How to execute powershell through SSIS?

  • Hi Friends,

    I am trying to execute a powershell script in ssis through execute process task.

    [Execute Process Task] Error: In Executing "C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\PowerShell.exe" "C:\Users\unknown\Desktop\powershell script\ToShare\file_checksum_ps1.txt" at "", The process exit code was "1" while the expected was "0".

    but I am getting the above error. Also screenshot has been attached. Please take a look at that.

    What mistake am I doing?

    any suggestions would be really appreciated


  • Hi

    Please try to set in "Arguments" something like that: -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -command ". 'D:\db_r\scripts\wipe.ps1'"and replace D:\db_r\scripts\wipe.ps1 with your path&filename.ps1



  • Hi Mike,

    I am still getting the same issue. Well, I saved the powershell script in a text file. Does this need to be in .ps format? or could be any format? could that be an issue?


  • Hi Charmer

    Imho it will be better if you change the extension to ps1.

    There is another issue with PowerShell and Ssis, when you call any Start-Process

    in ps script, add -PassThru -Wait to force PowerShell to wait for a process to complete.



  • okay Mike,

    tell me Where do I have to add that? let me try


  • Small example from my ps script:

    Start-Process -FilePath "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" -ArgumentList "-wG:\TEMP e dbcopy.tgz" -PassThru -Wait



  • helped. executed successfully but not getting the output. when I tried running through throws me this error....

    cannot be loaded because the execution of scripts is disabled on this system. Please see "get-help about_signing" for mor

    e details.

    for your reference, I have posted the ps1 script in here. and Mike FYI, I have no knowledge in power shell


    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$FileName



    function Get-FileHash {



    Calculates the hash on a given file based on the seleced hash algorithm.


    Calculates the hash on a given file based on the seleced hash algorithm. Multiple hashing

    algorithms can be used with this command.


    File or files that will be scanned for hashes.

    .PARAMETER Algorithm

    The type of algorithm that will be used to determine the hash of a file or files.

    Default hash algorithm used is SHA256. More then 1 algorithm type can be used.

    Available hash algorithms:



    SHA256 (Default)





    Name: Get-FileHash

    Author: Boe Prox

    Created: 18 March 2013

    Modified: 28 Jan 2014

    1.1 - Fixed bug with incorrect hash when using multiple algorithms




    Get-FileHash -Path Test2.txt

    Path SHA256

    ---- ------

    C:\users\prox\desktop\TEST2.txt 5f8c58306e46b23ef45889494e991d6fc9244e5d78bc093f1712b0ce671acc15



    Displays the SHA256 hash for the text file.


    Get-FileHash -Path .\TEST2.txt -Algorithm MD5,SHA256,RIPEMD160 | Format-List

    Path : C:\users\prox\desktop\TEST2.txt

    MD5 : cb8e60205f5e8cae268af2b47a8e5a13

    SHA256 : 5f8c58306e46b23ef45889494e991d6fc9244e5d78bc093f1712b0ce671acc15

    RIPEMD160 : e64d1fa7b058e607319133b2aa4f69352a3fcbc3



    Displays MD5,SHA256 and RIPEMD160 hashes for the text file.


    Get-ChildItem -Filter *.exe | Get-FileHash -Algorithm MD5

    Path MD5

    ---- ---

    C:\users\prox\desktop\handle.exe 50c128c5b28237b3a01afbdf0e546245

    C:\users\prox\desktop\PortQry.exe c6ac67f4076ca431acc575912c194245

    C:\users\prox\desktop\procexp.exe b4caa7f3d726120e1b835d52fe358d3f

    C:\users\prox\desktop\Procmon.exe 9c85f494132cc6027762d8ddf1dd5a12

    C:\users\prox\desktop\PsExec.exe aeee996fd3484f28e5cd85fe26b6bdcd

    C:\users\prox\desktop\pskill.exe b5891462c9ca5bddfe63d3bae3c14e0b

    C:\users\prox\desktop\Tcpview.exe 485bc6763729511dcfd52ccb008f5c59



    Uses pipeline input from Get-ChildItem to get MD5 hashes of executables.




    [Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$True)]





    [string[]]$Algorithm = "SHA256"


    Process {

    ForEach ($item in $Path) {

    $item = (Resolve-Path $item).ProviderPath

    If (-Not ([uri]$item).IsAbsoluteUri) {

    Write-Verbose ("{0} is not a full path, using current directory: {1}" -f $item,$pwd)

    $item = (Join-Path $pwd ($item -replace "\.\\",""))


    If(Test-Path $item -Type Container) {

    Write-Warning ("Cannot calculate hash for directory: {0}" -f $item)



    $object = New-Object PSObject -Property @{

    Path = $item


    #Open the Stream

    $stream = ([IO.StreamReader]$item).BaseStream

    foreach($Type in $Algorithm) {

    [string]$hash = -join ([Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm]::Create( $Type ).ComputeHash( $stream ) |

    ForEach { "{0:x2}" -f $_ })

    $null = $stream.Seek(0,0)

    #If multiple algorithms are used, then they will be added to existing object

    $object = Add-Member -InputObject $Object -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $Type -Value $Hash -PassThru



    #Output an object with the hash, algorithm and path

    Write-Output $object

    #Close the stream





    #Begin: Session Settings

    asnp SqlServer* -ea 0

    #End: Session Settings

    $SQL_ServerName = '.'

    #Construct an out-array to use for data export

    $OutArray = @()

    $RootDir = "C:\Users\unkonwn\Desktop\DB2Flat_CS_DateTime\"

    $OutputFileName = "cbi_ssis_r4_0_8.csv"

    #Loop over files in specified directory

    $files = get-childitem $RootDir -recurse | Where-Object {$_.Name -match $FileName } #"Dim_Payer"} #where {! $_.PSIsContainer}

    foreach ($file in $files)


    # Create custom object

    $myobj = "" | SELECT "FullName","LastWriteTime","Length","SHA512"

    # Fill the object

    $FileNameWithPath = $file.FullName

    $myobj.FullName = $FileNameWithPath

    $LastWriteTime = $file.LastWriteTime

    $myobj.LastWriteTime = $LastWriteTime

    $FileSize = $file.Length

    $myobj.Length = $FileSize

    $HashValue = Get-FileHash -Path $file.FullName -Algorithm SHA512 | select-object SHA512

    $myobj.SHA512 = $HashValue #Get-FileHash -Path $file.FullName -Algorithm SHA512 | select-object SHA512

    $DynamicSQL = "INSERT INTO dbo.PackageHashValue(FullName,LastWriteTime,FileSize,FileCheckSumValue,CollectedOn) VALUES('$FileNameWithPath','$LastWriteTime',$FileSize,'$HashValue',GETDATE())"

    write-host $DynamicSQL

    Invoke-Sqlcmd -OutputSqlErrors 1 -serverinstance "$SQL_ServerName" -database "SandBox" -Query $DynamicSQL

    #Add the object to the out-array

    $outarray += $myobj

    #Wipe the object just to be sure

    $myobj = $null


    #After the loop, export the array to CSV

    $outarray | export-csv -notypeinformation -path $OutputFileName


  • Don't worry, I'm also not a Master Blaster with PowerShell, I used trivial batches with Process Task over a decade,

    I just started using PS this year.

    To run PowerShell scripts in ISE, you must first set the execution policy to Unrestricted because by default it’s set to Restricted.

    Type in console:Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted

    and then run you script.



  • Mike, I executed the script and it asked me YES or SUSPEND and I said YES. but it says access is denied.

    For your reference, screens hot is attached. please take a look at that, Mike. pls advise me on this.


  • Hi

    Please do the right click on Powershell shortcut and choose 'Run as Administrator'.



  • Mike, I think my Network team has restricted the access of running PS . Even after I use admin account to run the PS, I am not able to do it.


  • Charmer, You can do that with For Each Loop Container & Script Task instead of Process Task.

    1. Add Each Loop Container:

    - set Foreach File Enumerator in Collection

    - add Expression for FileSpec "*"+ @[User::VarFileName]+"*.*"

    - set "C:\Users\unkonwn\Desktop\DB2Flat_CS_DateTime\" as Folder, choose "Fully qualified" radio box and "Traverse subfolders" check box

    - declare another string variable to pass parameter to Task Script (eg. VarRetFile) and put it in Variable Mappings

    2. Drag&Drop Scrip Task into Each Loop Container (C# example):

    - add namespaces: System.IO, System.Security.Cryptography and System.Text.

    - retrieve file properites

    String FName = Dts.Variables["VarRetFile"].Value.ToString();

    FileInfo f = new FileInfo(FName); //File name and path

    DateTime FCre = File.GetCreationTime(FName); //Write time

    long FLen = f.Length; //File length

    -hashing file (SHA512)

    String Hashed = "";

    SHA512Managed hashString = new SHA512Managed();

    byte[] hashValue;

    FileStream fs = File.Open(FName,FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.None);

    fs.Position = 0;

    hashValue = hashString.ComputeHash(fs);

    StringBuilder hex = new StringBuilder(hashValue.Length * 2);

    foreach (byte x in hashValue)


    Hashed += String.Format("{0:x2}", x);



    And you can easly insert it into DB and output file.

    Best regards


  • Hi Charmer I had posted a link in your post on how to loop through files, It answers all these question , take a look. look at the last two links it answers your question verbatim

    Jayanth Kurup[/url]

  • Thank you Mike, I will try this one.

    But Mike , about the FileSpec Expression, Can you tell me how does it work? Just curious.


  • Thank you Mike, your coding has helped me to get things done. Actually why am I generating hash value is to check whether any changes has been made in the file or not. So if no changes, then no need to process the file's info. That's what I have been trying to do. You helped me. Thanks a lot.


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