April 22, 2016 at 11:35 am
Hi all,
Please i have this cte:
declare @Parameter nvarchar(4000)
set @Parameter = 'Urbanisation'
;with tmp as (
Select Count(*) as Base, DayOfInterview, COUNT(DayOfInterview) as DaysOfInt, Urbanisation, COUNT(Urbanisation) as TotUrban, Gender, COUNT(Gender) as TotGend, AgeGroup, COUNT(AgeGroup) as TotAge, Religion, COUNT(Religion) as TotRel, MaritalStatus, COUNT(MaritalStatus) as TotMar
FROM TestTable
tmp2 as (
Select 'Criteria' as Criteria,
SUM(Base) as Base,
SUM(case when DayOfInterview = 'Monday' then DaysOfInt Else 0 End) as 'Monday',
SUM(case when DayOfInterview = 'Tuesday' then DaysOfInt Else 0 End) as 'Tuesday',
SUM(case when DayOfInterview = 'Wednesday' then DaysOfInt Else 0 End) as 'Wednesday',
SUM(case when DayOfInterview = 'Thursday' then DaysOfInt Else 0 End) as 'Thursday',
SUM(case when DayOfInterview = 'Friday' then DaysOfInt Else 0 End) as 'Friday',
SUM(case when DayOfInterview = 'Saturday' then DaysOfInt Else 0 End) as 'Saturday',
SUM(case when DayOfInterview = 'Sunday' then DaysOfInt Else 0 End) as 'Sunday',
SUM(case when Urbanisation = 'Urban' then TotUrban else 0 end) as 'Urban',
SUM(case when Urbanisation = 'Semi-Urban' then TotUrban else 0 end) as 'Semi-Urban',
SUM(case when Gender = 'Male' then TotGend else 0 end) as 'Male',
SUM(case when Gender = 'Female' then TotGend else 0 end) as 'Female',
SUM(case when AgeGroup = '8-11' then TotAge else 0 end) as '8-11years',
SUM(case when AgeGroup = '12-17' then TotAge else 0 end) as '12-17years',
SUM(case when AgeGroup = '18-24' then TotAge else 0 end) as '18-24years',
SUM(case when AgeGroup = '25-34' then TotAge else 0 end) as '25-34years',
SUM(case when AgeGroup = '35-44' then TotAge else 0 end) as '35-44years',
SUM(case when AgeGroup = '45-54' then TotAge else 0 end) as '45-54years',
SUM(case when AgeGroup = '55-64' then TotAge else 0 end) as '55-64years',
SUM(case when AgeGroup = '65+' then TotAge else 0 end) as '65+years',
SUM(case when Religion = 'Christian' then TotRel else 0 end) as 'Christian',
SUM(case when Religion = 'Muslim' then TotRel else 0 end) as 'Muslim',
SUM(case when Religion = 'Others' then TotRel else 0 end) as 'Others',
SUM(case when MaritalStatus = 'Single' then TotMar else 0 end) as 'Single',
SUM(case when MaritalStatus = 'Married' then TotMar else 0 end) as 'Married',
SUM(case when MaritalStatus = 'Widowed' then TotMar else 0 end) as 'Widowed',
SUM(case when MaritalStatus = 'Divorced' then TotMar else 0 end) as 'Divorced'
From tmp
union all
Select Criteria, (t.Base/tmp.Base) * 100, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday,Urban, [Semi-Urban], Male, Female, [8-11years], [12-17years], [18-24years], [25-34years], [35-44years], [45-54years], [55-64years], [65+years], Christian, Muslim, Others, Single, Married, Widowed, Divorced from (
Select case when @Parameter = 'DayOfInterview' then DayOfInterview
when @Parameter = 'Gender' then Gender
when @Parameter = 'Urbanisation' then Urbanisation
when @Parameter = 'AgeGroup' then AgeGroup
when @Parameter = 'Religion' then Religion
when @Parameter = 'MaritalStatus' then MaritalStatus
End As Criteria,
sum(Base) as Base,
SUM(case when DayOfInterview = 'Monday' then DaysOfInt Else 0 End) as 'Monday',
SUM(case when DayOfInterview = 'Tuesday' then DaysOfInt Else 0 End) as 'Tuesday',
SUM(case when DayOfInterview = 'Wednesday' then DaysOfInt Else 0 End) as 'Wednesday',
SUM(case when DayOfInterview = 'Thursday' then DaysOfInt Else 0 End) as 'Thursday',
SUM(case when DayOfInterview = 'Friday' then DaysOfInt Else 0 End) as 'Friday',
SUM(case when DayOfInterview = 'Saturday' then DaysOfInt Else 0 End) as 'Saturday',
SUM(case when DayOfInterview = 'Sunday' then DaysOfInt Else 0 End) as 'Sunday',
SUM(case when Urbanisation = 'Urban' then TotUrban else 0 end) as 'Urban',
SUM(case when Urbanisation = 'Semi-Urban' then TotUrban else 0 end) as 'Semi-Urban',
SUM(case when Gender = 'Male' then TotGend else 0 end) as 'Male',
SUM(case when Gender = 'Female' then TotGend else 0 end) as 'Female',
SUM(case when AgeGroup = '8-11' then TotAge else 0 end) as '8-11years',
SUM(case when AgeGroup = '12-17' then TotAge else 0 end) as '12-17years',
SUM(case when AgeGroup = '18-24' then TotAge else 0 end) as '18-24years',
SUM(case when AgeGroup = '25-34' then TotAge else 0 end) as '25-34years',
SUM(case when AgeGroup = '35-44' then TotAge else 0 end) as '35-44years',
SUM(case when AgeGroup = '45-54' then TotAge else 0 end) as '45-54years',
SUM(case when AgeGroup = '55-64' then TotAge else 0 end) as '55-64years',
SUM(case when AgeGroup = '65+' then TotAge else 0 end) as '65+years',
SUM(case when Religion = 'Christian' then TotRel else 0 end) as 'Christian',
SUM(case when Religion = 'Muslim' then TotRel else 0 end) as 'Muslim',
SUM(case when Religion = 'Others' then TotRel else 0 end) as 'Others',
SUM(case when MaritalStatus = 'Single' then TotMar else 0 end) as 'Single',
SUM(case when MaritalStatus = 'Married' then TotMar else 0 end) as 'Married',
SUM(case when MaritalStatus = 'Widowed' then TotMar else 0 end) as 'Widowed',
SUM(case when MaritalStatus = 'Divorced' then TotMar else 0 end) as 'Divorced'
From tmp
group by case when @Parameter = 'DayOfInterview' then DayOfInterview
when @Parameter = 'Gender' then Gender
when @Parameter = 'Urbanisation' then Urbanisation
when @Parameter = 'AgeGroup' then AgeGroup
when @Parameter = 'Religion' then Religion
when @Parameter = 'MaritalStatus' then MaritalStatus
End) as t
Select Criteria, Base, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday,Urban, [Semi-Urban], Male, Female, [8-11years], [12-17years], [18-24years], [25-34years], [35-44years], [45-54years], [55-64years], [65+years], Christian, Muslim, Others, Single, Married, Widowed, Divorced from tmp2
I getting this error:
The multi-part identifier "tmp.Base" could not be bound.
Because i want to get percentages instead of just plain values, so when i divide the (t.Base/tmp.Base) * 100, it tells me that the tmp.Base cannot be bound.
Please what can i do, this is my sample data below:
insert into TestTable(RespondentName,PhoneNumber1,MaritalStatus,Region,Urbanisation,Religion,Gender,Location,AgeGroup,DayOfInterview,PhoneUsed,TabletsUsed)
Select 'kome','07051758008','Single','South-South','Urban','Christian','Male','Lagos','18-24','Friday','Android Phone','None'
union all
Select 'joy', 'Kofi','09099961220','Single','South-South','Urban','Christian','Female','Lagos','18-24','Saturday','Android Phone','None'
union all
Select 'taiwo akinwunmi','07056832797','Single','South-South','Urban','Christian','Male','Lagos','25-34','Saturday','BlackBerry','None'
union all
Select 'blessing','08182960051','Married','South-South','Urban','Christian','Female','Lagos','65+','Saturday','BlackBerry','None'
union all
Select 'blessing','08182960051','Married','South-South','Urban','Christian','Female','Lagos','65+''Saturday','Android Phone','None'
union all
Select 'Oyinlola Idowu','08109096652','Single','South-West','Semi-Urban','Christian','Female','Lagos','18-24','Saturday','Android Phone','None'
union all
Select 'Ibukun Olaoluwa','07051785755','Married','South-West','Urban','Christian','Female','Lagos','25-34','Sunday','BlackBerry','None'
union all
Select 'Ibukun Olaoluwa','07051785755','Married','South-West','Urban','Christian','Female','Lagos','25-34','Sunday','Android Phone','None'
union all
Select 'Philip Agbo','08086809359','Single','South-South','Semi-Urban','Christian','Male','Lagos','18-24','Sunday''nokia','None'
union all
Select 'ukpebor festus','08069148341','Single','South-South','Semi-Urban','Christian','Male','Lagos','8-11','Sunday','Regular Phone','None'
union all
Select 'Victoria Egemonu','07030213914','Widowed','South-South','Semi-Urban','Muslim','Male','Benin','8-11','Tuesday','TECNO','None'
union all
Select 'Victoria Egemonu','07030213914','Widowed','South-South','Semi-Urban','Muslim','Male','Benin','8-11','Tuesday','Tecno','None'
union all
Select 'emmanuel','08091475363','Single','South-West','Urban','Christian','Male','Lagos','25-34','Friday','BlackBerry','Microsoft', 'Tablet'
April 22, 2016 at 12:30 pm
Please post DDL (CREATE TABLE statement) for the table.
Correct your sample data, be sure it runs correctly.
Also, share what you're trying to do with this data. You might not need a recursive cte at all.
April 22, 2016 at 4:38 pm
Luis Cazares (4/22/2016)
Please post DDL (CREATE TABLE statement) for the table.Edit:
Correct your sample data, be sure it runs correctly.
Also, share what you're trying to do with this data. You might not need a recursive cte at all.
Thanks Luis,
i've corrected the errors and this is the code and the data:
declare @Parameter nvarchar(4000)
set @Parameter = 'Urbanisation'
;with tmp as (
Select Count(*) as Base, DayOfInterview, COUNT(DayOfInterview) as DaysOfInt, Urbanisation, COUNT(Urbanisation) as TotUrban, Gender, COUNT(Gender) as TotGend, AgeGroup, COUNT(AgeGroup) as TotAge, Religion, COUNT(Religion) as TotRel, MaritalStatus, COUNT(MaritalStatus) as TotMar
FROM TestTable
group by DayOfInterview,Urbanisation, Gender, AgeGroup, Religion, MaritalStatus
tmp2 as (
Select 'Criteria' as Criteria,
SUM(Base) as Base,
SUM(case when DayOfInterview = 'Monday' then DaysOfInt Else 0 End) as 'Monday',
SUM(case when DayOfInterview = 'Tuesday' then DaysOfInt Else 0 End) as 'Tuesday',
SUM(case when DayOfInterview = 'Wednesday' then DaysOfInt Else 0 End) as 'Wednesday',
SUM(case when DayOfInterview = 'Thursday' then DaysOfInt Else 0 End) as 'Thursday',
SUM(case when DayOfInterview = 'Friday' then DaysOfInt Else 0 End) as 'Friday',
SUM(case when DayOfInterview = 'Saturday' then DaysOfInt Else 0 End) as 'Saturday',
SUM(case when DayOfInterview = 'Sunday' then DaysOfInt Else 0 End) as 'Sunday',
SUM(case when Urbanisation = 'Urban' then TotUrban else 0 end) as 'Urban',
SUM(case when Urbanisation = 'Semi-Urban' then TotUrban else 0 end) as 'Semi-Urban',
SUM(case when Gender = 'Male' then TotGend else 0 end) as 'Male',
SUM(case when Gender = 'Female' then TotGend else 0 end) as 'Female',
SUM(case when AgeGroup = '8-11' then TotAge else 0 end) as '8-11years',
SUM(case when AgeGroup = '12-17' then TotAge else 0 end) as '12-17years',
SUM(case when AgeGroup = '18-24' then TotAge else 0 end) as '18-24years',
SUM(case when AgeGroup = '25-34' then TotAge else 0 end) as '25-34years',
SUM(case when AgeGroup = '35-44' then TotAge else 0 end) as '35-44years',
SUM(case when AgeGroup = '45-54' then TotAge else 0 end) as '45-54years',
SUM(case when AgeGroup = '55-64' then TotAge else 0 end) as '55-64years',
SUM(case when AgeGroup = '65+' then TotAge else 0 end) as '65+years',
SUM(case when Religion = 'Christian' then TotRel else 0 end) as 'Christian',
SUM(case when Religion = 'Muslim' then TotRel else 0 end) as 'Muslim',
SUM(case when Religion = 'Others' then TotRel else 0 end) as 'Others',
SUM(case when MaritalStatus = 'Single' then TotMar else 0 end) as 'Single',
SUM(case when MaritalStatus = 'Married' then TotMar else 0 end) as 'Married',
SUM(case when MaritalStatus = 'Widowed' then TotMar else 0 end) as 'Widowed',
SUM(case when MaritalStatus = 'Divorced' then TotMar else 0 end) as 'Divorced'
From tmp
union all
Select Criteria, (t.Base/tmp.Base) * 100, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday,Urban, [Semi-Urban], Male, Female, [8-11years], [12-17years], [18-24years], [25-34years], [35-44years], [45-54years], [55-64years], [65+years], Christian, Muslim, Others, Single, Married, Widowed, Divorced from (
Select case when @Parameter = 'DayOfInterview' then DayOfInterview
when @Parameter = 'Gender' then Gender
when @Parameter = 'Urbanisation' then Urbanisation
when @Parameter = 'AgeGroup' then AgeGroup
when @Parameter = 'Religion' then Religion
when @Parameter = 'MaritalStatus' then MaritalStatus
End As Criteria,
sum(Base) as Base,
SUM(case when DayOfInterview = 'Monday' then DaysOfInt Else 0 End) as 'Monday',
SUM(case when DayOfInterview = 'Tuesday' then DaysOfInt Else 0 End) as 'Tuesday',
SUM(case when DayOfInterview = 'Wednesday' then DaysOfInt Else 0 End) as 'Wednesday',
SUM(case when DayOfInterview = 'Thursday' then DaysOfInt Else 0 End) as 'Thursday',
SUM(case when DayOfInterview = 'Friday' then DaysOfInt Else 0 End) as 'Friday',
SUM(case when DayOfInterview = 'Saturday' then DaysOfInt Else 0 End) as 'Saturday',
SUM(case when DayOfInterview = 'Sunday' then DaysOfInt Else 0 End) as 'Sunday',
SUM(case when Urbanisation = 'Urban' then TotUrban else 0 end) as 'Urban',
SUM(case when Urbanisation = 'Semi-Urban' then TotUrban else 0 end) as 'Semi-Urban',
SUM(case when Gender = 'Male' then TotGend else 0 end) as 'Male',
SUM(case when Gender = 'Female' then TotGend else 0 end) as 'Female',
SUM(case when AgeGroup = '8-11' then TotAge else 0 end) as '8-11years',
SUM(case when AgeGroup = '12-17' then TotAge else 0 end) as '12-17years',
SUM(case when AgeGroup = '18-24' then TotAge else 0 end) as '18-24years',
SUM(case when AgeGroup = '25-34' then TotAge else 0 end) as '25-34years',
SUM(case when AgeGroup = '35-44' then TotAge else 0 end) as '35-44years',
SUM(case when AgeGroup = '45-54' then TotAge else 0 end) as '45-54years',
SUM(case when AgeGroup = '55-64' then TotAge else 0 end) as '55-64years',
SUM(case when AgeGroup = '65+' then TotAge else 0 end) as '65+years',
SUM(case when Religion = 'Christian' then TotRel else 0 end) as 'Christian',
SUM(case when Religion = 'Muslim' then TotRel else 0 end) as 'Muslim',
SUM(case when Religion = 'Others' then TotRel else 0 end) as 'Others',
SUM(case when MaritalStatus = 'Single' then TotMar else 0 end) as 'Single',
SUM(case when MaritalStatus = 'Married' then TotMar else 0 end) as 'Married',
SUM(case when MaritalStatus = 'Widowed' then TotMar else 0 end) as 'Widowed',
SUM(case when MaritalStatus = 'Divorced' then TotMar else 0 end) as 'Divorced'
From tmp
group by case when @Parameter = 'DayOfInterview' then DayOfInterview
when @Parameter = 'Gender' then Gender
when @Parameter = 'Urbanisation' then Urbanisation
when @Parameter = 'AgeGroup' then AgeGroup
when @Parameter = 'Religion' then Religion
when @Parameter = 'MaritalStatus' then MaritalStatus
End) as t
Select Criteria, Base, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday,Urban, [Semi-Urban], Male, Female, [8-11years], [12-17years], [18-24years], [25-34years], [35-44years], [45-54years], [55-64years], [65+years], Christian, Muslim, Others, Single, Married, Widowed, Divorced from tmp2
This is the data:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TestTable](
[RespondentName] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
[PhoneNumber1] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
[MaritalStatus] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
[Region] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
[Urbanisation] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
[Religion] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
[Gender] [nvarchar](10) NULL,
[Location] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
[AgeGroup] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
[DayOfInterview] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
[PhoneUsed] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
[TabletsUsed] [nvarchar](50) NULL
INSERT [dbo].[TestTable] ([RespondentName], [PhoneNumber1], [MaritalStatus], [Region], [Urbanisation], [Religion], [Gender], [Location], [AgeGroup], [DayOfInterview], [PhoneUsed], [TabletsUsed]) VALUES (N'kome', N'07051758008', N'Single', N'South-South', N'Urban', N'Christian', N'Male', N'Lagos', N'18-24', N'Friday', N'Android Phone', N'None')
INSERT [dbo].[TestTable] ([RespondentName], [PhoneNumber1], [MaritalStatus], [Region], [Urbanisation], [Religion], [Gender], [Location], [AgeGroup], [DayOfInterview], [PhoneUsed], [TabletsUsed]) VALUES (N'joy Kofi', N'09099961220', N'Single', N'South-South', N'Urban', N'Christian', N'Female', N'Lagos', N'18-24', N'Saturday', N'Android Phone', N'None')
INSERT [dbo].[TestTable] ([RespondentName], [PhoneNumber1], [MaritalStatus], [Region], [Urbanisation], [Religion], [Gender], [Location], [AgeGroup], [DayOfInterview], [PhoneUsed], [TabletsUsed]) VALUES (N'taiwo akinwunmi', N'07056832797', N'Single', N'South-South', N'Urban', N'Christian', N'Male', N'Lagos', N'25-34', N'Saturday', N'BlackBerry', N'None')
INSERT [dbo].[TestTable] ([RespondentName], [PhoneNumber1], [MaritalStatus], [Region], [Urbanisation], [Religion], [Gender], [Location], [AgeGroup], [DayOfInterview], [PhoneUsed], [TabletsUsed]) VALUES (N'blessing', N'08182960051', N'Married', N'South-South', N'Urban', N'Christian', N'Female', N'Lagos', N'65+', N'Saturday', N'BlackBerry', N'None')
INSERT [dbo].[TestTable] ([RespondentName], [PhoneNumber1], [MaritalStatus], [Region], [Urbanisation], [Religion], [Gender], [Location], [AgeGroup], [DayOfInterview], [PhoneUsed], [TabletsUsed]) VALUES (N'blessing', N'08182960051', N'Married', N'South-South', N'Urban', N'Christian', N'Female', N'Lagos', N'65+', N'Saturday', N'Android Phone', N'None')
INSERT [dbo].[TestTable] ([RespondentName], [PhoneNumber1], [MaritalStatus], [Region], [Urbanisation], [Religion], [Gender], [Location], [AgeGroup], [DayOfInterview], [PhoneUsed], [TabletsUsed]) VALUES (N'Oyinlola Idowu', N'08109096652', N'Single', N'South-West', N'Semi-Urban', N'Christian', N'Female', N'Lagos', N'18-24', N'Saturday', N'Android Phone', N'None')
INSERT [dbo].[TestTable] ([RespondentName], [PhoneNumber1], [MaritalStatus], [Region], [Urbanisation], [Religion], [Gender], [Location], [AgeGroup], [DayOfInterview], [PhoneUsed], [TabletsUsed]) VALUES (N'Ibukun Olaoluwa', N'07051785755', N'Married', N'South-West', N'Urban', N'Christian', N'Female', N'Lagos', N'25-34', N'Sunday', N'BlackBerry', N'None')
INSERT [dbo].[TestTable] ([RespondentName], [PhoneNumber1], [MaritalStatus], [Region], [Urbanisation], [Religion], [Gender], [Location], [AgeGroup], [DayOfInterview], [PhoneUsed], [TabletsUsed]) VALUES (N'Ibukun Olaoluwa', N'07051785755', N'Married', N'South-West', N'Urban', N'Christian', N'Female', N'Lagos', N'25-34', N'Sunday', N'Android Phone', N'None')
INSERT [dbo].[TestTable] ([RespondentName], [PhoneNumber1], [MaritalStatus], [Region], [Urbanisation], [Religion], [Gender], [Location], [AgeGroup], [DayOfInterview], [PhoneUsed], [TabletsUsed]) VALUES (N'Philip Agbo', N'08086809359', N'Single', N'South-South', N'Semi-Urban', N'Christian', N'Male', N'Lagos', N'18-24', N'Sunday', N'nokia', N'None')
INSERT [dbo].[TestTable] ([RespondentName], [PhoneNumber1], [MaritalStatus], [Region], [Urbanisation], [Religion], [Gender], [Location], [AgeGroup], [DayOfInterview], [PhoneUsed], [TabletsUsed]) VALUES (N'ukpebor festus', N'08069148341', N'Single', N'South-South', N'Semi-Urban', N'Christian', N'Male', N'Lagos', N'8-11', N'Sunday', N'Regular Phone', N'None')
INSERT [dbo].[TestTable] ([RespondentName], [PhoneNumber1], [MaritalStatus], [Region], [Urbanisation], [Religion], [Gender], [Location], [AgeGroup], [DayOfInterview], [PhoneUsed], [TabletsUsed]) VALUES (N'Victoria Egemonu', N'07030213914', N'Widowed', N'South-South', N'Semi-Urban', N'Muslim', N'Male', N'Benin', N'8-11', N'Tuesday', N'TECNO', N'None')
INSERT [dbo].[TestTable] ([RespondentName], [PhoneNumber1], [MaritalStatus], [Region], [Urbanisation], [Religion], [Gender], [Location], [AgeGroup], [DayOfInterview], [PhoneUsed], [TabletsUsed]) VALUES (N'Victoria Egemonu', N'07030213914', N'Widowed', N'South-South', N'Semi-Urban', N'Muslim', N'Male', N'Benin', N'8-11', N'Tuesday', N'Tecno', N'None')
INSERT [dbo].[TestTable] ([RespondentName], [PhoneNumber1], [MaritalStatus], [Region], [Urbanisation], [Religion], [Gender], [Location], [AgeGroup], [DayOfInterview], [PhoneUsed], [TabletsUsed]) VALUES (N'emmanuel', N'08091475363', N'Single', N'South-West', N'Urban', N'Christian', N'Male', N'Lagos', N'25-34', N'Friday', N'BlackBerry', N'Microsoft Tablet')
I want the base to come as percentage of the initial criterial row, such as if i have some thing like this
Instead of having the semi-urban and urban displaying raw values, i want to get percentages instead
I hope you understand
April 23, 2016 at 6:34 am
Ok guys,
seems like i solved my problem myself
This is the code that solves the problem:
declare @Parameter nvarchar(4000)
set @Parameter = 'Urbanisation'
;with tmp as (
Select Count(*) as Base, DayOfInterview, COUNT(DayOfInterview) as DaysOfInt, Urbanisation, COUNT(Urbanisation) as TotUrban, Gender, COUNT(Gender) as TotGend, AgeGroup, COUNT(AgeGroup) as TotAge, Religion, COUNT(Religion) as TotRel, MaritalStatus, COUNT(MaritalStatus) as TotMar
FROM TestTable
group by DayOfInterview,Urbanisation, Gender, AgeGroup, Religion, MaritalStatus
tmp2 as (
Select 'Criteria' as Criteria,
SUM(Base) as Base,
SUM(case when DayOfInterview = 'Monday' then DaysOfInt Else 0 End) as 'Monday',
SUM(case when DayOfInterview = 'Tuesday' then DaysOfInt Else 0 End) as 'Tuesday',
SUM(case when DayOfInterview = 'Wednesday' then DaysOfInt Else 0 End) as 'Wednesday',
SUM(case when DayOfInterview = 'Thursday' then DaysOfInt Else 0 End) as 'Thursday',
SUM(case when DayOfInterview = 'Friday' then DaysOfInt Else 0 End) as 'Friday',
SUM(case when DayOfInterview = 'Saturday' then DaysOfInt Else 0 End) as 'Saturday',
SUM(case when DayOfInterview = 'Sunday' then DaysOfInt Else 0 End) as 'Sunday',
SUM(case when Urbanisation = 'Urban' then TotUrban else 0 end) as 'Urban',
SUM(case when Urbanisation = 'Semi-Urban' then TotUrban else 0 end) as 'Semi-Urban',
SUM(case when Gender = 'Male' then TotGend else 0 end) as 'Male',
SUM(case when Gender = 'Female' then TotGend else 0 end) as 'Female',
SUM(case when AgeGroup = '8-11' then TotAge else 0 end) as '8-11years',
SUM(case when AgeGroup = '12-17' then TotAge else 0 end) as '12-17years',
SUM(case when AgeGroup = '18-24' then TotAge else 0 end) as '18-24years',
SUM(case when AgeGroup = '25-34' then TotAge else 0 end) as '25-34years',
SUM(case when AgeGroup = '35-44' then TotAge else 0 end) as '35-44years',
SUM(case when AgeGroup = '45-54' then TotAge else 0 end) as '45-54years',
SUM(case when AgeGroup = '55-64' then TotAge else 0 end) as '55-64years',
SUM(case when AgeGroup = '65+' then TotAge else 0 end) as '65+years',
SUM(case when Religion = 'Christian' then TotRel else 0 end) as 'Christian',
SUM(case when Religion = 'Muslim' then TotRel else 0 end) as 'Muslim',
SUM(case when Religion = 'Others' then TotRel else 0 end) as 'Others',
SUM(case when MaritalStatus = 'Single' then TotMar else 0 end) as 'Single',
SUM(case when MaritalStatus = 'Married' then TotMar else 0 end) as 'Married',
SUM(case when MaritalStatus = 'Widowed' then TotMar else 0 end) as 'Widowed',
SUM(case when MaritalStatus = 'Divorced' then TotMar else 0 end) as 'Divorced'
From tmp
union all
Select Criteria, round(Base * 100.0/(select sum(Base) from tmp),1), Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday,Urban, [Semi-Urban], Male, Female, [8-11years], [12-17years], [18-24years], [25-34years], [35-44years], [45-54years], [55-64years], [65+years], Christian, Muslim, Others, Single, Married, Widowed, Divorced from (
Select case when @Parameter = 'DayOfInterview' then DayOfInterview
when @Parameter = 'Gender' then Gender
when @Parameter = 'Urbanisation' then Urbanisation
when @Parameter = 'AgeGroup' then AgeGroup
when @Parameter = 'Religion' then Religion
when @Parameter = 'MaritalStatus' then MaritalStatus
End As Criteria,
sum(Base) as Base,
SUM(case when DayOfInterview = 'Monday' then DaysOfInt Else 0 End) as 'Monday',
SUM(case when DayOfInterview = 'Tuesday' then DaysOfInt Else 0 End) as 'Tuesday',
SUM(case when DayOfInterview = 'Wednesday' then DaysOfInt Else 0 End) as 'Wednesday',
SUM(case when DayOfInterview = 'Thursday' then DaysOfInt Else 0 End) as 'Thursday',
SUM(case when DayOfInterview = 'Friday' then DaysOfInt Else 0 End) as 'Friday',
SUM(case when DayOfInterview = 'Saturday' then DaysOfInt Else 0 End) as 'Saturday',
SUM(case when DayOfInterview = 'Sunday' then DaysOfInt Else 0 End) as 'Sunday',
SUM(case when Urbanisation = 'Urban' then TotUrban else 0 end) as 'Urban',
SUM(case when Urbanisation = 'Semi-Urban' then TotUrban else 0 end) as 'Semi-Urban',
SUM(case when Gender = 'Male' then TotGend else 0 end) as 'Male',
SUM(case when Gender = 'Female' then TotGend else 0 end) as 'Female',
SUM(case when AgeGroup = '8-11' then TotAge else 0 end) as '8-11years',
SUM(case when AgeGroup = '12-17' then TotAge else 0 end) as '12-17years',
SUM(case when AgeGroup = '18-24' then TotAge else 0 end) as '18-24years',
SUM(case when AgeGroup = '25-34' then TotAge else 0 end) as '25-34years',
SUM(case when AgeGroup = '35-44' then TotAge else 0 end) as '35-44years',
SUM(case when AgeGroup = '45-54' then TotAge else 0 end) as '45-54years',
SUM(case when AgeGroup = '55-64' then TotAge else 0 end) as '55-64years',
SUM(case when AgeGroup = '65+' then TotAge else 0 end) as '65+years',
SUM(case when Religion = 'Christian' then TotRel else 0 end) as 'Christian',
SUM(case when Religion = 'Muslim' then TotRel else 0 end) as 'Muslim',
SUM(case when Religion = 'Others' then TotRel else 0 end) as 'Others',
SUM(case when MaritalStatus = 'Single' then TotMar else 0 end) as 'Single',
SUM(case when MaritalStatus = 'Married' then TotMar else 0 end) as 'Married',
SUM(case when MaritalStatus = 'Widowed' then TotMar else 0 end) as 'Widowed',
SUM(case when MaritalStatus = 'Divorced' then TotMar else 0 end) as 'Divorced'
From tmp
group by case when @Parameter = 'DayOfInterview' then DayOfInterview
when @Parameter = 'Gender' then Gender
when @Parameter = 'Urbanisation' then Urbanisation
when @Parameter = 'AgeGroup' then AgeGroup
when @Parameter = 'Religion' then Religion
when @Parameter = 'MaritalStatus' then MaritalStatus
End) as t
Select Criteria, Base, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday,Urban, [Semi-Urban], Male, Female, [8-11years], [12-17years], [18-24years], [25-34years], [35-44years], [45-54years], [55-64years], [65+years], Christian, Muslim, Others, Single, Married, Widowed, Divorced from tmp2
Thanks for your inputs
April 25, 2016 at 3:25 am
Just one point. CTEs don't start with a ;.
The semicolon is a row terminator. Your code should be
declare @Parameter nvarchar(4000);
set @Parameter = 'Urbanisation';
With tmp as (
Select Count(*) as Base, DayOfInterview, COUNT(DayOfInterview) as DaysOfInt, Urbanisation, COUNT(Urbanisation) as TotUrban, Gender, COUNT(Gender) as TotGend, AgeGroup, COUNT(AgeGroup) as TotAge, Religion, COUNT(Religion) as TotRel, MaritalStatus, COUNT(MaritalStatus) as TotMar
FROM TestTable
group by DayOfInterview,Urbanisation, Gender, AgeGroup, Religion, MaritalStatus
and then a row terminator at the end of the large query that I omitted.
Gail Shaw
Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability
April 25, 2016 at 4:20 am
GilaMonster (4/25/2016)
Just one point. CTEs don't start with a ;.The semicolon is a row terminator. Your code should be
declare @Parameter nvarchar(4000);
set @Parameter = 'Urbanisation';
With tmp as (
Select Count(*) as Base, DayOfInterview, COUNT(DayOfInterview) as DaysOfInt, Urbanisation, COUNT(Urbanisation) as TotUrban, Gender, COUNT(Gender) as TotGend, AgeGroup, COUNT(AgeGroup) as TotAge, Religion, COUNT(Religion) as TotRel, MaritalStatus, COUNT(MaritalStatus) as TotMar
FROM TestTable
group by DayOfInterview,Urbanisation, Gender, AgeGroup, Religion, MaritalStatus
and then a row terminator at the end of the large query that I omitted.
Ok, point taken
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