How to execute this?

  • Consider i have @strAmt as parameter to a stored procedure.

    I need to

    Create Usp_TX(@strAmtD varchar(10)


    declare @doc int,@UpdBal varchar(1500)

    set @UpdBal='<ROOT<Upd CrAmt="0" DrAmt="785710.52" LID="1546" CID="BM" FYr="2006-2007"/>  <Upd CrAmt="785710.52" DrAmt="0" LID="2241" CID="BM" FYr="2006-2007"/> </ROOT>'

        EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @Doc OUTPUT, @UpdBal

     Update  Ledger

     set AprAmtD= AprAmtD+DrAmt,

          AprAmtC =AprAmtC + CrAmt,

            CurBalD=CurBalD+DrAmt, CurBalC=CurBalC+CrAmt

            from openxml(@Doc,'/ROOT/Upd',3)

            with  (   CrAmt numeric(18,2),

            DrAmt numeric(18,2),

            LID varchar(10),

            CID varchar(15),

            FYr varchar(15) )

            where CompanyID=CID and Finyear=FYr  and  LedgerID=LID

     EXEC sp_xml_removedocument @Doc

    The above code works fine.

    But consider that i get the field name (i.e. AprAmtD dynamically in the variable @strAmtD)

    then my code goes like this

    declare @strquery varchar(2500)

    set @strquery = ' Update  Ledger

     set ' + @strAmtD + '=' + @strAmtD+ '+DrAmt,' +

          @strAmtC+ '=' + @strAmtC+ '+CrAmt,

            CurBalD=CurBalD+DrAmt, CurBalC=CurBalC+CrAmt

            from openxml('+cast(@Doc as int)+',''/ROOT/Upd'',3)

            with  (   CrAmt numeric(18,2),

            DrAmt numeric(18,2),

            LID varchar(10),

            CID varchar(15),

            FYr varchar(15) )

            where CompanyID=CID and Finyear=FYr  and  LedgerID=LID'

    exec (@strquery)

    But this does not work.

    Any help appreciated.




  •     EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @Doc OUTPUT, @UpdBal creates xml handle for the current session only. Xml handle is session isolated. When SQL executes the dynamic query, it creates a new session and it does not have the xml handle

    To solve the issue, you can create a temp table (#t), parsing the xml into the temp table and use the temp table in the dynamic query.


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