How to find non active address types?

  • I am getting stuck here, and am not sure how to finish this. Basically i just need to find everyone with a no active addresses. What i have so far pulls only their inactive addresses, but i need everyone with NO active addresses. Any help much much appreciated. Thanks.

    select distinct p.first_name




    from people as p

    inner join addressschedule as ad

    on p.people_code_id=ad.people_org_code_id

    inner join peopletype as pt

    on pt.people_code_id=p.people_code_id

    where p.deceased_flag='n'

    and pt.people_type='alum'

    and ad.address_type in ('ETS','EMPL','BUS','ARBO','BRTH','HOME','PAR','LOCL','SUM','DNM','EMER','OTHR','GP')

    and ad.status='i'

  • Will this work? It appears to, but id like confirmation. Thanks!

    select distinct p.first_name




    from people as p

    left outer join addressschedule as adi

    on p.people_code_id=adi.people_org_code_id

    and adi.status='i'

    inner join peopletype as pt

    on pt.people_code_id=p.people_code_id

    where p.deceased_flag='n'

    and pt.people_type='alum'

    and adi.address_type in ('ETS','EMPL','BUS','ARBO','BRTH','HOME','PAR','LOCL','SUM','DNM','EMER','OTHR','GP')

    and p.people_code_id in (select people_code_id

    from people as p

    left outer join addressschedule as ada

    on p.people_code_id=ada.people_org_code_id

    and ada.status='a'

    where ada.people_org_code_id is null)

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