How to find PRIOR line of service? Help plz!

  • Hi guys!
    So I am stuck! I am trying to find prior line of service and I cannot come up with an appropriate script to do that. Here is an example of what I am trying to do:

    1234567JANEDOE2016-09-06  2017-01-31TERMINATEDfor this line 
    1234567JANEDOE2015-09-22          2016-09-05ACTIVEI'd like to get this line and display both
    1234567JANEDOE2015-09-08            2015-09-21TERMINATEDfor this line 
    1234567JANEDOE2014-10-06           2015-09-07ACTIVEI'd like to get this line and display both
    9998888NANCY     FUENTES        2014-11-20             2017-01-31TERMINATEDfor this line 
    9998888NANCY     FUENTES        2014-09-02            2014-11-19ON LEAVEI'd like to get this line and display both
    9998888NANCY     FUENTES        2009-09-08         2014-09-01ACTIVEBUT NOT THIS ONE
    9998888NANCY     FUENTES        2009-08-01                                        2009-09-07ACTIVEAND NOT THIS ONE

    I am completely out of ideas. Do you guys have any script and willing to share that displays, for each terminated line, the line prior to the terminated one?
    Any help would be greatly appreciated:)

    Thank you, Monika.

  • Could you provide what your output is meant to look like. I don't really understand what you mean by "for this line". For this line you want to do what...?? Then you have another line that states "I'd like to get this line and display both" Both what?

    DDL and DLM  would be nice as well.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • I'm assuming that your column [START DATE] is what determines the order on a Per Id basis;
    here's soemthing i slapped together, does this get you closer?
    i had to use row_number in order to be able to compare "previous"

    ;WITH MySampleTable([ID],[FIRST_NAME],[LAST_NAME],[START DATE],[END DATE],[status],[comment])
    SELECT '1234567','JANE','DOE','2016-09-06','2017-01-31','TERMINATED','for this line' UNION ALL
    SELECT '1234567','JANE','DOE','2015-09-22','2016-09-05','ACTIVE','I''d like to get this line and display both' UNION ALL
    SELECT '1234567','JANE','DOE','2015-09-08','2015-09-21','TERMINATED','for this line' UNION ALL
    SELECT '1234567','JANE','DOE','2014-10-06','2015-09-07','ACTIVE','I''d like to get this line and display both' UNION ALL
    SELECT '9998888','NANCY','FUENTES','2014-11-20','2017-01-31','TERMINATED','for this line' UNION ALL
    SELECT '9998888','NANCY','FUENTES','2014-09-02','2014-11-19','ON LEAVE','I''d like to get this line and display both' UNION ALL
    SELECT '9998888','NANCY','FUENTES','2009-09-08','2014-09-01','ACTIVE','BUT NOT THIS ONE' UNION ALL
    SELECT '9998888','NANCY','FUENTES','2009-08-01','2009-09-07','ACTIVE','AND NOT THIS ONE'
    SELECT row_number() Over(partition By ID Order By [START DATE]) AS RW, * FROM MySampleTable
    SELECT * FROM WithRowNum T1
    INNER JOIN WithRowNum T2
    ON T1.ID = T2.ID
    AND T1.[RW] + 1 = T2.[RW]


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • Thom A - Tuesday, January 31, 2017 9:00 AM

    Could you provide what your output is meant to look like. I don't really understand what you mean by "for this line". For this line you want to do what...?? Then you have another line that states "I'd like to get this line and display both" Both what?

    DDL and DLM  would be nice as well.

    Hi Thom,

    Yes, output should look like this:

    1234567JANEDOE2016-09-06 2017-01-31TERMINATEDfor this line
    1234567JANEDOE2015-09-22 2016-09-05ACTIVEI'd like to get this line and display both
    1234567JANEDOE2015-09-08 2015-09-21TERMINATEDfor this line
    1234567JANEDOE2014-10-06 2015-09-07ACTIVEI'd like to get this line and display both
    9998888NANCY FUENTES 2014-11-20 2017-01-31TERMINATEDfor this line
    9998888NANCY FUENTES 2014-09-02 2014-11-19ON LEAVEI'd like to get this line and display both

    the following 2 lines should not be displayed

    9998888NANCY FUENTES 2009-09-08 2014-09-01ACTIVEBUT NOT THIS ONE
    9998888NANCY FUENTES 2009-08-01 2009-09-07ACTIVEAND NOT THIS ONE

    I'd basically like the script to look at each line of service and look for any rows with Status=TERMINATED, if line found, display that line and the one prior to this line. For example, NANCY FUENTES has 4 lines of service, my top line has status=TERMINATED, I would need to display that line and the one prior to it, but not lines 3 and 4:

    9998888NANCY FUENTES 2009-09-08 2014-09-01ACTIVEBUT NOT THIS ONE
    9998888NANCY FUENTES 2009-08-01 2009-09-07ACTIVEAND NOT THIS ONE
  • Lowell - Tuesday, January 31, 2017 9:04 AM

    I'm assuming that your column [START DATE] is what determines the order on a Per Id basis;
    here's soemthing i slapped together, does this get you closer?
    i had to use row_number in order to be able to compare "previous"

    ;WITH MySampleTable([ID],[FIRST_NAME],[LAST_NAME],[START DATE],[END DATE],[status],[comment])
    SELECT '1234567','JANE','DOE','2016-09-06','2017-01-31','TERMINATED','for this line' UNION ALL
    SELECT '1234567','JANE','DOE','2015-09-22','2016-09-05','ACTIVE','I''d like to get this line and display both' UNION ALL
    SELECT '1234567','JANE','DOE','2015-09-08','2015-09-21','TERMINATED','for this line' UNION ALL
    SELECT '1234567','JANE','DOE','2014-10-06','2015-09-07','ACTIVE','I''d like to get this line and display both' UNION ALL
    SELECT '9998888','NANCY','FUENTES','2014-11-20','2017-01-31','TERMINATED','for this line' UNION ALL
    SELECT '9998888','NANCY','FUENTES','2014-09-02','2014-11-19','ON LEAVE','I''d like to get this line and display both' UNION ALL
    SELECT '9998888','NANCY','FUENTES','2009-09-08','2014-09-01','ACTIVE','BUT NOT THIS ONE' UNION ALL
    SELECT '9998888','NANCY','FUENTES','2009-08-01','2009-09-07','ACTIVE','AND NOT THIS ONE'
    SELECT row_number() Over(partition By ID Order By [START DATE]) AS RW, * FROM MySampleTable
    SELECT * FROM WithRowNum T1
    INNER JOIN WithRowNum T2
    ON T1.ID = T2.ID
    AND T1.[RW] + 1 = T2.[RW]

    Hi Lowell, thanks so much. Its a good start for me. Would you have a suggestion as to how substitute the actual values to whatever the data in the table (this table I am working with has millions of rows 🙁 (I only provided a small sample). I was just clarifying to Thom what it is exactly I need to display:

    I'd basically like the script to look at each line of service and look for any rows with Status=TERMINATED, if line found, display that line and the one prior to this line. For example, NANCY FUENTES has 4 lines of service, my top line has status=TERMINATED, I would need to display that line and the one prior to it,

    9998888NANCY FUENTES 2014-11-20 2017-01-31TERMINATEDfor this line
    9998888NANCY FUENTES 2014-09-02 2014-11-19ON LEAVEI'd like to get this line and display both

    but not lines 3 and 4:

    9998888NANCY FUENTES 2009-09-08 2014-09-01ACTIVEBUT NOT THIS ONE
    9998888NANCY FUENTES 2009-08-01 2009-09-07ACTIVEAND NOT THIS ONE

    Thank you guy:)

  • Using Lowell's as a start maybe:
    ;WITH MySampleTable([ID],[FIRST_NAME],[LAST_NAME],[START DATE],[END DATE],[status],[comment])
    SELECT '1234567','JANE','DOE','2016-09-06','2017-01-31','TERMINATED','for this line' UNION ALL
    SELECT '1234567','JANE','DOE','2015-09-22','2016-09-05','ACTIVE','I''d like to get this line and display both' UNION ALL
    SELECT '1234567','JANE','DOE','2015-09-08','2015-09-21','TERMINATED','for this line' UNION ALL
    SELECT '1234567','JANE','DOE','2014-10-06','2015-09-07','ACTIVE','I''d like to get this line and display both' UNION ALL
    SELECT '9998888','NANCY','FUENTES','2014-11-20','2017-01-31','TERMINATED','for this line' UNION ALL
    SELECT '9998888','NANCY','FUENTES','2014-09-02','2014-11-19','ON LEAVE','I''d like to get this line and display both' UNION ALL
    SELECT '9998888','NANCY','FUENTES','2009-09-08','2014-09-01','ACTIVE','BUT NOT THIS ONE' UNION ALL
    SELECT '9998888','NANCY','FUENTES','2009-08-01','2009-09-07','ACTIVE','AND NOT THIS ONE' ),WithRowNum
    SELECT row_number() Over(partition By ID Order By [START DATE]) AS RW,
       LEAD(status) OVER (partition By ID Order By [START DATE]) AS NextStatus
    FROM MySampleTable
    SELECT [ID],
       [START DATE],
       [END DATE],
    FROM WithRowNum
    WHERE status = 'Terminated'
     OR NextStatus = 'Terminated'
       [START DATE];


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • Or this (thanks for writing up the sample data, Lowell):

    WITH MySampleTable([ID],[FIRST_NAME],[LAST_NAME],[START_DATE],[END_DATE],[status],[comment])
    SELECT '1234567','JANE','DOE','2016-09-06','2017-01-31','TERMINATED','for this line' UNION ALL
    SELECT '1234567','JANE','DOE','2015-09-22','2016-09-05','ACTIVE','I''d like to get this line and display both' UNION ALL
    SELECT '1234567','JANE','DOE','2015-09-08','2015-09-21','TERMINATED','for this line' UNION ALL
    SELECT '1234567','JANE','DOE','2014-10-06','2015-09-07','ACTIVE','I''d like to get this line and display both' UNION ALL
    SELECT '9998888','NANCY','FUENTES','2014-11-20','2017-01-31','TERMINATED','for this line' UNION ALL
    SELECT '9998888','NANCY','FUENTES','2014-09-02','2014-11-19','ON LEAVE','I''d like to get this line and display both' UNION ALL
    SELECT '9998888','NANCY','FUENTES','2009-09-08','2014-09-01','ACTIVE','BUT NOT THIS ONE' UNION ALL
    SELECT '9998888','NANCY','FUENTES','2009-08-01','2009-09-07','ACTIVE','AND NOT THIS ONE'
    ,    FIRST_NAME
    ,    LAST_NAME
    ,    START_DATE
    ,    END_DATE
    ,    status
    ,    CASE status
            ELSE ''
        END AS PriorStatus
    ,    comment
    FROM MySampleTable
    ,    START_DATE


  • Use LEAD to find the next value of the status and then pull records where the current or next status is 'Terminated'.

        SELECT *, next_status = LEAD([status]) OVER(PARTITION BY [ID] ORDER BY [START DATE])
        (    VALUES
                ('1234567','JANE','DOE','2016-09-06','2017-01-31','TERMINATED','for this line'),
                ('1234567','JANE','DOE','2015-09-22','2016-09-05','ACTIVE','I''d like to get this line and display both'),
                ('1234567','JANE','DOE','2015-09-08','2015-09-21','TERMINATED','for this line'),
                ('1234567','JANE','DOE','2014-10-06','2015-09-07','ACTIVE','I''d like to get this line and display both'),
                ('9998888','NANCY','FUENTES','2014-11-20','2017-01-31','TERMINATED','for this line'),
                ('9998888','NANCY','FUENTES','2014-09-02','2014-11-19','ON LEAVE','I''d like to get this line and display both'),
                ('9998888','NANCY','FUENTES','2009-09-08','2014-09-01','ACTIVE','BUT NOT THIS ONE'),
                ('9998888','NANCY','FUENTES','2009-08-01','2009-09-07','ACTIVE','AND NOT THIS ONE')

        ) MySampleTable([ID],[FIRST_NAME],[LAST_NAME],[START DATE],[END DATE],[status],[comment])
    SELECT *
    WHERE [status] = 'Terminated'
        OR next_status = 'Terminated'


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • You guys are awesome !!!! It worked, many thanks to each andevery one of you great people J

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