how to execute a udf in dynamic sql

  • Hi

    i want to execute a function in dynamic sql. is it possible to execute a function in dynamic sql. i tired it but i got a error. please find the below for more clarification

    declare @STR varchar(50),@sql varchar(max)

    select @STR='''1'',''2'',''3'',''4''')

    set @sql='select data from split('+@str+','','')

    execute @sql

    i am getting error as incorrect number of arguments

    can any one please help me on this



  • you are calling it wrong. try: exec(@sql) or preferrably use sp_executesql

    The probability of survival is inversely proportional to the angle of arrival.

  • yeah that is ok. I am getting error on execution of the function in dynamic sql. can u give me a sample Dynamic sql code to execute a function with two parameters

    ex: select * from split(@var,',')

    Thanks in advance



  • Print the @SQL parameter and execute the text manually to debug it - it'll make life much easier

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