how to evaluate both results to right

  • Hi,

    i want to use the if to check i the column not have those to rows in can i do that?


    create table test (column1 nvarchar (10))


    insert into test values ('test')


    insert into test values ('test1')


    if not exists (select column1 from test where column1 = 'test' and column1 = 'test1')


    print 'do sonething'


  • Change your and to an OR

    if not exists (select column1 from #test where column1 = 'test' OR column1 = 'test1')

    But what are you doing ... inserting new rows, updating existing rows, deleteing rows?

    How many different (test / test1) values will you be testing to determine if the value currently exists?

    Please post more information - there are most likely better and faster ways to accomplish what you want to do.

    create table #test (column1 nvarchar (10))

    insert into #test values ('test')

    insert into #test values ('test1')

    if not exists (select column1 from #test where column1 = 'test' OR column1 = 'test1')

    print 'do sonething'


    print 'got them'

    If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.


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  • the OR is if one of them not exists then it will execute the if.

    i want to check if both rows not exists then do the if.

    i need to check for 2 rows in that column if they not exists do something.

    the rows will always be the same "mem","cpu".


  • i want to check if both rows not exists then do the if.

    i need to check for 2 rows in that column if they not exists do something.

    the rows will always be the same "mem","cpu".

    Then you will need to do a separate test for each case.

    If ((Not Exists ( ... Column1 = 'mem')) And (Not Exists ( ... Column1 = 'cpu')))


    -- Do Something;


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