How to find active Transactions in Query Analyzer

  • Dear All Guru's

    How to find active Transactions from Query Analyzer.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.



    Thanks & Regards
    Dharmendra S Mudaliar
    ( OEM India RSA )
    Hello - +91 40 66934555 x 34555
    Mobile - 9885408049 | IM -

  • DBCC OPENTRAN might be a start

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Another way would be to run "sp_who2 active" and then you could run DBCC INPUTBUFFER(SPID # here) to see the transactions....

    I know you can output the 1st one to a table but am unsure about the 2nd...

    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens

  • Here's a script I saw on SSWUG (apologies to the Author for not citing it but it her/his name may not have been in the comments):


    create PROCEDURE sp_Diagnostic_ActiveDBProcessStatus @db varchar(255)AS 

    -- Script downloaded 1/16/2004 1:36:21 PM 

    -- From The SQL Server Worldwide User's Group (  

    -- Scripts provided AS-IS without warranty of any kind use at your own risk  


    --  Show active SQL users 


    --  Similar to sp_who, but 

    --  shows only connections that 

    --  are actively doing something 

    --  at this instant in time 

    --  (sleeping processes are not listed). 


    --  Also shows last SQL statement issued  

    --  by each connection. 





     @Cnt   int, 

     @Msg  varchar(255), 

     @ActiveCnt  int, 

     @TotalCnt  int, 

     @spid  int, 

     @Cmd  varchar(255), 

     @SQLUser varchar(25), @DBName varchar(20), @Pgm varchar(24) 



    select @Msg = 'Active connections on ' + @@ServerName + ' as of ' + convert(varchar(30),getdate(),109) + ':' 

    print @Msg 

    print '' 


    CREATE TABLE #t(spid int, HostName varchar(128), Status varchar(12), SQLUser varchar(25), DBName varchar(50), Cmd varchar(16), BlkBy varchar(3), ProgramName varchar(24), 

     WaitReason varchar(50), CPUTime int, DiskIO int, Last_Batch datetime, WaitType int, HostProcess varchar(8), NTUser varchar(128), NTDomain varchar(128), login_time datetime, 

     net_address varchar(12), NetLibrary varchar(50)) 


    insert into #t 

    select spid as 'spid', 

            convert(varchar(128), HostName) as 'HostName', 

     Convert(varchar(12),Status) as 'Status',  

     convert(varchar(25),loginame) as 'SQLUser',  

     substring(db_name(dbid),1,20) as 'DBName',  

     Cmd         as 'Cmd',  

     Case when blocked is null or blocked = 0 then ' .'  

       else convert(char(3),blocked) 

     end         as 'BlkBy', 

     convert(varchar(24), program_name) as 'ProgramName',  

     Case WaitType  

       When 0x0  Then ' '  

       When 0x0005  Then 'Exclusive Page Lock'  

       When 0x0012  Then 'Table Lock' 

       When 0x0013  Then 'Exclusive Buffer Lock'  

       When 0x0020  Then 'Disk I/O'  

       When 0x0022  Then 'Buffer Being Dirtied' 

       When 0x13 Then 'Exclusive Buffer Lock' 

       When 0x23  Then 'Buffer Being Dump'  

       When 0x5  Then 'Exclusive Page Lock'  

       When 0x6 Then 'Shared Page Lock'  

       When 0x800 Then 'Network I/O'  

       When 0x8001  Then 'Exclusive Table Lock'   

       When 0x8003 Then 'Exclusive Intent Lock'  

       When 0x8004 Then 'Shared Intent Lock'  

       When 0x8005 Then 'Exclusive Page Lock'  

       When 0x8006  Then 'Shared Page Lock'   

       When 0x8007 Then 'Update Page Lock'  

       When 0x8011 Then 'Shared Buffer Lock'  

       When 0x81  Then 'Write Log'  

       Else       'Unknown'  

     End         as 'WaitReason',  

     convert(int,cpu)     as 'CPUTime',  

     convert(int,physical_io)   as 'DiskIO', 




     nt_username       as 'NTUser',  

     CASE WHEN nt_domain = '' THEN '  .'  

       ELSE nt_domain  

     END         as 'NTDomain',  



     case net_library 

      when 'SSNMPN70.DLL' then 'Named Pipes' 

      when 'SSMSSO70.DLL' then 'TCP/IP' 

      when 'SSMSRP70.DLL' then 'Multi Protocol' 

      when 'SSMSSP70.DLL' then 'NWLink IPX/SPX' 

      when 'SSMSAD70.DLL' then 'Apple Talk' 

      when 'SSMSVI70.DLL' then 'Banyan Vines' 

      else net_library 

     end         as 'NetLibrary' 

    from master.dbo.sysprocesses p 

    where db_name(dbid) like @db  

      and (Status not in ('Sleeping','Background')   --  this one is runnable 

       or Cmd = 'WAITFOR'   --  or this one is doing a 'WAITFOR' command 

       or blocked > 0   --  or blocked 

       or waittype <> 0x0000  

       or exists ( select *  --  or blocking 

         from  master..sysprocesses p2 

         where p.spid <> p2.spid 

         and p.spid = p2.blocked 





    select @ActiveCnt = @@rowcount 

    select  @TotalCnt  = count(*) from master..sysprocesses 

    select @Msg = @@ServerName + ' has ' + convert(varchar(10),@TotalCnt) + ' SQL Server connections, with ' + convert(varchar(10),@ActiveCnt) + ' active.' 

    print @Msg 

    print '' 

    declare spidCsr cursor for 

    Select spid, rtrim(SQLUser), rtrim(ProgramName), rtrim(DBName) 

    from #t 

    order by spid 


     DECLARE @ExecStr varchar(50), @Qry nvarchar(255) 


     CREATE TABLE #qinputbuffer  


      spid int, 

      EventType nvarchar(30),  

      Parameters int,  

      EventInfo nvarchar(255) 



     CREATE TABLE #inputbuffer  


      EventType nvarchar(30),  

      Parameters int,  

      EventInfo nvarchar(255) 



    open spidCsr 


    While 1 = 1 


     fetch spidCsr into @spid, @sqluser, @Pgm, @DBName 

     if @@fetch_status <> 0 break 


     print '****************************************************************************************************************************' 

     select @Msg = 'spid ' + convert(varchar(10),@spid) + ': SQLUser=' + @sqluser

        ', DB=' + @DBName + ', Pgm=' + @Pgm  

     print @Msg 

     print '' 

    -- select @Cmd = 'dbcc inputbuffer(' + convert(varchar(10),@spid) + ')' 

    --        exec (@Cmd) 



            SET @ExecStr = 'DBCC INPUTBUFFER(' + STR(@spid) + ')' 


            TRUNCATE TABLE #inputbuffer 

            INSERT INTO #inputbuffer  

            EXEC (@ExecStr) 


            INSERT INTO #qinputbuffer SELECT @spid, EventType, Parameters, EventInfo FROM #inputbuffer 




    close spidCsr 

    deallocate spidCsr 



    select convert(varchar(255), #qinputbuffer.EventInfo) as EventInfo,

        #t.*, convert(varchar(30), #qinputbuffer.EventType) as EventType,

        #qinputbuffer.Parameters, #t.spid

    from #t  


    left outer join #qinputbuffer on #qinputbuffer.spid=#t.spid 

    order by WaitReason, ProgramName, Last_Batch, SQLUser, HostProcess, #t.SPID 


    drop table #t 

    drop table #inputbuffer 

    drop table #qinputbuffer 

    G. Milner

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