR(9) + 'TO ' + @DatabaseUserName
PRINT @msgStatement
SET @msgStatement = ''
IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM [dbo].[sysprotects] WHERE [id] = @ObjectID AND [uid] = @DatabaseUserID AND [action] = 193 AND [protecttype] = 206)
SET @msgStatement = @msgStatement + 'SELECT,'
IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM [dbo].[sysprotects] WHERE [id] = @ObjectID AND [uid] = @DatabaseUserID AND [action] = 195 AND [protecttype] = 206)
SET @msgStatement = @msgStatement + 'INSERT,'
IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM [dbo].[sysprotects] WHERE [id] = @ObjectID AND [uid] = @DatabaseUserID AND [action] = 197 AND [protecttype] = 206)
SET @msgStatement = @msgStatement + 'UPDATE,'
IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM [dbo].[sysprotects] WHERE [id] = @ObjectID AND [uid] = @DatabaseUserID AND [action] = 196 AND [protecttype] = 206)
SET @msgStatement = @msgStatement + 'DELETE,'
IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM [dbo].[sysprotects] WHERE [id] = @ObjectID AND [uid] = @DatabaseUserID AND [action] = 224 AND [protecttype] = 206)
SET @msgStatement = @msgStatement + 'EXECUTE,'
IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM [dbo].[sysprotects] WHERE [id] = @ObjectID AND [uid] = @DatabaseUserID AND [action] = 26 AND [protecttype] = 206)
SET @msgStatement = @msgStatement + 'REFERENCES,'
IF LEN(@msgStatement) > 0
IF RIGHT(@msgStatement, 1) = ','
SET @msgStatement = LEFT(@msgStatement, LEN(@msgStatement) - 1)
SET @msgStatement = 'DENY' + CHAR(13) +
CHAR(9) + @msgStatement + CHAR(13) +
CHAR(9) + 'ON ' + @ObjectName + CHAR(13) +
CHAR(9) + 'TO ' + @DatabaseUserName
PRINT @msgStatement
FROM _sysobjects
CLOSE _sysobjects
DEALLOCATE _sysobjects
October 9, 2008 at 12:27 pm
Fernando (10/8/2008)
Hello. This might something I am not familiar with in 2005. I have to restore a database in a test environment using a production backup. No big deal there. But the users in test are almost 100% different than production.
In 2000, I just scripted the users including the roles they belong and after restore I just moved them back with the proper roles.
In 2005, I cannot figure out how can I script them out. If I script the users in the database I get CREATE USER statements, but no roles or grants come back. Any suggestion? I think I am missing something I am not familiar with in 2005 in order to get them. Thank you for your help.
Scripting the Roles was lost in 2005 until SP2 when it was added back in. Note that the "Scripters" are part of the client code, and not part of the server. So you need to apply SP2 to whatever clients you are running SSMS on.
[font="Times New Roman"]-- RBarryYoung[/font], [font="Times New Roman"] (302)375-0451[/font] blog: MovingSQL.com, Twitter: @RBarryYoung[font="Arial Black"]
Proactive Performance Solutions, Inc. [/font][font="Verdana"] "Performance is our middle name."[/font]
October 9, 2008 at 1:06 pm
If a user is assigned an application role, Can we script that too?
October 9, 2008 at 2:24 pm
Thank you for your input. Here is what I have so far.
No longer available until SP2 -- I do have SP 2 I am assuming I have to set the value in the options? I will try that
The script -- It worked fine, I will check how to set this for all the users at once and not one by one What if I have 200 or more users??? A good task and time consuming issue. My only concern is that it does reset the user to the database and roles, but what if the database is a migrated copy of the production one, like in my case I restored from production to stage
As always you all, have being of great help. I will continue my quest to get something easy to use. I even engaged Microsoft, but have not received an answer yet. Will keep you posted on that. Thank you again
October 9, 2008 at 5:19 pm
You should be able to script out an application role by querying sys.database_principals, though I haven't had the need to do it.
October 9, 2008 at 5:32 pm
I queried the sys.database_principals but it did not retrieve the application roles. It only displayed the database roles and some other schemas..
October 10, 2008 at 8:53 am
I'll suggest that what you're looking for isn't an application role or you're querying in the wrong database. Can you see the application role in SSMS when you expand Security, Roles, Application Roles?
October 10, 2008 at 8:56 am
I'll suggest that what you're looking for isn't an application role or you're querying in the wrong database. Can you see the application role in SSMS when you expand Security, Roles, Application Roles?
Actually, application roles don't have members so you wouldn't be able to get them when you queried for a user anyway.
October 10, 2008 at 8:57 am
Yes Greg I m sorry I was in the wrong database. Thanks anyways.
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