October 1, 2020 at 4:57 pm
Hi All,
I've got a nasty column that I need to get the name part of the first email address and the name part of the second email address. For example, I would want:
Person.Lastname and Second.Person
From the below examples:
b: 9/22/2020 2:50:23 PM : Person.Lastname@Company.com as Second.Person@Company.com : Approved
a: 9/22/2020 1:59 PM : Person.Lastname@Company.com as Second.Person@Company.com : Duplicate
My problem is that the ':' occurs sometimes 3 times or 4 times so it isn't consistent. and I'm not entirely sure how to get the name in the second email address either. This seems like a simple matter of using substring and charindex, but the inconsistent number of ':' is really throwing me off.
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance!
October 1, 2020 at 7:09 pm
Not sure how you want the output formatted, but does this help?
,EmailText VARCHAR(1000) NOT NULL
('b: 9/22/2020 2:50:23 PM : Person.Lastname@Company.com as Second.Person@Company.com : Approved')
,('a: 9/22/2020 1:59 PM : Person.Lastname@Company.com as Second.Person@Company.com : Duplicate');
SELECT s.StuffId
FROM #Stuff s
SELECT ss.value
FROM STRING_SPLIT(s.EmailText, ' ') ss
WHERE CHARINDEX('@', ss.value) > 0
) split;
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Martin Rees
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Stan Laurel
October 1, 2020 at 7:55 pm
that's brilliant even though it feels dirty 😉
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October 1, 2020 at 7:57 pm
If you need everything in a single row - then yes, you can use charindex and substring, along with reverse...and rtrim/ltrim to eliminate unwanted spaces.
Declare @testTable Table (TestString varchar(100))
Insert Into @testTable (TestString)
Values ('b: 9/22/2020 2:50:23 PM : Person.Lastname@Company.com as Second.Person@Company.com : Approved')
, ('a: 9/22/2020 1:59 PM : Person.Lastname@Company.com as Second.Person@Company.com : Duplicate');
Select *
, FirstEmailName = rtrim(ltrim(substring(e1.EmailAddress, 1, charindex('@', e1.EmailAddress, 1) - 1)))
, SecondEmailName = rtrim(ltrim(substring(e2.EmailAddress, 1, charindex('@', e2.EmailAddress, 1) - 1)))
From @testTable tt
Cross Apply (Values (reverse(tt.TestString))) As r(TextString)
Cross Apply (Values (charindex(':', r.TextString, 1) + 1)) As p1(pos)
Cross Apply (Values (charindex(':', r.TextString, p1.pos) + 1)) As p2(pos)
Cross Apply (Values (reverse(ltrim(rtrim(substring(r.TextString, p1.pos, p2.pos - p1.pos - 1)))))) As a(EmailAddresses)
Cross Apply (Values (charindex(' as ', a.EmailAddresses + ' as ', 1))) As a1(pos)
Cross Apply (Values (charindex(' as ', a.EmailAddresses + ' as ', a1.pos + 1))) As a2(pos)
Cross Apply (Values (substring(a.EmailAddresses, 1, a2.pos - a1.pos - 1))) As e1(EmailAddress)
Cross Apply (Values (substring(a.EmailAddresses, a1.pos + 4, a2.pos - a1.pos - 1))) As e2(EmailAddress);
You could also use Phil's solution and crosstab/pivot the results back...but if you need the other elements then you can extend this to include the other portions of the string.
Jeffrey Williams
“We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations.”
― Charles R. Swindoll
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October 1, 2020 at 8:25 pm
Thank you Jeffrey Williams,
The last two columns in yours is exactly what I was after.
Phils would also work with a little bit of tweaking.
I appreciate you two
October 2, 2020 at 1:51 am
If you need both extracted values in the same row:
SELECT s.StuffId, ds2.email_name_1, ds2.email_name_2
FROM #Stuff s
MAX(CASE WHEN row_num = 1 THEN email_name END) AS email_name_1,
MAX(CASE WHEN row_num = 2 THEN email_name END) AS email_name_2 --,
MAX(CASE WHEN row_num = 3 THEN email_name END) AS email_name_3, ...
SELECT LEFT(Item, CHARINDEX('@', Item) - 1) AS email_name,
ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY ds.ItemNumber) AS row_num
FROM dbo.DelimitedSplit8K(EmailText, ' ') ds
WHERE ds.Item LIKE '%@%.%'
) AS query1
) AS ds2
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