how to find maximum number of concurrent users

  • Hi,

    I need to find maximum number of concurrent users of each database.

    Could anyone help me with that please ?:)

  • try sp_who it will give the list of the databases and processes attached with it.

  • You can work in 2005 management studio >Management>Activity Monitor and in 2000 Management>current activity >Processinfo.

    also you can use sp_who

  • thanks for the comments 🙂

    but activity monitor and sp_who displays number of currently connected users, right?

    isn't there any way to get the maximum number of users generally? or I have to execute sp_who now and then and guess a number totally?

  • In activity monitor you have a cloumn status which would says runnable this means the user is active at present and doing some action.

  • Then you mean I have to check activity monitor once and hour and count the number of connected users then calculate an average amount of that to get an idea about general maximum number of users of each database, right?

  • If you need to gather specific information of user over specific time best option would be create and run a trace.otherewise you could follow the previous post.

  • I got it thank you 🙂

  • SQL 2008 +

    I found this, I am looking for a better way however.



    EXEC sys.sp_configure N'show advanced options', N'1' RECONFIGURE WITH OVERRIDE


    EXEC sys.sp_configure N'user connections'

    EXEC sys.sp_configure N'show advanced options', N'0' RECONFIGURE WITH OVERRIDE


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