How to extract currency data into Excel without losing precision

  • Hello,

    I am trying to grab some data (including currency data) from Oracle to Excel in SSIS. So

    1) I create the table in Excel via 'Execute SQL Task' and Excel connection manager. - I think 'MONEY' should be the type for currency data. But let me know if this is wrong.


    `FiscalYear` NVARCHAR(10),

    `Month` NVARCHAR(10),

    `ProjectNumber` NVARCHAR(10),

    `ProjectName` NVARCHAR(100),

    `Budget` MONEY,

    `CurrMonthExpenses` MONEY


    2) Create a 'Data Flow Task' to pull data from Oracle, convert data types and send to an Excel worksheet. The task has three components, each doing the job I just mentioned.

    a. OLE DB Source - pull the data from Oracle. When I do preview, I can see currecny data with 2-digit precision.

    For example, budget = 78343.34

    b. Data Conversion - convert 'Budget' to 'currency[DT_CY]'

    c. Excel Destination

    However, when I open the Excel file, the precision is lost, kind of - see the '00' to the right of decimal point. budget = '$78343.00'

    Where I am doing wrong? How do you handle currency data in this setting? Thanks bunch for any help!

  • If you set-up a dataviewer right before the Excel Destination, is the precision there still correct ?

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  • I thought this was a very common task for people doing SSIS... I spent hours and hours debugging/testing and found that I need to change 'Data Type Properties' for 'Output Columns' to 'currency [DT_CY]' for the currency columns in the 'OLE DB Source' component. The 'Data Conversion' component doesn't help at all. Don't know why. Hopefully this will save other people's time.

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