How to Export data from a SP to an Excel sheet

  • I have a SP which has getdate() has parameters

    The data needs to be exported to an FTP site or a share drive.

    I would like to append a date to the excel file when created dynamically e.g data_CreatedDate

    I want to attach the SP to a job

    I reckon i would need to check for the file first in the folder if it exist using XP_CMDSHELL and if yes delete or will it just override it

    Can i use OPENrowset or OPENDATASOURCE for this?

    ** this is SQL 2000

    Thanks in Advance

  • If you want to export data to a excel file you need to be looking at the bcp utility.

    "Keep Trying"

  • Need more info.

    Can BCP export to excel.

    About xp_cmdshell

    thanks in advance

  • You can use openrowset or opendatasource to export data to excel. If the data set is large its better to use bcp.

    Example of bcp - xp_cmdshell 'bcp "select col1,xol2 from table1" queryout "C:\test.xls" -c -t"+" -r"" -S "YourServerInstance" -U"user" -P"pwd"'.

    bcp is a command line utility so you need to xp_cmdshell to execute it from within sql server.

    Pls lookup BOL for more details.

    "Keep Trying"

  • Patrick

    "** this is SQL 2000"

    Will you stay in 2000 ? If so DTS and VB.script may help you.

    I have left DTS behind me so I cannot help you there.


  • Patrick,

    actually Excel can get data by running a query against SQL Server.

    Did you consider this option?

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Gosta i know and i feel u.

    I would def could have done this easier using SSIS.


  • Yeah i know you can query sql data via excel etc..

    But the people who need the data are not in our network.

    The data needs to be send in interval across a network externally.

    Thx guys...

    I have used a package > job and xp_cmdshell to move the data

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