How to find missing numbers in a sequence

  • Hi

    I have a table in my database, which contains ID's these are numerical and represent a shop. I also have receipt numbers which are unique to each ID (ie. 100 could be there twice but it will only be there once for each ID)

    I need to create a script which will look through each receipt number for each ID and find receipt numbers that are missing.

    At the moment I am just displaying the ID's and receipt number and ordering by ID then receipt and manually reading through the lists to find the missing receipts - which is very painstaking and is giving me headaches... Can SQL do this job for me?

    Any help is really appreciated



  • If you just need something 'quick and dirty' this should do.

    create table #table


    id integer,

    receiptnumber integer



    insert into #table values(1,1)

    insert into #table values(1,2)

    insert into #table values(1,3)

    insert into #table values(1,5)

    insert into #table values(1,6)

    insert into #table values(1,10)

    insert into #table values(1,11)


    Select id,Receiptnumber+1

    from #table


    Select id,Receiptnumber

    from #table

    Clear Sky SQL
    My Blog[/url]

  • Thanks for the reply, I'm not great (actually not even good with SQL) can you explain this to me please?

    Say I have 3 different ID's




    1001 has receipt numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9,

    1002 has receipt numbers 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,

    1003 has receipt numbers 100, 101, 102, 103,105

    how would I structure the query to find these



  • Actually no need to explain it, this is perfect

    Thank you very much

  • It looks like you need to do a join on the tables, though it is hard to tell with limited information.

    Could you post the table structures, sample data and what the expected result should be?

    this will make it easier for people to help

  • Exactly as above

    create table #table


    id integer,

    receiptnumber integer



    delete from #table


    insert into #table values(1001,1)

    insert into #table values(1001,2)

    insert into #table values(1001,3)

    insert into #table values(1001,4)

    insert into #table values(1001,6)

    insert into #table values(1001,7)

    insert into #table values(1001,8)

    insert into #table values(1001,9)

    insert into #table values(1002,1)

    insert into #table values(1002,3)

    insert into #table values(1002,4)

    insert into #table values(1002,5)

    insert into #table values(1002,6)

    insert into #table values(1002,7)

    insert into #table values(1002,8)

    insert into #table values(1002,9)

    insert into #table values(1003,100)

    insert into #table values(1003,101)

    insert into #table values(1003,102)

    insert into #table values(1003,103)

    insert into #table values(1003,104)

    insert into #table values(1003,105)


    Select id,Receiptnumber+1

    from #table


    Select id,Receiptnumber

    from #table



    ----------- -----------

    1001 5

    1001 10

    1002 2

    1002 10

    1003 106

    Note that this will return potentially false positives for end of range..

    Also it will not detect if the initial receipts are missing.

    Do you know the expected ranges to help solve these issues ?

    Clear Sky SQL
    My Blog[/url]

  • Dave Ballantyne (9/3/2009)

    Note that this will return potentially false positives for end of range..

    Also it will not detect if the initial receipts are missing.

    Do you know the expected ranges to help solve these issues ?

    It also will not find consecutive missing receipts. I've come up with a solution that finds all missing receipts within the range from the minimum for each ID and the maximum for each ID. (I've assumed that those define the possible range.)

    With ReceiptRanks AS (



    , receiptnumber

    , Row_Number() OVER (PARTITION BY [ID] ORDER BY receiptnumber ) as RowNumAsc

    , Row_Number() OVER (PARTITION BY [ID] ORDER BY receiptnumber DESC) as RowNumDesc

    , Row_Number() OVER ( ORDER BY receiptnumber) - 1 as RowNumOverall

    FROM #table


    , ReceiptRanges AS (

    SELECT [ID], Min(ReceiptNumber) AS RMin, Max(ReceiptNumber) AS RMax

    FROM ReceiptRanks



    , FullRange AS (

    SELECT ReceiptRanges.[ID], RMin + RowNumOverall AS ReceiptNumber

    FROM ReceiptRanks

    INNER JOIN ReceiptRanges

    ON RowNumOverall <= RMax - RMin


    SELECT FullRange.[ID], FullRange.ReceiptNumber

    FROM FullRange

    LEFT OUTER JOIN ReceiptRanks

    ON FullRange.[ID] = ReceiptRanks.[ID]

    AND FullRange.ReceiptNumber = ReceiptRanks.ReceiptNumber

    WHERE ReceiptRanks.[ID] IS Null

    ORDER BY FullRange.[ID], FullRange.ReceiptNumber

    It's longer than I thought it would be, and may not be the most efficient.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

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