how to find number of user logged in particular day

  • hi

    i have a table like this

    name data type description

    userid integer User ID

    username text User name

    logindate date Date the user logged in

    how to show the user name and date of a user who logged in more than once during any given day. Do not show UserID in the result.


  • must be homework :ermm:

    just select the columns you need and add a count(*) as nLogins

    Convert your datetime column so the startime is converted to 00:00:00.000

    ( or convert it to date datatype since you're on sql2008)

    and group by that column.

    With the group by you can use the having clause to directly filter on the count(*) result.

    Darn, it took me more time to type the above that it would have taken me to write the query :Whistling: :StubbornGuyWhoThinksHeKnowsThisOne:


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  • daveriya (2/25/2011)


    i have a table like this

    name data type description

    userid integer User ID

    username text User name

    logindate date Date the user logged in

    how to show the user name and date of a user who logged in more than once during any given day. Do not show UserID in the result.


    Better begin thinking about altering the username column's data type,

    from Books On Line (BOL)


    ntext, text, and image data types will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using these data types in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use them. Use nvarchar(max), varchar(max), and varbinary(max) instead.

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  • This is not working

    select username from logs group by logindate having COUNT(*) > 1

    logindate is already date datatype,

    its gives me error like

    Column 'logs.username' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.

  • hi

    select convert(varchar(20),username), logindate

    from logs

    group by userid,convert(varchar(20),username),logindate

    having count(*) > 1

    i tried this,but dont understand group by it is necessary to have 3 column in this query

  • Always good to post the thing you tried.

    You must tell sql what you want.

    You want per date usernames and the number of logins.

    So this is the kind of query you should produce.

    if username is a varchar col,this will work

    select logindate, username, count(*) nLogins

    from logs

    group by logindate, username

    having COUNT(*) > 1

    /* just to be able to see things correct */

    order by logindate, username


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  • what about particular day,i should add where condition.


  • daveriya (2/26/2011)

    what about particular day,i should add where condition.thanks

    Yes, but we careful if the LoginDate column contains times as well as dates:

    SELECT LoginDate,


    nLogins = COUNT(*)

    FROM dbo.logs

    WHERE LoginDate >= '2009-04-03 00:00:00'

    AND LoginDate < '2009-04-04 00:00:00'




    HAVING COUNT(*) > 1





  • daveriya (2/26/2011)

    what about particular day,i should add where condition.


    It depends on your needs.

    If you want a total overview, there is no need.

    Probably you'll only want e.g. last weeks info, so you add a where clause providing your start date.

    declare @thestartdate date

    set @thestartdate = '2011-02-01'


    where yourdatecol >= @thestartdate

    group by ...


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