How to generate ASCII Fixed Length file

  • Hi Guys, let me jump in here...

    How are the headers supposed to be presented in the first line? Are they to be Character separated (using a comma, space, anything)? If not, is there any idea on how they will determine where one column header ends and the next one starts?

    Say you have long headers in a file that supposed to be:

        column1 CHAR(10)

        column2 CHAR(20)

        column3 CHAR(20)

    ... and those headers are CustomerSalutation (18 characters long) CustomerForename (16 char), CustomerSurname (15 char)... Obviously the Forename, surname is no issue as they are shorter than their field length. So let's look at the CustomerSalutation:

    Are the file headings supposed to look like:

    CustomerSaCustomerForename    CustomerSurname

    Or Character Separated...

    CustomerSalutation CustomerForename CustomerSurname

    Or ???

    Have you got the file spec required available? It is true that whoever designed the system needs to be, ummm, retrained (cleaned up for the kids).

    There will be a way to fulfil these crazy requirements, it may not be pretty, but there's always a way!!



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  • They just gave me the specs.


    NAME                       POS       LENGTH


    DATE                       1-4        4

    PRODUCTION DATE   5-10      6

    SYSTEM TIME           10-16     6

    DATA SET NAME        17-21     5

    FILLER                    22-212

    So now it's all clear.

    They are gonna have 4 layouts in one file:





    It's just gonna be more work to generate different lines in different formats.

    Thanks guys.

    Very special thanks to Ed!


  • Robert,

    Using a DTS package you could have 4 steps that create the 4 different format requirements and write them to files. You could then use an ActiveX script and the FileSystemObject to combine those files in to one.

    Example statement of data to output:

        CREATE TABLE ##export(customerID CHAR(11), companyName CHAR(50), city CHAR(14), postalCode CHAR(10), country CHAR(20))

    INSERT INTO ##export

    SELECT TOP 10 CustomerID, companyName, city, postalcode, country FROM northwind.dbo.Customers

    Step 1 - Create Header

        Details of which unknown at present

    Step 2 - Create Field names

       If you write the data to a Global temporary table you could use a statement like:

            DECLARE @column_name_line VARCHAR(4000)

            SELECT @column_name_line  = ''

            SELECT @column_name_line  = @column_name_line  + + ' ' -- Insert whatever separtor here

            FROM tempdb.dbo.sysobjects so

            INNER JOIN tempdb.dbo.syscolumns sc

             ON =

            WHERE LIKE '%#export%' create a line of column headers. You can store this in a GlobalVariable for now or output to a file using xp_cmdshell and ECHO or BCP.

    Step 3 - Create Data

      Have the Global Temporary Table columns all as length CHAR at the required length. BCP can then be used to output the data to a file.

        EXEC xp_cmdshell 'bcp "##export" out "\\myserver\mydir\myfile.txt" -c -SSERVER -E -t""'

        Note the -t"" to remove all field terminators (as tab is default I think)

    Step 4 - Create Footer

        Details Unkown

    After the 4 data production steps, have an ActiveX script like:

    Dim fso, headerFile, fieldsFile, dataFile, footerFile, finalFile

    Dim fileContent

    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    ' Input Files

    Set headerFile = fso.OpenTextFile(myheaderFile, 1)

    Set fieldsFile = fso.OpenTextFile(myfieldsFile, 1)

    Set dataFile = fso.OpenTextFile(mydataFile, 1)

    Set footerFile = fso.OpenTextFile(myfooterFile, 1)

    ' Output File

    Set finalFile = fso.OpenTextFile(myfinalFile, 2)

    ' Read in files and write final files

    fileContent = headerFile.ReadAll

    finalFile.Write fileContent

    fileContent = fieldsFile.ReadAll

    finalFile.Write fileContent

    fileContent = dataFile.ReadAll

    finalFile.Write fileContent

    fileContent = footerFile.ReadAll

    finalFile.Write fileContent

    Does this make sense? Any q's, fire away!



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  • Well Veteran,

    It's some really interesting advaned approach.

    Let me absorb it.

    HEADER and FOOOTER specs are known. Look

    at my previous message.

    I actually liked Ed's approach

    to have everything in one SELECT statement.

    First I'try to implement it using this method.

    If it doesn't work I'll try your approcah, Veteran.

    Thanks a lot.

    (there are some advanced guys. we just need to find them..)

  • Sorry, I missed the Header spec.... All this experience and can't read!! Apologies...


    A Freudian Slip is when you say one thing and mean your mother.
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  • Ed,

    Just a quick question.

    Why do I need to use SELECT LEFT(Field1+' ',3)

    Not just SELECT Field1?

    Is this what determines POS 1-3 for the output?



  • If you know field1 is defined as a char(3) field then "select field1" is the same as "select left(field1,3)" The "+' '" simply pads spaces on the end if it is short and the left function ensures that it is no more than 3 positions long.

    So the question is if you know the field is char(3) why go to the trouble.

    You are now at the frontier where modern data base approaches come into contact with old style mainframe approach. The data base approach says the field specs are in the data base layout and the code is independent of them. If the field size is changed, appropriate table defs are changed and life goes on. But for your code to guarantee the exact layout you have been ask to create, you have to enforce the field never being longer than 3 positions, otherwise everything downstream in the layout is wrong.

    As for you question what determines POS 1-3 of the output, It is the first 3 positions of the final "mega-field" that you are creating by concatenating all the individual fields together.

  • Makes sense.


    I didn't catch it last time.

    What's the purpose of Literal # in your example?



  • Just an example of putting a literal into the layout. Lots of old fixed format specs have fixed values in particular positions. It goes back to punch cards, if you don't know what they are don't ask. I haven't seen one in 35 years

  • Hi Ed,

    I just produced a file

    and then wondered how I can check if

    Column Positions were set correctly.

    So I created a Text File Data Source in DTS,

    pointed it to the newly generated file "gh_Ed.txt",

    selected Fxed-length, clicked Next and....

    the positions are wrong. I mean those arrows that indicate

    column positions in DTS are not wehe I expect them to be.

    For example,


    should be at pos 1-9.

    Instead in DTS it shows pos 1-12

    (do you see a picture?)

    Here is my SQL.



    LEFT(dbo.IPBeneNo.BeneficiaryNo, 9) AS [BENEFICIARY-NUMBER],


    LEFT(dbo.Address.Country + '', 3) AS [RESIDENCE-CODE],

    LEFT(dbo.Address.StreetNo + ' ' + dbo.Address.StrName + ' ', 30) AS [STREET-LINE1]


    Maybe something is wrong with it?



  • Ed,

    Just forgot to mention to you this.

    I created a SQL Server view and then in DTS package I do a transformation

    from that view into fixed-length file.

    This is how I generate a file.


  • Adrian Nichols,

    Since "Format all in SQL" method is on hold now

    can I ask you a question?

    I'm referring to your comment:

    Step 3 - Create Data

      Have the Global Temporary Table columns all as length CHAR at the required length. BCP can then be used to output the data to a file.

        EXEC xp_cmdshell 'bcp "##export" out "\\myserver\mydir\myfile.txt" -c -SSERVER -E -t""'

        Note the -t"" to remove all field terminators (as tab is default I think)


    This step should be inside DTS as a command? Right?

    Then I doubt ##export will be accessible. I actually never tried it.

    I'll try it now..


  • Hi Adrian,

    So I created step 3 in DTS

    that executes a batch file "exec_bcp_from_##export.bat"

    Here is the content of this file:

    EXEC xp_cmdshell bcp "##export" out "D:\gh\2files\test\adrian.txt" -c -SCSSAN\TNV00PCDSQL -t"" -Urobert -P13456807

    I ran DTS and this step failed with the error:

    ...Process returned code 1, which does not match the specified SuccessReturnCode of 0

    Too bad I can't test this bcp command because it's using temp table.


    Is there any way to check if ##export was populated successfully?

    Any suggestions?


  • Hi, with reference to the BCP command:

    The temporary table is a global temporary table (## prefix, not #). This type of table can be used between processes. To check the correct creation and population of the global temporary table you can use query analyzer to SELECT * FROM ##export. The table should also appear in the object-tree in the Object-Explorer under Tempdb > User tables; you may have to refresh the tree to see it.

    I always use xp_cmdshell in a SQL task to execute BCP commands; this is so I can trap errors easily.


    A Freudian Slip is when you say one thing and mean your mother.
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  • Hi Adrian,

    I created an "Execute SQL" Step in DTS.

    It does the following:

    CREATE TABLE ##export


    [BENEFICIARY-NUMBER]  char(9),

    [ADDRESS-ID-NUMBER]    char(1),

    [RESIDENCE-CODE]       char(3),

    [STREET-LINE1]         char(30),

    [STREET-LINE2]      char(30),

    [DOMICILE-TYPE]      char(1),

    [UNIT-NUMBER]      char(5),

    [CITY]       char(28),

    [PROVINCE-STATE]     char(3),

    [POSTAL-CODE-ZIP]     char(10),

    [FOREIGN-ADDRESS-TEXT] char(30),

    [FILLER]   char(59)


    INSERT INTO ##export

    SELECT * from dbo.vw_Ed_FINAL

    select top 1 [BENEFICIARY-NUMBER] from ##export

    In Disconnect Edit I assign the value from the last statement to a GlobalVariable gvTest.

    Step gets executed without errors but gvTest is not populated.

    In Query Analyzer it says

    Server: Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    Invalid object name '##export'

    I don't think ##export is visible in Query Analyzer.

    Looks like its scope is DTS session/connection.

    Query Analyzer has a different connection.

    Try command sp_who2 and you'll see process id's are different so i guess connections are different.



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