How to find the childrens path of a given parent

  • Please post expected output, based on previous posted sample data.


    N 56°04'39.16"
    E 12°55'05.25"

  • Hi Peter,

    I want to retrieve all the children and childrens children... of a given category including parent. assume that if i want to find category 10's sub and sub sub categories it should return all sub and sub sub categories of 10 which are 11 to 23 and its parent 10, for 14 children are 15 to 19 and 14......however the sub categories may not be in serial manner. 1's childrens are 2,3,4 and parent 1,  5's children parent 5 and 6,7,8,9. assume the phenomenon a given parent does not have any children it should return the parent itself. like to find childrens of a parent 2 it returns 2 itself, for 6 it returns 6.

      For more clear picture i am gonna use this algorithm for searching a product in a given category. hence if a customer is searching for a product in a selected cateogy it should return all the sub categories of the given category. if the given category had no children it returns the category itself.

    ~vamshi krishna~

  • Please, please, please try the algorithm I posted earlier.

    It will give you the "starting" category and all children.


    N 56°04'39.16"
    E 12°55'05.25"

  • I have tried the function you posted. The UDF you posted in this question and my previous question are working in the opposite way of my expectation that too with the table in which the tuples are inserted by union all as you specified in your previous answer.

    Your functions are not working with natural tables in which the tuples are not inserted by union all. and not producing expected output.

    when i pass argument categoryid 10 to the DBO.FNGETHIERARCHY(10), it returns the following table

    select * from DBO.FNGetHierarchy(10)

    Catid CatName             Depth

    10   Laptop Spare Parts   0

    0    Laptop Spare Parts    1

     The output i am expecting

    select * from dbo.fngethierarchy(10)

    Catid  CategoryName       Depth

    10    Laptop Spare Parts   0

    11    Hard Drives              1 

    12   1.8                          2

    13   2.5                          2

    14   Memory RAM             1

    15   PC100                      2

    16   PC133                      2

    17   DDR                         2

    18   DDR2                       2

    19   Other Specific           2 

    20   AC Adapters              1

    21   Toshiba                    2

    22   Samsung                  2

    23   ACER                       2

     So please kindly provide a correct solution. and i need to know how can i make union all my existing tuples in the table.

    ~vamshi krishna~

  • Vamshi,

    Did you ever resolve your problem?  If not, you might want to check out "Expanding Hierarchies" in Books Online.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • Peter,

    Select currentcategory.CategoryID, currentcategory.CategoryName, childitem.CategoryID, childitem.CategoryName

    from Categories currentcategory inner join Categories childitem

    on currentcategory.CategoryID = childitem.ParentcategoryID 

    with the above query i can retrive all parents, children and childrens children... how can i retrive particular parent and its children and childrens children for a given cateogry only?

    ~vamshi krishna~

  • Alright... first, I hate "Adjacency Models"... they're relatively slow and I hate recalculating things every time I want to look something up.  Second, product tables don't change that often so you shouldn't have to recalculate all the time.

    Joe Celko has written many articles and a book on using a "Nested Set" model.  I've modified his code for this example... let's start out with some test data so we can all get on the same page... note the this data is not quite the same as Peter's test data which had a "product loop" or "self reference".  Not that it's wrong... it's just that this one doesn't and won't handle it if you do... it must be a clean product hierarchy and you must have a "zero row" with a NULL parent at the top of the structure.

    DROP TABLE [Sample]

    -- Create Sample data

     CREATE TABLE [Sample]


            CatID INT,

            ParentID INT,

            CategoryName VARCHAR(30),

            PRIMARY KEY (CatID)


     INSERT [Sample]


     SELECT 0,NULL,'All Products' UNION ALL

     SELECT 1,0,'Laptops' UNION ALL

     SELECT 2,1,'Brand New' UNION ALL

     SELECT 3,1,'Refurbished' UNION ALL

     SELECT 4,1,'Secondhand' UNION ALL

     SELECT 5,0,'Desktops' UNION ALL

     SELECT 6,5,'Brand New' UNION ALL

     SELECT 7,5,'Refurbished' UNION ALL

     SELECT 8,5,'Secondhand' UNION ALL

     SELECT 9,5,'Custom Built' UNION ALL

     SELECT 10,0,'Laptop Spare Parts' UNION ALL

     SELECT 11,10,'Hard Drives' UNION ALL

     SELECT 12,11,'1.8' UNION ALL

     SELECT 13,11,'2.5' UNION ALL

     SELECT 14,10,'Memory RAM' UNION ALL

     SELECT 15,14,'PC100' UNION ALL

     SELECT 16,14,'PC133' UNION ALL


     SELECT 18,14,'DDR2' UNION ALL

     SELECT 19,14,'Other Specific' UNION ALL

     SELECT 20,10,'AC Adapters' UNION ALL

     SELECT 21,20,'Toshiba' UNION ALL

     SELECT 22,20,'Samsung'

    Now... run the following...

    --===== Suppress auto-display of line counts for appearance and speed


    --===== If tempory tables for this test exist, drop them

         IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#ScratchPad') IS NOT NULL

            DROP TABLE #ScratchPad

         IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#Tree') IS NOT NULL

            DROP TABLE #Tree

    --===== Create the #ScratchPad table to temporarily hold data whil the process runs

     CREATE TABLE #ScratchPad


            CatID    INT NOT NULL,

            ParentID INT


    --===== Create the #Tree Table which will start empty



            Level      INT NOT NULL,

            CatID      INT NOT NULL,

            ParentID   INT,

            LeftBower  INT,

            RightBower INT


    --===== Declare Local Variables

    DECLARE @MyCounter INT

    DECLARE @MaxCount  INT

    DECLARE @Level     INT

    --===== Populate the #ScratchPad table from the data table

     INSERT INTO #ScratchPad

            (CatID, ParentID)

     SELECT CatID, ParentID

       FROM [Sample]


    -- Build the tree


    --===== Presets

       SET @MyCounter = 2

       SET @MaxCount = 2 * (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #ScratchPad)

       SET @Level = 1

    --===== Put the number one dog into the tree

     INSERT INTO #Tree

            (Level, CatID,ParentID,LeftBower,RightBower)

     SELECT 1 AS Level,

            CatID AS CatID,


            1 AS LeftBower,

            NULL AS RightBower --Will be determined later

       FROM #ScratchPad

      WHERE ParentID IS NULL

    --===== Build the tree

      WHILE @MyCounter <= (@MaxCount)


            IF EXISTS ( -- See if anything left to do at this level

                       SELECT *

                         FROM #Tree AS t,

                              #ScratchPad AS s

                        WHERE t.CatID = s.ParentID

                          AND t.Level = @Level


            BEGIN   --===== Push when Level has subordinates, set LeftBower value

                     INSERT INTO #Tree


                     SELECT (@Level + 1) AS Level,

                            MIN(s.CatID) AS CatID,

                            MIN(s.ParentID) AS ParentID,

                            @MyCounter AS LeftBower,

                            NULL AS RightBower --Will be determined on the way back up

                       FROM #Tree AS t,

                            #ScratchPad AS s

                      WHERE t.CatID = s.ParentID

                        AND t.Level = @Level


                    --===== Delete each item inserted in #Tree

                     DELETE FROM #ScratchPad

                      WHERE CatID = (SELECT CatID

                                          FROM #Tree

                                         WHERE Level = @Level + 1)

                    --===== Update the counters for the next item down      

                        SET @MyCounter = @MyCounter + 1

                        SET @Level = @Level + 1



            BEGIN  --===== Pop the #Tree and set RightBower value

                    UPDATE #Tree

                       SET RightBower = @MyCounter,

                           Level = -Level -- pops the #Tree

                     WHERE Level = @Level

                    --===== Update the counters for the next item up     

                        SET @MyCounter = @MyCounter + 1

                        SET @Level = @Level - 1


        END --WHILE

    --===== Update the #Tree table Level for positive numbers

         -- If any negatives continue to exist, then big problem

     UPDATE #Tree

       SET Level = -Level

    --===== Display the results

      PRINT '===== #Tree table ====='

     SELECT * FROM #Tree

    What that does is it builds a table called "Tree".  I used a temp table just to make sure it doesn't blow anything of yours out of the water.  You should convert it to a permanent table. 

    Now, run these... they're all examples of how to find things both in the upline and in the downline for any given CatID... as with most any of my code, read the comments and the constants to see what's going on...

    --===== Return the downline including the desired row.

     SELECT t.Level-b.Level AS RelativeLevel,t.CatID,t.ParentID,t.LeftBower,t.RightBower

       FROM #Tree t,

            (--==== Derived table finds the bowers for a given CatID

             SELECT Level,LeftBower,RightBower

               FROM #Tree

              WHERE CatID = 10

            ) b

      WHERE t.LeftBower  >= b.LeftBower

        AND t.RightBower <= b.RightBower

      ORDER BY t.LeftBower

    --===== Return the downline excluding the desired row.

     SELECT t.Level-b.Level AS RelativeLevel,t.CatID,t.ParentID,t.LeftBower,t.RightBower

       FROM #Tree t,

            (--==== Derived table finds the bowers for a given CatID

             SELECT Level,LeftBower,RightBower

               FROM #Tree

              WHERE CatID = 10

            ) b

      WHERE t.LeftBower  > b.LeftBower

        AND t.RightBower < b.RightBower

      ORDER BY t.LeftBower

    --===== Return the upline including the desired row.

     SELECT t.Level-b.Level AS RelativeLevel,t.CatID,t.ParentID,t.LeftBower,t.RightBower

       FROM #Tree t,

            (--==== Derived table finds the bowers for a given CatID

             SELECT Level,LeftBower,RightBower

               FROM #Tree

              WHERE CatID = 22

            ) b

      WHERE t.LeftBower  <= b.LeftBower

        AND t.RightBower >= b.RightBower

      ORDER BY t.LeftBower

    --===== Return the upline excluding the desired row.

     SELECT t.Level-b.Level AS RelativeLevel,t.CatID,t.ParentID,t.LeftBower,t.RightBower

       FROM #Tree t,

            (--==== Derived table finds the bowers for a given CatID

             SELECT Level,LeftBower,RightBower

               FROM #Tree

              WHERE CatID = 22

            ) b

      WHERE t.LeftBower  < b.LeftBower

        AND t.RightBower > b.RightBower

      ORDER BY t.LeftBower

    A "Bower" is defined as one of the two anchors on the front of large ships... one on the left side, and one on the right (Port and Starboard, actually).

    For a full explanation of how these "Nested Set Models" work, please see the following URL...

    ... Joe recommends fully replacing the Adjacency Model with the Nested Set Model.  That's up to you or not.  The folks at work don't really care for Nested Set Models (actually, they just don't understand them) so I maintain both.  Also, Joes code has a bug or two in it... be careful... make sure you test everything if you decide to go with his examples.

    Why does my selection code differ so much from Joe's?  Well, other than the fact that my code contains Level and an idication of Level Direction, it's just a bit easier to see what's going on... his code and mine create identical execution plans.

    Either way, the Nested Set Model allows for the fastest hierarchical lookups I've ever seen (once the model or tree has been created).  They are trully set based lookups that will benefit nicely in the presence of the correct indexes.  It also forces you to have correct data or the model blows up (all negative values for LEVEL in the tree if just about anything goes wrong).

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • Jeff,

    my sample table already has data, how can i union all now? without creating new table and inserting each tuple with union all???

    ~vamshi krishna~

  • Use your sample table... I just created my own and posted so other folks could see what's going on. 

    If that's not what you meant, you need to explain to me what you mean by doing a "union all now"... again, I was just making test data... you need to modify the code I posted to fit your table and column names.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

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