How to find previous value and display per row

  • Hi all,

    I have a following table

    CREATE TABLE #Records


    [ID] INT,

    [Date] DATETIME,

    [Attrib] VARCHAR(max)


    INSERT INTO #Records ([ID], [Date], [Attrib])

    VALUES(1, '2011-10-01', 'red')

    INSERT INTO #Records ([ID], [Date], [Attrib])

    VALUES(2, '2011-10-02', 'blue')

    INSERT INTO #Records ([ID], [Date], [Attrib])

    VALUES(3, '2011-10-03', 'yellow')

    INSERT INTO #Records ([ID], [Date], [Attrib])

    VALUES(4, '2011-10-04', 'green')

    INSERT INTO #Records ([ID], [Date], [Attrib])

    VALUES(5, '2011-10-05', 'white')

    and need to make a query that would return kind of "change log" per row.

    I.e. the query should return the [Attrib] value per row as well as its immediate precedent in time as old value e.g.:

    CREATE TABLE #Records2

    ( [ID] INT,

    [Date] DATETIME,

    [Attrib] VARCHAR(max),

    [Old_Value] VARCHAR(max)


    INSERT INTO #Records2([ID], [Date], [Attrib], [Old_Value])

    VALUES(1, '2011-10-01', 'red', NULL)

    INSERT INTO #Records2 ([ID], [Date], [Attrib], [Old_Value])

    VALUES(2, '2011-10-02', 'blue', 'red')

    INSERT INTO #Records2 ([ID], [Date], [Attrib], [Old_Value])

    VALUES(3, '2011-10-03', 'yellow', 'blue')

    INSERT INTO #Records2 ([ID], [Date], [Attrib], [Old_Value])

    VALUES(4, '2011-10-04', 'green', 'yellow')

    INSERT INTO #Records2 ([ID], [Date], [Attrib], [Old_Value])

    VALUES(5, '2011-10-05', 'white', 'green')

    select * from #Records2

    Tried several approaches (UNION, self join, CTEs) - but could not find the right solution.

    Can anybody point me in the right direction?

    Many thanks for any hints.


  • Marin

    A self join is the way to go - on r1.ID = r2.ID-1. Show us what you've tried, and we'll show you where you're going wrong.


  • Hello John,

    many thanks for the quick reply.

    In the meantime I found the answer in the very form I need it:



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