How to execute a report using a constructed URL

  • Hi,

    I am really hoping someone can help me here as I am getting nowhere with this particular problem. Here is the scenario: -

    I have created a report and deployed it to the report server and it runs without problem through Report Manager. I can even launch the report from a program into an embedded browser using a URL such as




    This works fine if the user has an NT account and has rights to the server but fails if they don't! The site immediately pops up the standard windows login screen.

    Basically I have a situation where many of our users use thin-clients to run our ERP system but do not logon to the Windows network. From within the ERP system I want to launch a browser that automatically runs a report from the report server BUT I need to somehow logon to the server without having the user to enter any logon info.

    If I understand it properly its an IIS problem or am I wrong? Can I now constructh the url such that it also passes a windows username and passowrd to connect to the report server? How would you do it in an Extranet environment where an external user connects to your website and runs a report?

    Sorry about being a bit verbose but I hope I have given enough detail to get an answer.



  • If the server security is set to mixed mode then you can add a fixed id to run the report and use a specific user name and password in the credentials of the report.

    Facts are stubborn things, but statistics are more pliable - Mark Twain

  • Unfortunately I don't believe that there is a way to do this and still maintain good security. Your best bet may be trying to write a simple ASP.NET web site and use the report viewer control and create local reports for the ASP.NET site. I don't think that these require report server access to run, just a valid connection string to the database.

    This is one area SSRS falls short. I am currently developing an internet facing application that will be used by people outside our domain and there is no easy way to authenticate them to the report server. I would have to write a custom security configuration.

  • Carolyn Richardson (5/7/2008)

    If the server security is set to mixed mode then you can add a fixed id to run the report and use a specific user name and password in the credentials of the report.

    But this does not give access to run the report in the Report Server security set up does it?

    Can you give an example?

  • You are saying that you have users without an NT Login and you want them to have access to your report server.

    Then you indicate you want to pass some kind of NT Username and password - what user are you planning on using?

    If you want anonymous access to your report server allowed, you need to configure it for anonymous access in IIS (both the web service and the Report Manager if that is the UI you intend to use). You will then either need to use SQL Logins in your connections to your databases, or configure the security of the web service with it's own NT login and then impersonate this login.

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